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* OctoMap - An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
* https://octomap.github.io/
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, K.M. Wurm and A. Hornung, University of Freiburg
* All rights reserved.
* License: New BSD
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the University of Freiburg nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <list>
#include <limits>
#include <iterator>
#include <stack>
#include <bitset>
#include "octomap_types.h"
#include "OcTreeKey.h"
#include "ScanGraph.h"
namespace octomap {
// forward declaration for NODE children array
class AbstractOcTreeNode;
* OcTree base class, to be used with with any kind of OcTreeDataNode.
* This tree implementation currently has a maximum depth of 16
* nodes. For this reason, coordinates values have to be, e.g.,
* below +/- 327.68 meters (2^15) at a maximum resolution of 0.01m.
* This limitation enables the use of an efficient key generation
* method which uses the binary representation of the data point
* coordinates.
* \note You should probably not use this class directly, but
* OcTreeBase or OccupancyOcTreeBase instead
* \tparam NODE Node class to be used in tree (usually derived from
* OcTreeDataNode)
* \tparam INTERFACE Interface to be derived from, should be either
* AbstractOcTree or AbstractOccupancyOcTree
template <class NODE,class INTERFACE>
class OcTreeBaseImpl : public INTERFACE {
/// Make the templated NODE type available from the outside
typedef NODE NodeType;
// the actual iterator implementation is included here
// as a member from this file
#include <octomap/OcTreeIterator.hxx>
OcTreeBaseImpl(double resolution);
virtual ~OcTreeBaseImpl();
/// Deep copy constructor
OcTreeBaseImpl(const OcTreeBaseImpl<NODE,INTERFACE>& rhs);
* Swap contents of two octrees, i.e., only the underlying
* pointer / tree structure. You have to ensure yourself that the
* metadata (resolution etc) matches. No memory is cleared
* in this function
void swapContent(OcTreeBaseImpl<NODE,INTERFACE>& rhs);
/// Comparison between two octrees, all meta data, all
/// nodes, and the structure must be identical
bool operator== (const OcTreeBaseImpl<NODE,INTERFACE>& rhs) const;
std::string getTreeType() const {return "OcTreeBaseImpl";}
/// Change the resolution of the octree, scaling all voxels.
/// This will not preserve the (metric) scale!
void setResolution(double r);
inline double getResolution() const { return resolution; }
inline unsigned int getTreeDepth () const { return tree_depth; }
inline double getNodeSize(unsigned depth) const {assert(depth <= tree_depth); return sizeLookupTable[depth];}
* Clear KeyRay vector to minimize unneeded memory. This is only
* useful for the StaticMemberInitializer classes, don't call it for
* an octree that is actually used.
void clearKeyRays(){
// -- Tree structure operations formerly contained in the nodes ---
/// Creates (allocates) the i-th child of the node. @return ptr to newly create NODE
NODE* createNodeChild(NODE* node, unsigned int childIdx);
/// Deletes the i-th child of the node
void deleteNodeChild(NODE* node, unsigned int childIdx);
/// @return ptr to child number childIdx of node
NODE* getNodeChild(NODE* node, unsigned int childIdx) const;
/// @return const ptr to child number childIdx of node
const NODE* getNodeChild(const NODE* node, unsigned int childIdx) const;
/// A node is collapsible if all children exist, don't have children of their own
/// and have the same occupancy value
virtual bool isNodeCollapsible(const NODE* node) const;
* Safe test if node has a child at index childIdx.
* First tests if there are any children. Replaces node->childExists(...)
* \return true if the child at childIdx exists
bool nodeChildExists(const NODE* node, unsigned int childIdx) const;
* Safe test if node has any children. Replaces node->hasChildren(...)
* \return true if node has at least one child
bool nodeHasChildren(const NODE* node) const;
* Expands a node (reverse of pruning): All children are created and
* their occupancy probability is set to the node's value.
* You need to verify that this is indeed a pruned node (i.e. not a
* leaf at the lowest level)
virtual void expandNode(NODE* node);
* Prunes a node when it is collapsible
* @return true if pruning was successful
virtual bool pruneNode(NODE* node);
// --------
* \return Pointer to the root node of the tree. This pointer
* should not be modified or deleted externally, the OcTree
* manages its memory itself. In an empty tree, root is NULL.
inline NODE* getRoot() const { return root; }
* Search node at specified depth given a 3d point (depth=0: search full tree depth).
* You need to check if the returned node is NULL, since it can be in unknown space.
* @return pointer to node if found, NULL otherwise
NODE* search(double x, double y, double z, unsigned int depth = 0) const;
* Search node at specified depth given a 3d point (depth=0: search full tree depth)
* You need to check if the returned node is NULL, since it can be in unknown space.
* @return pointer to node if found, NULL otherwise
NODE* search(const point3d& value, unsigned int depth = 0) const;
* Search a node at specified depth given an addressing key (depth=0: search full tree depth)
* You need to check if the returned node is NULL, since it can be in unknown space.
* @return pointer to node if found, NULL otherwise
NODE* search(const OcTreeKey& key, unsigned int depth = 0) const;
* Delete a node (if exists) given a 3d point. Will always
* delete at the lowest level unless depth !=0, and expand pruned inner nodes as needed.
* Pruned nodes at level "depth" will directly be deleted as a whole.
bool deleteNode(double x, double y, double z, unsigned int depth = 0);
* Delete a node (if exists) given a 3d point. Will always
* delete at the lowest level unless depth !=0, and expand pruned inner nodes as needed.
* Pruned nodes at level "depth" will directly be deleted as a whole.
bool deleteNode(const point3d& value, unsigned int depth = 0);
* Delete a node (if exists) given an addressing key. Will always
* delete at the lowest level unless depth !=0, and expand pruned inner nodes as needed.
* Pruned nodes at level "depth" will directly be deleted as a whole.
bool deleteNode(const OcTreeKey& key, unsigned int depth = 0);
/// Deletes the complete tree structure
void clear();
* Lossless compression of the octree: A node will replace all of its eight
* children if they have identical values. You usually don't have to call
* prune() after a regular occupancy update, updateNode() incrementally
* prunes all affected nodes.
virtual void prune();
/// Expands all pruned nodes (reverse of prune())
/// \note This is an expensive operation, especially when the tree is nearly empty!
virtual void expand();
// -- statistics ----------------------
/// \return The number of nodes in the tree
virtual inline size_t size() const { return tree_size; }
/// \return Memory usage of the complete octree in bytes (may vary between architectures)
virtual size_t memoryUsage() const;
/// \return Memory usage of a single octree node
virtual inline size_t memoryUsageNode() const {return sizeof(NODE); }
/// \return Memory usage of a full grid of the same size as the OcTree in bytes (for comparison)
/// \note this can be larger than the adressable memory - size_t may not be enough to hold it!
unsigned long long memoryFullGrid() const;
double volume();
/// Size of OcTree (all known space) in meters for x, y and z dimension
virtual void getMetricSize(double& x, double& y, double& z);
/// Size of OcTree (all known space) in meters for x, y and z dimension
virtual void getMetricSize(double& x, double& y, double& z) const;
/// minimum value of the bounding box of all known space in x, y, z
virtual void getMetricMin(double& x, double& y, double& z);
/// minimum value of the bounding box of all known space in x, y, z
void getMetricMin(double& x, double& y, double& z) const;
/// maximum value of the bounding box of all known space in x, y, z
virtual void getMetricMax(double& x, double& y, double& z);
/// maximum value of the bounding box of all known space in x, y, z
void getMetricMax(double& x, double& y, double& z) const;
/// Traverses the tree to calculate the total number of nodes
size_t calcNumNodes() const;
/// Traverses the tree to calculate the total number of leaf nodes
size_t getNumLeafNodes() const;
// -- access tree nodes ------------------
/// return centers of leafs that do NOT exist (but could) in a given bounding box
void getUnknownLeafCenters(point3d_list& node_centers, point3d pmin, point3d pmax, unsigned int depth = 0) const;
// -- raytracing -----------------------
* Traces a ray from origin to end (excluding), returning an
* OcTreeKey of all nodes traversed by the beam. You still need to check
* if a node at that coordinate exists (e.g. with search()).
* @param origin start coordinate of ray
* @param end end coordinate of ray
* @param ray KeyRay structure that holds the keys of all nodes traversed by the ray, excluding "end"
* @return Success of operation. Returning false usually means that one of the coordinates is out of the OcTree's range
bool computeRayKeys(const point3d& origin, const point3d& end, KeyRay& ray) const;
* Traces a ray from origin to end (excluding), returning the
* coordinates of all nodes traversed by the beam. You still need to check
* if a node at that coordinate exists (e.g. with search()).
* @note: use the faster computeRayKeys method if possible.
* @param origin start coordinate of ray
* @param end end coordinate of ray
* @param ray KeyRay structure that holds the keys of all nodes traversed by the ray, excluding "end"
* @return Success of operation. Returning false usually means that one of the coordinates is out of the OcTree's range
bool computeRay(const point3d& origin, const point3d& end, std::vector<point3d>& ray);
// file IO
* Read all nodes from the input stream (without file header),
* for this the tree needs to be already created.
* For general file IO, you
* should probably use AbstractOcTree::read() instead.
std::istream& readData(std::istream &s);
/// Write complete state of tree to stream (without file header) unmodified.
/// Pruning the tree first produces smaller files (lossless compression)
std::ostream& writeData(std::ostream &s) const;
typedef leaf_iterator iterator;
/// @return beginning of the tree as leaf iterator
iterator begin(unsigned char maxDepth=0) const {return iterator(this, maxDepth);}
/// @return end of the tree as leaf iterator
const iterator end() const {return leaf_iterator_end;} // TODO: RVE?
/// @return beginning of the tree as leaf iterator
leaf_iterator begin_leafs(unsigned char maxDepth=0) const {return leaf_iterator(this, maxDepth);}
/// @return end of the tree as leaf iterator
const leaf_iterator end_leafs() const {return leaf_iterator_end;}
/// @return beginning of the tree as leaf iterator in a bounding box
leaf_bbx_iterator begin_leafs_bbx(const OcTreeKey& min, const OcTreeKey& max, unsigned char maxDepth=0) const {
return leaf_bbx_iterator(this, min, max, maxDepth);
/// @return beginning of the tree as leaf iterator in a bounding box
leaf_bbx_iterator begin_leafs_bbx(const point3d& min, const point3d& max, unsigned char maxDepth=0) const {
return leaf_bbx_iterator(this, min, max, maxDepth);
/// @return end of the tree as leaf iterator in a bounding box
const leaf_bbx_iterator end_leafs_bbx() const {return leaf_iterator_bbx_end;}
/// @return beginning of the tree as iterator to all nodes (incl. inner)
tree_iterator begin_tree(unsigned char maxDepth=0) const {return tree_iterator(this, maxDepth);}
/// @return end of the tree as iterator to all nodes (incl. inner)
const tree_iterator end_tree() const {return tree_iterator_end;}
// Key / coordinate conversion functions
/// Converts from a single coordinate into a discrete key
inline key_type coordToKey(double coordinate) const{
return ((int) floor(resolution_factor * coordinate)) + tree_max_val;
/// Converts from a single coordinate into a discrete key at a given depth
key_type coordToKey(double coordinate, unsigned depth) const;
/// Converts from a 3D coordinate into a 3D addressing key
inline OcTreeKey coordToKey(const point3d& coord) const{
return OcTreeKey(coordToKey(coord(0)), coordToKey(coord(1)), coordToKey(coord(2)));
/// Converts from a 3D coordinate into a 3D addressing key
inline OcTreeKey coordToKey(double x, double y, double z) const{
return OcTreeKey(coordToKey(x), coordToKey(y), coordToKey(z));
/// Converts from a 3D coordinate into a 3D addressing key at a given depth
inline OcTreeKey coordToKey(const point3d& coord, unsigned depth) const{
if (depth == tree_depth)
return coordToKey(coord);
return OcTreeKey(coordToKey(coord(0), depth), coordToKey(coord(1), depth), coordToKey(coord(2), depth));
/// Converts from a 3D coordinate into a 3D addressing key at a given depth
inline OcTreeKey coordToKey(double x, double y, double z, unsigned depth) const{
if (depth == tree_depth)
return coordToKey(x,y,z);
return OcTreeKey(coordToKey(x, depth), coordToKey(y, depth), coordToKey(z, depth));
* Adjusts a 3D key from the lowest level to correspond to a higher depth (by
* shifting the key values)
* @param key Input key, at the lowest tree level
* @param depth Target depth level for the new key
* @return Key for the new depth level
inline OcTreeKey adjustKeyAtDepth(const OcTreeKey& key, unsigned int depth) const{
if (depth == tree_depth)
return key;
assert(depth <= tree_depth);
return OcTreeKey(adjustKeyAtDepth(key[0], depth), adjustKeyAtDepth(key[1], depth), adjustKeyAtDepth(key[2], depth));
* Adjusts a single key value from the lowest level to correspond to a higher depth (by
* shifting the key value)
* @param key Input key, at the lowest tree level
* @param depth Target depth level for the new key
* @return Key for the new depth level
key_type adjustKeyAtDepth(key_type key, unsigned int depth) const;
* Converts a 3D coordinate into a 3D OcTreeKey, with boundary checking.
* @param coord 3d coordinate of a point
* @param key values that will be computed, an array of fixed size 3.
* @return true if point is within the octree (valid), false otherwise
bool coordToKeyChecked(const point3d& coord, OcTreeKey& key) const;
* Converts a 3D coordinate into a 3D OcTreeKey at a certain depth, with boundary checking.
* @param coord 3d coordinate of a point
* @param depth level of the key from the top
* @param key values that will be computed, an array of fixed size 3.
* @return true if point is within the octree (valid), false otherwise
bool coordToKeyChecked(const point3d& coord, unsigned depth, OcTreeKey& key) const;
* Converts a 3D coordinate into a 3D OcTreeKey, with boundary checking.
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param key values that will be computed, an array of fixed size 3.
* @return true if point is within the octree (valid), false otherwise
bool coordToKeyChecked(double x, double y, double z, OcTreeKey& key) const;
* Converts a 3D coordinate into a 3D OcTreeKey at a certain depth, with boundary checking.
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param depth level of the key from the top
* @param key values that will be computed, an array of fixed size 3.
* @return true if point is within the octree (valid), false otherwise
bool coordToKeyChecked(double x, double y, double z, unsigned depth, OcTreeKey& key) const;
* Converts a single coordinate into a discrete addressing key, with boundary checking.
* @param coordinate 3d coordinate of a point
* @param key discrete 16 bit adressing key, result
* @return true if coordinate is within the octree bounds (valid), false otherwise
bool coordToKeyChecked(double coordinate, key_type& key) const;
* Converts a single coordinate into a discrete addressing key, with boundary checking.
* @param coordinate 3d coordinate of a point
* @param depth level of the key from the top
* @param key discrete 16 bit adressing key, result
* @return true if coordinate is within the octree bounds (valid), false otherwise
bool coordToKeyChecked(double coordinate, unsigned depth, key_type& key) const;
/// converts from a discrete key at a given depth into a coordinate
/// corresponding to the key's center
double keyToCoord(key_type key, unsigned depth) const;
/// converts from a discrete key at the lowest tree level into a coordinate
/// corresponding to the key's center
inline double keyToCoord(key_type key) const{
return (double( (int) key - (int) this->tree_max_val ) +0.5) * this->resolution;
/// converts from an addressing key at the lowest tree level into a coordinate
/// corresponding to the key's center
inline point3d keyToCoord(const OcTreeKey& key) const{
return point3d(float(keyToCoord(key[0])), float(keyToCoord(key[1])), float(keyToCoord(key[2])));
/// converts from an addressing key at a given depth into a coordinate
/// corresponding to the key's center
inline point3d keyToCoord(const OcTreeKey& key, unsigned depth) const{
return point3d(float(keyToCoord(key[0], depth)), float(keyToCoord(key[1], depth)), float(keyToCoord(key[2], depth)));
/// Constructor to enable derived classes to change tree constants.
/// This usually requires a re-implementation of some core tree-traversal functions as well!
OcTreeBaseImpl(double resolution, unsigned int tree_depth, unsigned int tree_max_val);
/// initialize non-trivial members, helper for constructors
void init();
/// recalculates min and max in x, y, z. Does nothing when tree size didn't change.
void calcMinMax();
void calcNumNodesRecurs(NODE* node, size_t& num_nodes) const;
/// recursive call of readData()
std::istream& readNodesRecurs(NODE*, std::istream &s);
/// recursive call of writeData()
std::ostream& writeNodesRecurs(const NODE*, std::ostream &s) const;
/// Recursively delete a node and all children. Deallocates memory
/// but does NOT set the node ptr to NULL nor updates tree size.
void deleteNodeRecurs(NODE* node);
/// recursive call of deleteNode()
bool deleteNodeRecurs(NODE* node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth, const OcTreeKey& key);
/// recursive call of prune()
void pruneRecurs(NODE* node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth, unsigned int& num_pruned);
/// recursive call of expand()
void expandRecurs(NODE* node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth);
size_t getNumLeafNodesRecurs(const NODE* parent) const;
/// Assignment operator is private: don't (re-)assign octrees
/// (const-parameters can't be changed) - use the copy constructor instead.
OcTreeBaseImpl<NODE,INTERFACE>& operator=(const OcTreeBaseImpl<NODE,INTERFACE>&);
void allocNodeChildren(NODE* node);
NODE* root; ///< Pointer to the root NODE, NULL for empty tree
// constants of the tree
const unsigned int tree_depth; ///< Maximum tree depth is fixed to 16 currently
const unsigned int tree_max_val;
double resolution; ///< in meters
double resolution_factor; ///< = 1. / resolution
size_t tree_size; ///< number of nodes in tree
/// flag to denote whether the octree extent changed (for lazy min/max eval)
bool size_changed;
point3d tree_center; // coordinate offset of tree
double max_value[3]; ///< max in x, y, z
double min_value[3]; ///< min in x, y, z
/// contains the size of a voxel at level i (0: root node). tree_depth+1 levels (incl. 0)
std::vector<double> sizeLookupTable;
/// data structure for ray casting, array for multithreading
std::vector<KeyRay> keyrays;
const leaf_iterator leaf_iterator_end;
const leaf_bbx_iterator leaf_iterator_bbx_end;
const tree_iterator tree_iterator_end;
#include <octomap/OcTreeBaseImpl.hxx>