/* * OctoMap - An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees * https://octomap.github.io/ * * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, K.M. Wurm and A. Hornung, University of Freiburg * All rights reserved. * License: New BSD * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the University of Freiburg nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include namespace octomap { template OccupancyOcTreeBase::OccupancyOcTreeBase(double in_resolution) : OcTreeBaseImpl(in_resolution), use_bbx_limit(false), use_change_detection(false) { } template OccupancyOcTreeBase::OccupancyOcTreeBase(double in_resolution, unsigned int in_tree_depth, unsigned int in_tree_max_val) : OcTreeBaseImpl(in_resolution, in_tree_depth, in_tree_max_val), use_bbx_limit(false), use_change_detection(false) { } template OccupancyOcTreeBase::~OccupancyOcTreeBase(){ } template OccupancyOcTreeBase::OccupancyOcTreeBase(const OccupancyOcTreeBase& rhs) : OcTreeBaseImpl(rhs), use_bbx_limit(rhs.use_bbx_limit), bbx_min(rhs.bbx_min), bbx_max(rhs.bbx_max), bbx_min_key(rhs.bbx_min_key), bbx_max_key(rhs.bbx_max_key), use_change_detection(rhs.use_change_detection), changed_keys(rhs.changed_keys) { this->clamping_thres_min = rhs.clamping_thres_min; this->clamping_thres_max = rhs.clamping_thres_max; this->prob_hit_log = rhs.prob_hit_log; this->prob_miss_log = rhs.prob_miss_log; this->occ_prob_thres_log = rhs.occ_prob_thres_log; } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::insertPointCloud(const ScanNode& scan, double maxrange, bool lazy_eval, bool discretize) { // performs transformation to data and sensor origin first Pointcloud& cloud = *(scan.scan); pose6d frame_origin = scan.pose; point3d sensor_origin = frame_origin.inv().transform(scan.pose.trans()); insertPointCloud(cloud, sensor_origin, frame_origin, maxrange, lazy_eval, discretize); } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::insertPointCloud(const Pointcloud& scan, const octomap::point3d& sensor_origin, double maxrange, bool lazy_eval, bool discretize) { KeySet free_cells, occupied_cells; if (discretize) computeDiscreteUpdate(scan, sensor_origin, free_cells, occupied_cells, maxrange); else computeUpdate(scan, sensor_origin, free_cells, occupied_cells, maxrange); // insert data into tree ----------------------- for (KeySet::iterator it = free_cells.begin(); it != free_cells.end(); ++it) { updateNode(*it, false, lazy_eval); } for (KeySet::iterator it = occupied_cells.begin(); it != occupied_cells.end(); ++it) { updateNode(*it, true, lazy_eval); } } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::insertPointCloud(const Pointcloud& pc, const point3d& sensor_origin, const pose6d& frame_origin, double maxrange, bool lazy_eval, bool discretize) { // performs transformation to data and sensor origin first Pointcloud transformed_scan (pc); transformed_scan.transform(frame_origin); point3d transformed_sensor_origin = frame_origin.transform(sensor_origin); insertPointCloud(transformed_scan, transformed_sensor_origin, maxrange, lazy_eval, discretize); } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::insertPointCloudRays(const Pointcloud& pc, const point3d& origin, double /* maxrange */, bool lazy_eval) { if (pc.size() < 1) return; #ifdef _OPENMP omp_set_num_threads(this->keyrays.size()); #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (int i = 0; i < (int)pc.size(); ++i) { const point3d& p = pc[i]; unsigned threadIdx = 0; #ifdef _OPENMP threadIdx = omp_get_thread_num(); #endif KeyRay* keyray = &(this->keyrays.at(threadIdx)); if (this->computeRayKeys(origin, p, *keyray)){ #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp critical #endif { for(KeyRay::iterator it=keyray->begin(); it != keyray->end(); it++) { updateNode(*it, false, lazy_eval); // insert freespace measurement } updateNode(p, true, lazy_eval); // update endpoint to be occupied } } } } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::computeDiscreteUpdate(const Pointcloud& scan, const octomap::point3d& origin, KeySet& free_cells, KeySet& occupied_cells, double maxrange) { Pointcloud discretePC; discretePC.reserve(scan.size()); KeySet endpoints; for (int i = 0; i < (int)scan.size(); ++i) { OcTreeKey k = this->coordToKey(scan[i]); std::pair ret = endpoints.insert(k); if (ret.second){ // insertion took place => k was not in set discretePC.push_back(this->keyToCoord(k)); } } computeUpdate(discretePC, origin, free_cells, occupied_cells, maxrange); } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::computeUpdate(const Pointcloud& scan, const octomap::point3d& origin, KeySet& free_cells, KeySet& occupied_cells, double maxrange) { #ifdef _OPENMP omp_set_num_threads(this->keyrays.size()); #pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided) #endif for (int i = 0; i < (int)scan.size(); ++i) { const point3d& p = scan[i]; unsigned threadIdx = 0; #ifdef _OPENMP threadIdx = omp_get_thread_num(); #endif KeyRay* keyray = &(this->keyrays.at(threadIdx)); if (!use_bbx_limit) { // no BBX specified if ((maxrange < 0.0) || ((p - origin).norm() <= maxrange) ) { // is not maxrange meas. // free cells if (this->computeRayKeys(origin, p, *keyray)){ #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp critical (free_insert) #endif { free_cells.insert(keyray->begin(), keyray->end()); } } // occupied endpoint OcTreeKey key; if (this->coordToKeyChecked(p, key)){ #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp critical (occupied_insert) #endif { occupied_cells.insert(key); } } } else { // user set a maxrange and length is above point3d direction = (p - origin).normalized (); point3d new_end = origin + direction * (float) maxrange; if (this->computeRayKeys(origin, new_end, *keyray)){ #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp critical (free_insert) #endif { free_cells.insert(keyray->begin(), keyray->end()); } } } // end if maxrange } else { // BBX was set // endpoint in bbx and not maxrange? if ( inBBX(p) && ((maxrange < 0.0) || ((p - origin).norm () <= maxrange) ) ) { // occupied endpoint OcTreeKey key; if (this->coordToKeyChecked(p, key)){ #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp critical (occupied_insert) #endif { occupied_cells.insert(key); } } } // end if in BBX and not maxrange // truncate the end point to the max range if the max range is exceeded point3d new_end = p; if ((maxrange >= 0.0) && ((p - origin).norm() > maxrange)) { const point3d direction = (p - origin).normalized(); new_end = origin + direction * (float) maxrange; } // update freespace, break as soon as bbx limit is reached if (this->computeRayKeys(origin, new_end, *keyray)){ for(KeyRay::iterator it=keyray->begin(); it != keyray->end(); it++) { if (inBBX(*it)) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp critical (free_insert) #endif { free_cells.insert(*it); } } else break; } } // end if compute ray } // end bbx case } // end for all points, end of parallel OMP loop // prefer occupied cells over free ones (and make sets disjunct) for(KeySet::iterator it = free_cells.begin(), end=free_cells.end(); it!= end; ){ if (occupied_cells.find(*it) != occupied_cells.end()){ it = free_cells.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::setNodeValue(const OcTreeKey& key, float log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval) { // clamp log odds within range: log_odds_value = std::min(std::max(log_odds_value, this->clamping_thres_min), this->clamping_thres_max); bool createdRoot = false; if (this->root == NULL){ this->root = new NODE(); this->tree_size++; createdRoot = true; } return setNodeValueRecurs(this->root, createdRoot, key, 0, log_odds_value, lazy_eval); } template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::setNodeValue(const point3d& value, float log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval) { OcTreeKey key; if (!this->coordToKeyChecked(value, key)) return NULL; return setNodeValue(key, log_odds_value, lazy_eval); } template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::setNodeValue(double x, double y, double z, float log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval) { OcTreeKey key; if (!this->coordToKeyChecked(x, y, z, key)) return NULL; return setNodeValue(key, log_odds_value, lazy_eval); } template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::updateNode(const OcTreeKey& key, float log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval) { // early abort (no change will happen). // may cause an overhead in some configuration, but more often helps NODE* leaf = this->search(key); // no change: node already at threshold if (leaf && ((log_odds_update >= 0 && leaf->getLogOdds() >= this->clamping_thres_max) || ( log_odds_update <= 0 && leaf->getLogOdds() <= this->clamping_thres_min))) { return leaf; } bool createdRoot = false; if (this->root == NULL){ this->root = new NODE(); this->tree_size++; createdRoot = true; } return updateNodeRecurs(this->root, createdRoot, key, 0, log_odds_update, lazy_eval); } template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::updateNode(const point3d& value, float log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval) { OcTreeKey key; if (!this->coordToKeyChecked(value, key)) return NULL; return updateNode(key, log_odds_update, lazy_eval); } template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::updateNode(double x, double y, double z, float log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval) { OcTreeKey key; if (!this->coordToKeyChecked(x, y, z, key)) return NULL; return updateNode(key, log_odds_update, lazy_eval); } template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::updateNode(const OcTreeKey& key, bool occupied, bool lazy_eval) { float logOdds = this->prob_miss_log; if (occupied) logOdds = this->prob_hit_log; return updateNode(key, logOdds, lazy_eval); } template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::updateNode(const point3d& value, bool occupied, bool lazy_eval) { OcTreeKey key; if (!this->coordToKeyChecked(value, key)) return NULL; return updateNode(key, occupied, lazy_eval); } template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::updateNode(double x, double y, double z, bool occupied, bool lazy_eval) { OcTreeKey key; if (!this->coordToKeyChecked(x, y, z, key)) return NULL; return updateNode(key, occupied, lazy_eval); } template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::updateNodeRecurs(NODE* node, bool node_just_created, const OcTreeKey& key, unsigned int depth, const float& log_odds_update, bool lazy_eval) { bool created_node = false; assert(node); // follow down to last level if (depth < this->tree_depth) { unsigned int pos = computeChildIdx(key, this->tree_depth -1 - depth); if (!this->nodeChildExists(node, pos)) { // child does not exist, but maybe it's a pruned node? if (!this->nodeHasChildren(node) && !node_just_created ) { // current node does not have children AND it is not a new node // -> expand pruned node this->expandNode(node); } else { // not a pruned node, create requested child this->createNodeChild(node, pos); created_node = true; } } if (lazy_eval) return updateNodeRecurs(this->getNodeChild(node, pos), created_node, key, depth+1, log_odds_update, lazy_eval); else { NODE* retval = updateNodeRecurs(this->getNodeChild(node, pos), created_node, key, depth+1, log_odds_update, lazy_eval); // prune node if possible, otherwise set own probability // note: combining both did not lead to a speedup! if (this->pruneNode(node)){ // return pointer to current parent (pruned), the just updated node no longer exists retval = node; } else{ node->updateOccupancyChildren(); } return retval; } } // at last level, update node, end of recursion else { if (use_change_detection) { bool occBefore = this->isNodeOccupied(node); updateNodeLogOdds(node, log_odds_update); if (node_just_created){ // new node changed_keys.insert(std::pair(key, true)); } else if (occBefore != this->isNodeOccupied(node)) { // occupancy changed, track it KeyBoolMap::iterator it = changed_keys.find(key); if (it == changed_keys.end()) changed_keys.insert(std::pair(key, false)); else if (it->second == false) changed_keys.erase(it); } } else { updateNodeLogOdds(node, log_odds_update); } return node; } } // TODO: mostly copy of updateNodeRecurs => merge code or general tree modifier / traversal template NODE* OccupancyOcTreeBase::setNodeValueRecurs(NODE* node, bool node_just_created, const OcTreeKey& key, unsigned int depth, const float& log_odds_value, bool lazy_eval) { bool created_node = false; assert(node); // follow down to last level if (depth < this->tree_depth) { unsigned int pos = computeChildIdx(key, this->tree_depth -1 - depth); if (!this->nodeChildExists(node, pos)) { // child does not exist, but maybe it's a pruned node? if (!this->nodeHasChildren(node) && !node_just_created ) { // current node does not have children AND it is not a new node // -> expand pruned node this->expandNode(node); } else { // not a pruned node, create requested child this->createNodeChild(node, pos); created_node = true; } } if (lazy_eval) return setNodeValueRecurs(this->getNodeChild(node, pos), created_node, key, depth+1, log_odds_value, lazy_eval); else { NODE* retval = setNodeValueRecurs(this->getNodeChild(node, pos), created_node, key, depth+1, log_odds_value, lazy_eval); // prune node if possible, otherwise set own probability // note: combining both did not lead to a speedup! if (this->pruneNode(node)){ // return pointer to current parent (pruned), the just updated node no longer exists retval = node; } else{ node->updateOccupancyChildren(); } return retval; } } // at last level, update node, end of recursion else { if (use_change_detection) { bool occBefore = this->isNodeOccupied(node); node->setLogOdds(log_odds_value); if (node_just_created){ // new node changed_keys.insert(std::pair(key, true)); } else if (occBefore != this->isNodeOccupied(node)) { // occupancy changed, track it KeyBoolMap::iterator it = changed_keys.find(key); if (it == changed_keys.end()) changed_keys.insert(std::pair(key, false)); else if (it->second == false) changed_keys.erase(it); } } else { node->setLogOdds(log_odds_value); } return node; } } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::updateInnerOccupancy(){ if (this->root) this->updateInnerOccupancyRecurs(this->root, 0); } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::updateInnerOccupancyRecurs(NODE* node, unsigned int depth){ assert(node); // only recurse and update for inner nodes: if (this->nodeHasChildren(node)){ // return early for last level: if (depth < this->tree_depth){ for (unsigned int i=0; i<8; i++) { if (this->nodeChildExists(node, i)) { updateInnerOccupancyRecurs(this->getNodeChild(node, i), depth+1); } } } node->updateOccupancyChildren(); } } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::toMaxLikelihood() { if (this->root == NULL) return; // convert bottom up for (unsigned int depth=this->tree_depth; depth>0; depth--) { toMaxLikelihoodRecurs(this->root, 0, depth); } // convert root nodeToMaxLikelihood(this->root); } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::toMaxLikelihoodRecurs(NODE* node, unsigned int depth, unsigned int max_depth) { assert(node); if (depth < max_depth) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<8; i++) { if (this->nodeChildExists(node, i)) { toMaxLikelihoodRecurs(this->getNodeChild(node, i), depth+1, max_depth); } } } else { // max level reached nodeToMaxLikelihood(node); } } template bool OccupancyOcTreeBase::getNormals(const point3d& point, std::vector& normals, bool unknownStatus) const { normals.clear(); OcTreeKey init_key; if ( !OcTreeBaseImpl::coordToKeyChecked(point, init_key) ) { OCTOMAP_WARNING_STR("Voxel out of bounds"); return false; } // OCTOMAP_WARNING("Normal for %f, %f, %f\n", point.x(), point.y(), point.z()); int vertex_values[8]; OcTreeKey current_key; NODE* current_node; // There is 8 neighbouring sets // The current cube can be at any of the 8 vertex int x_index[4][4] = {{1, 1, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0 -1, -1}, {0, 0 -1, -1}}; int y_index[4][4] = {{1, 0, 0, 1}, {0, -1, -1, 0}, {0, -1, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 0, 1}}; int z_index[2][2] = {{0, 1}, {-1, 0}}; // Iterate over the 8 neighboring sets for(int m = 0; m < 2; ++m){ for(int l = 0; l < 4; ++l){ int k = 0; // Iterate over the cubes for(int j = 0; j < 2; ++j){ for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){ current_key[0] = init_key[0] + x_index[l][i]; current_key[1] = init_key[1] + y_index[l][i]; current_key[2] = init_key[2] + z_index[m][j]; current_node = this->search(current_key); if(current_node){ vertex_values[k] = this->isNodeOccupied(current_node); // point3d coord = this->keyToCoord(current_key); // OCTOMAP_WARNING_STR("vertex " << k << " at " << coord << "; value " << vertex_values[k]); }else{ // Occupancy of unknown cells vertex_values[k] = unknownStatus; } ++k; } } int cube_index = 0; if (vertex_values[0]) cube_index |= 1; if (vertex_values[1]) cube_index |= 2; if (vertex_values[2]) cube_index |= 4; if (vertex_values[3]) cube_index |= 8; if (vertex_values[4]) cube_index |= 16; if (vertex_values[5]) cube_index |= 32; if (vertex_values[6]) cube_index |= 64; if (vertex_values[7]) cube_index |= 128; // OCTOMAP_WARNING_STR("cubde_index: " << cube_index); // All vertices are occupied or free resulting in no normal if (edgeTable[cube_index] == 0) return true; // No interpolation is done yet, we use vertexList in . for(int i = 0; triTable[cube_index][i] != -1; i += 3){ point3d p1 = vertexList[triTable[cube_index][i ]]; point3d p2 = vertexList[triTable[cube_index][i+1]]; point3d p3 = vertexList[triTable[cube_index][i+2]]; point3d v1 = p2 - p1; point3d v2 = p3 - p1; // OCTOMAP_WARNING("Vertex p1 %f, %f, %f\n", p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z()); // OCTOMAP_WARNING("Vertex p2 %f, %f, %f\n", p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.z()); // OCTOMAP_WARNING("Vertex p3 %f, %f, %f\n", p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z()); // Right hand side cross product to retrieve the normal in the good // direction (pointing to the free nodes). normals.push_back(v1.cross(v2).normalize()); } } } return true; } template bool OccupancyOcTreeBase::castRay(const point3d& origin, const point3d& directionP, point3d& end, bool ignoreUnknown, double maxRange) const { /// ---------- see OcTreeBase::computeRayKeys ----------- // Initialization phase ------------------------------------------------------- OcTreeKey current_key; if ( !OcTreeBaseImpl::coordToKeyChecked(origin, current_key) ) { OCTOMAP_WARNING_STR("Coordinates out of bounds during ray casting"); return false; } NODE* startingNode = this->search(current_key); if (startingNode){ if (this->isNodeOccupied(startingNode)){ // Occupied node found at origin // (need to convert from key, since origin does not need to be a voxel center) end = this->keyToCoord(current_key); return true; } } else if(!ignoreUnknown){ end = this->keyToCoord(current_key); return false; } point3d direction = directionP.normalized(); bool max_range_set = (maxRange > 0.0); int step[3]; double tMax[3]; double tDelta[3]; for(unsigned int i=0; i < 3; ++i) { // compute step direction if (direction(i) > 0.0) step[i] = 1; else if (direction(i) < 0.0) step[i] = -1; else step[i] = 0; // compute tMax, tDelta if (step[i] != 0) { // corner point of voxel (in direction of ray) double voxelBorder = this->keyToCoord(current_key[i]); voxelBorder += double(step[i] * this->resolution * 0.5); tMax[i] = ( voxelBorder - origin(i) ) / direction(i); tDelta[i] = this->resolution / fabs( direction(i) ); } else { tMax[i] = std::numeric_limits::max(); tDelta[i] = std::numeric_limits::max(); } } if (step[0] == 0 && step[1] == 0 && step[2] == 0){ OCTOMAP_ERROR("Raycasting in direction (0,0,0) is not possible!"); return false; } // for speedup: double maxrange_sq = maxRange *maxRange; // Incremental phase --------------------------------------------------------- bool done = false; while (!done) { unsigned int dim; // find minimum tMax: if (tMax[0] < tMax[1]){ if (tMax[0] < tMax[2]) dim = 0; else dim = 2; } else { if (tMax[1] < tMax[2]) dim = 1; else dim = 2; } // check for overflow: if ((step[dim] < 0 && current_key[dim] == 0) || (step[dim] > 0 && current_key[dim] == 2* this->tree_max_val-1)) { OCTOMAP_WARNING("Coordinate hit bounds in dim %d, aborting raycast\n", dim); // return border point nevertheless: end = this->keyToCoord(current_key); return false; } // advance in direction "dim" current_key[dim] += step[dim]; tMax[dim] += tDelta[dim]; // generate world coords from key end = this->keyToCoord(current_key); // check for maxrange: if (max_range_set){ double dist_from_origin_sq(0.0); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { dist_from_origin_sq += ((end(j) - origin(j)) * (end(j) - origin(j))); } if (dist_from_origin_sq > maxrange_sq) return false; } NODE* currentNode = this->search(current_key); if (currentNode){ if (this->isNodeOccupied(currentNode)) { done = true; break; } // otherwise: node is free and valid, raycasting continues } else if (!ignoreUnknown){ // no node found, this usually means we are in "unknown" areas return false; } } // end while return true; } template bool OccupancyOcTreeBase::getRayIntersection (const point3d& origin, const point3d& direction, const point3d& center, point3d& intersection, double delta/*=0.0*/) const { // We only need three normals for the six planes octomap::point3d normalX(1, 0, 0); octomap::point3d normalY(0, 1, 0); octomap::point3d normalZ(0, 0, 1); // One point on each plane, let them be the center for simplicity octomap::point3d pointXNeg(center(0) - float(this->resolution / 2.0), center(1), center(2)); octomap::point3d pointXPos(center(0) + float(this->resolution / 2.0), center(1), center(2)); octomap::point3d pointYNeg(center(0), center(1) - float(this->resolution / 2.0), center(2)); octomap::point3d pointYPos(center(0), center(1) + float(this->resolution / 2.0), center(2)); octomap::point3d pointZNeg(center(0), center(1), center(2) - float(this->resolution / 2.0)); octomap::point3d pointZPos(center(0), center(1), center(2) + float(this->resolution / 2.0)); double lineDotNormal = 0.0; double d = 0.0; double outD = std::numeric_limits::max(); octomap::point3d intersect; bool found = false; // Find the intersection (if any) with each place // Line dot normal will be zero if they are parallel, in which case no intersection can be the entry one // if there is an intersection does it occur in the bounded plane of the voxel // if yes keep only the closest (smallest distance to sensor origin). if((lineDotNormal = normalX.dot(direction)) != 0.0){ // Ensure lineDotNormal is non-zero (assign and test) d = (pointXNeg - origin).dot(normalX) / lineDotNormal; intersect = direction * float(d) + origin; if(!(intersect(1) < (pointYNeg(1) - 1e-6) || intersect(1) > (pointYPos(1) + 1e-6) || intersect(2) < (pointZNeg(2) - 1e-6) || intersect(2) > (pointZPos(2) + 1e-6))){ outD = std::min(outD, d); found = true; } d = (pointXPos - origin).dot(normalX) / lineDotNormal; intersect = direction * float(d) + origin; if(!(intersect(1) < (pointYNeg(1) - 1e-6) || intersect(1) > (pointYPos(1) + 1e-6) || intersect(2) < (pointZNeg(2) - 1e-6) || intersect(2) > (pointZPos(2) + 1e-6))){ outD = std::min(outD, d); found = true; } } if((lineDotNormal = normalY.dot(direction)) != 0.0){ // Ensure lineDotNormal is non-zero (assign and test) d = (pointYNeg - origin).dot(normalY) / lineDotNormal; intersect = direction * float(d) + origin; if(!(intersect(0) < (pointXNeg(0) - 1e-6) || intersect(0) > (pointXPos(0) + 1e-6) || intersect(2) < (pointZNeg(2) - 1e-6) || intersect(2) > (pointZPos(2) + 1e-6))){ outD = std::min(outD, d); found = true; } d = (pointYPos - origin).dot(normalY) / lineDotNormal; intersect = direction * float(d) + origin; if(!(intersect(0) < (pointXNeg(0) - 1e-6) || intersect(0) > (pointXPos(0) + 1e-6) || intersect(2) < (pointZNeg(2) - 1e-6) || intersect(2) > (pointZPos(2) + 1e-6))){ outD = std::min(outD, d); found = true; } } if((lineDotNormal = normalZ.dot(direction)) != 0.0){ // Ensure lineDotNormal is non-zero (assign and test) d = (pointZNeg - origin).dot(normalZ) / lineDotNormal; intersect = direction * float(d) + origin; if(!(intersect(0) < (pointXNeg(0) - 1e-6) || intersect(0) > (pointXPos(0) + 1e-6) || intersect(1) < (pointYNeg(1) - 1e-6) || intersect(1) > (pointYPos(1) + 1e-6))){ outD = std::min(outD, d); found = true; } d = (pointZPos - origin).dot(normalZ) / lineDotNormal; intersect = direction * float(d) + origin; if(!(intersect(0) < (pointXNeg(0) - 1e-6) || intersect(0) > (pointXPos(0) + 1e-6) || intersect(1) < (pointYNeg(1) - 1e-6) || intersect(1) > (pointYPos(1) + 1e-6))){ outD = std::min(outD, d); found = true; } } // Substract (add) a fraction to ensure no ambiguity on the starting voxel // Don't start on a boundary. if(found) intersection = direction * float(outD + delta) + origin; return found; } template inline bool OccupancyOcTreeBase::integrateMissOnRay(const point3d& origin, const point3d& end, bool lazy_eval) { if (!this->computeRayKeys(origin, end, this->keyrays.at(0))) { return false; } for(KeyRay::iterator it=this->keyrays[0].begin(); it != this->keyrays[0].end(); it++) { updateNode(*it, false, lazy_eval); // insert freespace measurement } return true; } template bool OccupancyOcTreeBase::insertRay(const point3d& origin, const point3d& end, double maxrange, bool lazy_eval) { // cut ray at maxrange if ((maxrange > 0) && ((end - origin).norm () > maxrange)) { point3d direction = (end - origin).normalized (); point3d new_end = origin + direction * (float) maxrange; return integrateMissOnRay(origin, new_end,lazy_eval); } // insert complete ray else { if (!integrateMissOnRay(origin, end,lazy_eval)) return false; updateNode(end, true, lazy_eval); // insert hit cell return true; } } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::setBBXMin (const point3d& min) { bbx_min = min; if (!this->coordToKeyChecked(bbx_min, bbx_min_key)) { OCTOMAP_ERROR("ERROR while generating bbx min key.\n"); } } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::setBBXMax (const point3d& max) { bbx_max = max; if (!this->coordToKeyChecked(bbx_max, bbx_max_key)) { OCTOMAP_ERROR("ERROR while generating bbx max key.\n"); } } template bool OccupancyOcTreeBase::inBBX(const point3d& p) const { return ((p.x() >= bbx_min.x()) && (p.y() >= bbx_min.y()) && (p.z() >= bbx_min.z()) && (p.x() <= bbx_max.x()) && (p.y() <= bbx_max.y()) && (p.z() <= bbx_max.z()) ); } template bool OccupancyOcTreeBase::inBBX(const OcTreeKey& key) const { return ((key[0] >= bbx_min_key[0]) && (key[1] >= bbx_min_key[1]) && (key[2] >= bbx_min_key[2]) && (key[0] <= bbx_max_key[0]) && (key[1] <= bbx_max_key[1]) && (key[2] <= bbx_max_key[2]) ); } template point3d OccupancyOcTreeBase::getBBXBounds () const { octomap::point3d obj_bounds = (bbx_max - bbx_min); obj_bounds /= 2.; return obj_bounds; } template point3d OccupancyOcTreeBase::getBBXCenter () const { octomap::point3d obj_bounds = (bbx_max - bbx_min); obj_bounds /= 2.; return bbx_min + obj_bounds; } // -- I/O ----------------------------------------- template std::istream& OccupancyOcTreeBase::readBinaryData(std::istream &s){ // tree needs to be newly created or cleared externally if (this->root) { OCTOMAP_ERROR_STR("Trying to read into an existing tree."); return s; } this->root = new NODE(); this->readBinaryNode(s, this->root); this->size_changed = true; this->tree_size = OcTreeBaseImpl::calcNumNodes(); // compute number of nodes return s; } template std::ostream& OccupancyOcTreeBase::writeBinaryData(std::ostream &s) const{ OCTOMAP_DEBUG("Writing %zu nodes to output stream...", this->size()); if (this->root) this->writeBinaryNode(s, this->root); return s; } template std::istream& OccupancyOcTreeBase::readBinaryNode(std::istream &s, NODE* node){ assert(node); char child1to4_char; char child5to8_char; s.read((char*)&child1to4_char, sizeof(char)); s.read((char*)&child5to8_char, sizeof(char)); std::bitset<8> child1to4 ((unsigned long long) child1to4_char); std::bitset<8> child5to8 ((unsigned long long) child5to8_char); // std::cout << "read: " // << child1to4.to_string,std::allocator >() << " " // << child5to8.to_string,std::allocator >() << std::endl; // inner nodes default to occupied node->setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_max); for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++) { if ((child1to4[i*2] == 1) && (child1to4[i*2+1] == 0)) { // child is free leaf this->createNodeChild(node, i); this->getNodeChild(node, i)->setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_min); } else if ((child1to4[i*2] == 0) && (child1to4[i*2+1] == 1)) { // child is occupied leaf this->createNodeChild(node, i); this->getNodeChild(node, i)->setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_max); } else if ((child1to4[i*2] == 1) && (child1to4[i*2+1] == 1)) { // child has children this->createNodeChild(node, i); this->getNodeChild(node, i)->setLogOdds(-200.); // child is unkown, we leave it uninitialized } } for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++) { if ((child5to8[i*2] == 1) && (child5to8[i*2+1] == 0)) { // child is free leaf this->createNodeChild(node, i+4); this->getNodeChild(node, i+4)->setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_min); } else if ((child5to8[i*2] == 0) && (child5to8[i*2+1] == 1)) { // child is occupied leaf this->createNodeChild(node, i+4); this->getNodeChild(node, i+4)->setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_max); } else if ((child5to8[i*2] == 1) && (child5to8[i*2+1] == 1)) { // child has children this->createNodeChild(node, i+4); this->getNodeChild(node, i+4)->setLogOdds(-200.); // set occupancy when all children have been read } // child is unkown, we leave it uninitialized } // read children's children and set the label for (unsigned int i=0; i<8; i++) { if (this->nodeChildExists(node, i)) { NODE* child = this->getNodeChild(node, i); if (fabs(child->getLogOdds() + 200.)<1e-3) { readBinaryNode(s, child); child->setLogOdds(child->getMaxChildLogOdds()); } } // end if child exists } // end for children return s; } template std::ostream& OccupancyOcTreeBase::writeBinaryNode(std::ostream &s, const NODE* node) const{ assert(node); // 2 bits for each children, 8 children per node -> 16 bits std::bitset<8> child1to4; std::bitset<8> child5to8; // 10 : child is free node // 01 : child is occupied node // 00 : child is unkown node // 11 : child has children // speedup: only set bits to 1, rest is init with 0 anyway, // can be one logic expression per bit for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (this->nodeChildExists(node, i)) { const NODE* child = this->getNodeChild(node, i); if (this->nodeHasChildren(child)) { child1to4[i*2] = 1; child1to4[i*2+1] = 1; } else if (this->isNodeOccupied(child)) { child1to4[i*2] = 0; child1to4[i*2+1] = 1; } else { child1to4[i*2] = 1; child1to4[i*2+1] = 0; } } else { child1to4[i*2] = 0; child1to4[i*2+1] = 0; } } for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (this->nodeChildExists(node, i+4)) { const NODE* child = this->getNodeChild(node, i+4); if (this->nodeHasChildren(child)) { child5to8[i*2] = 1; child5to8[i*2+1] = 1; } else if (this->isNodeOccupied(child)) { child5to8[i*2] = 0; child5to8[i*2+1] = 1; } else { child5to8[i*2] = 1; child5to8[i*2+1] = 0; } } else { child5to8[i*2] = 0; child5to8[i*2+1] = 0; } } // std::cout << "wrote: " // << child1to4.to_string,std::allocator >() << " " // << child5to8.to_string,std::allocator >() << std::endl; char child1to4_char = (char) child1to4.to_ulong(); char child5to8_char = (char) child5to8.to_ulong(); s.write((char*)&child1to4_char, sizeof(char)); s.write((char*)&child5to8_char, sizeof(char)); // write children's children for (unsigned int i=0; i<8; i++) { if (this->nodeChildExists(node, i)) { const NODE* child = this->getNodeChild(node, i); if (this->nodeHasChildren(child)) { writeBinaryNode(s, child); } } } return s; } //-- Occupancy queries on nodes: template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::updateNodeLogOdds(NODE* occupancyNode, const float& update) const { occupancyNode->addValue(update); if (occupancyNode->getLogOdds() < this->clamping_thres_min) { occupancyNode->setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_min); return; } if (occupancyNode->getLogOdds() > this->clamping_thres_max) { occupancyNode->setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_max); } } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::integrateHit(NODE* occupancyNode) const { updateNodeLogOdds(occupancyNode, this->prob_hit_log); } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::integrateMiss(NODE* occupancyNode) const { updateNodeLogOdds(occupancyNode, this->prob_miss_log); } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::nodeToMaxLikelihood(NODE* occupancyNode) const{ if (this->isNodeOccupied(occupancyNode)) occupancyNode->setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_max); else occupancyNode->setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_min); } template void OccupancyOcTreeBase::nodeToMaxLikelihood(NODE& occupancyNode) const{ if (this->isNodeOccupied(occupancyNode)) occupancyNode.setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_max); else occupancyNode.setLogOdds(this->clamping_thres_min); } } // namespace