-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.4.0 -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Found ament_cmake: 1.3.8 (/opt/ros/humble/share/ament_cmake/cmake) -- Found Python3: /usr/bin/python3 (found version "3.10.12") found components: Interpreter -- Override CMake install command with custom implementation using symlinks instead of copying resources -- Found nav2_common: 1.1.13 (/opt/ros/humble/share/nav2_common/cmake) -- Found rclcpp: 16.0.8 (/opt/ros/humble/share/rclcpp/cmake) -- Found rosidl_generator_c: 3.1.5 (/opt/ros/humble/share/rosidl_generator_c/cmake) -- Found rosidl_adapter: 3.1.5 (/opt/ros/humble/share/rosidl_adapter/cmake) -- Found rosidl_generator_cpp: 3.1.5 (/opt/ros/humble/share/rosidl_generator_cpp/cmake) -- Using all available rosidl_typesupport_c: rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c;rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c -- Using all available rosidl_typesupport_cpp: rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp;rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp -- Found rmw_implementation_cmake: 6.1.1 (/opt/ros/humble/share/rmw_implementation_cmake/cmake) -- Found rmw_fastrtps_cpp: 6.2.6 (/opt/ros/humble/share/rmw_fastrtps_cpp/cmake) -- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so (found version "3.0.2") -- Found FastRTPS: /opt/ros/humble/include -- Using RMW implementation 'rmw_fastrtps_cpp' as default -- Looking for C++ include pthread.h -- Looking for C++ include pthread.h - found -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success -- Found Threads: TRUE -- Found rclcpp_action: 16.0.8 (/opt/ros/humble/share/rclcpp_action/cmake) -- Found rclcpp_lifecycle: 16.0.8 (/opt/ros/humble/share/rclcpp_lifecycle/cmake) -- Found geometry_msgs: 4.2.3 (/opt/ros/humble/share/geometry_msgs/cmake) -- Found sensor_msgs: 4.2.3 (/opt/ros/humble/share/sensor_msgs/cmake) -- Found nav2_msgs: 1.1.13 (/opt/ros/humble/share/nav2_msgs/cmake) -- Found behaviortree_cpp: 4.5.2 (/usr/local/share/behaviortree_cpp/cmake) -- Found tf2_ros: 0.25.6 (/opt/ros/humble/share/tf2_ros/cmake) -- Found tf2_geometry_msgs: 0.25.6 (/opt/ros/humble/share/tf2_geometry_msgs/cmake) -- Found eigen3_cmake_module: 0.1.1 (/opt/ros/humble/share/eigen3_cmake_module/cmake) -- Found Eigen3: TRUE (found version "3.4.0") -- Ensuring Eigen3 include directory is part of orocos-kdl CMake target -- Found std_srvs: 4.2.3 (/opt/ros/humble/share/std_srvs/cmake) -- Found nav2_util: 1.1.13 (/opt/ros/humble/share/nav2_util/cmake) -- Setting build type to Release as none was specified. -- Found ament_lint_auto: 0.12.10 (/opt/ros/humble/share/ament_lint_auto/cmake) -- Found gtest sources under '/opt/ros/humble/src/gtest_vendor': C++ tests using 'Google Test' will be built -- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.4.0 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/firmament/codes/24navigation/build/nav2_behavior_tree/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".