forked from Hshine/RM_Vison
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/// \~chinese
/// \name 正确码定义
/// @{
/// \~english
/// \name Definition of correct code
/// @{
#define MV_OK 0x00000000 ///< \~chinese 成功,无错误 \~english Successed, no error
/// @}
/// \~chinese
/// \name 通用错误码定义:范围0x80000000-0x800000FF
/// @{
/// \~english
/// \name Definition of General error code
/// @{
#define MV_E_HANDLE 0x80000000 ///< \~chinese 错误或无效的句柄 \~english Error or invalid handle
#define MV_E_SUPPORT 0x80000001 ///< \~chinese 不支持的功能 \~english Not supported function
#define MV_E_BUFOVER 0x80000002 ///< \~chinese 缓存已满 \~english Buffer overflow
#define MV_E_CALLORDER 0x80000003 ///< \~chinese 函数调用顺序错误 \~english Function calling order error
#define MV_E_PARAMETER 0x80000004 ///< \~chinese 错误的参数 \~english Incorrect parameter
#define MV_E_RESOURCE 0x80000006 ///< \~chinese 资源申请失败 \~english Applying resource failed
#define MV_E_NODATA 0x80000007 ///< \~chinese 无数据 \~english No data
#define MV_E_PRECONDITION 0x80000008 ///< \~chinese 前置条件有误,或运行环境已发生变化 \~english Precondition error, or running environment changed
#define MV_E_VERSION 0x80000009 ///< \~chinese 版本不匹配 \~english Version mismatches
#define MV_E_NOENOUGH_BUF 0x8000000A ///< \~chinese 传入的内存空间不足 \~english Insufficient memory
#define MV_E_ABNORMAL_IMAGE 0x8000000B ///< \~chinese 异常图像,可能是丢包导致图像不完整 \~english Abnormal image, maybe incomplete image because of lost packet
#define MV_E_LOAD_LIBRARY 0x8000000C ///< \~chinese 动态导入DLL失败 \~english Load library failed
#define MV_E_NOOUTBUF 0x8000000D ///< \~chinese 没有可输出的缓存 \~english No Avaliable Buffer
#define MV_E_UNKNOW 0x800000FF ///< \~chinese 未知的错误 \~english Unknown error
/// @}
/// \~chinese
/// \name GenICam系列错误:范围0x80000100-0x800001FF
/// @{
/// \~english
/// \name GenICam Series Error Codes: Range from 0x80000100 to 0x800001FF
/// @{
#define MV_E_GC_GENERIC 0x80000100 ///< \~chinese 通用错误 \~english General error
#define MV_E_GC_ARGUMENT 0x80000101 ///< \~chinese 参数非法 \~english Illegal parameters
#define MV_E_GC_RANGE 0x80000102 ///< \~chinese 值超出范围 \~english The value is out of range
#define MV_E_GC_PROPERTY 0x80000103 ///< \~chinese 属性 \~english Property
#define MV_E_GC_RUNTIME 0x80000104 ///< \~chinese 运行环境有问题 \~english Running environment error
#define MV_E_GC_LOGICAL 0x80000105 ///< \~chinese 逻辑错误 \~english Logical error
#define MV_E_GC_ACCESS 0x80000106 ///< \~chinese 节点访问条件有误 \~english Node accessing condition error
#define MV_E_GC_TIMEOUT 0x80000107 ///< \~chinese 超时 \~english Timeout
#define MV_E_GC_DYNAMICCAST 0x80000108 ///< \~chinese 转换异常 \~english Transformation exception
#define MV_E_GC_UNKNOW 0x800001FF ///< \~chinese GenICam未知错误 \~english GenICam unknown error
/// @}
/// \~chinese
/// \name GigE_STATUS对应的错误码:范围0x80000200-0x800002FF
/// @{
/// \~english
/// \name GigE_STATUS Error Codes: Range from 0x80000200 to 0x800002FF
/// @{
#define MV_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 0x80000200 ///< \~chinese 命令不被设备支持 \~english The command is not supported by device
#define MV_E_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x80000201 ///< \~chinese 访问的目标地址不存在 \~english The target address being accessed does not exist
#define MV_E_WRITE_PROTECT 0x80000202 ///< \~chinese 目标地址不可写 \~english The target address is not writable
#define MV_E_ACCESS_DENIED 0x80000203 ///< \~chinese 设备无访问权限 \~english No permission
#define MV_E_BUSY 0x80000204 ///< \~chinese 设备忙,或网络断开 \~english Device is busy, or network disconnected
#define MV_E_PACKET 0x80000205 ///< \~chinese 网络包数据错误 \~english Network data packet error
#define MV_E_NETER 0x80000206 ///< \~chinese 网络相关错误 \~english Network error
#define MV_E_IP_CONFLICT 0x80000221 ///< \~chinese 设备IP冲突 \~english Device IP conflict
/// @}
/// \~chinese
/// \name USB_STATUS对应的错误码:范围0x80000300-0x800003FF
/// @{
/// \~english
/// \name USB_STATUS Error Codes: Range from 0x80000300 to 0x800003FF
/// @{
#define MV_E_USB_READ 0x80000300 ///< \~chinese 读usb出错 \~english Reading USB error
#define MV_E_USB_WRITE 0x80000301 ///< \~chinese 写usb出错 \~english Writing USB error
#define MV_E_USB_DEVICE 0x80000302 ///< \~chinese 设备异常 \~english Device exception
#define MV_E_USB_GENICAM 0x80000303 ///< \~chinese GenICam相关错误 \~english GenICam error
#define MV_E_USB_BANDWIDTH 0x80000304 ///< \~chinese 带宽不足 该错误码新增 \~english Insufficient bandwidth, this error code is newly added
#define MV_E_USB_DRIVER 0x80000305 ///< \~chinese 驱动不匹配或者未装驱动 \~english Driver mismatch or unmounted drive
#define MV_E_USB_UNKNOW 0x800003FF ///< \~chinese USB未知的错误 \~english USB unknown error
/// @}
/// \~chinese
/// \name 升级时对应的错误码:范围0x80000400-0x800004FF
/// @{
/// \~english
/// \name Upgrade Error Codes: Range from 0x80000400 to 0x800004FF
/// @{
#define MV_E_UPG_FILE_MISMATCH 0x80000400 ///< \~chinese 升级固件不匹配 \~english Firmware mismatches
#define MV_E_UPG_LANGUSGE_MISMATCH 0x80000401 ///< \~chinese 升级固件语言不匹配 \~english Firmware language mismatches
#define MV_E_UPG_CONFLICT 0x80000402 ///< \~chinese 升级冲突(设备已经在升级了再次请求升级即返回此错误) \~english Upgrading conflicted (repeated upgrading requests during device upgrade)
#define MV_E_UPG_INNER_ERR 0x80000403 ///< \~chinese 升级时相机内部出现错误 \~english Camera internal error during upgrade
#define MV_E_UPG_UNKNOW 0x800004FF ///< \~chinese 升级时未知错误 \~english Unknown error during upgrade
/// @}
#endif //_MV_ERROR_DEFINE_H_