/* * OctoMap - An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees * https://octomap.github.io/ * * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, K.M. Wurm and A. Hornung, University of Freiburg * All rights reserved. * License: New BSD * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the University of Freiburg nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include namespace octomap { template MapCollection::MapCollection() { } template MapCollection::MapCollection(std::string filename) { this->read(filename); } template MapCollection::~MapCollection() { this->clear(); } template void MapCollection::clear() { // FIXME: memory leak, else we run into double frees in, e.g., the viewer... // for(typename std::vector::iterator it= nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) // delete *it; nodes.clear(); } template bool MapCollection::read(std::string filenamefullpath) { std::string path; std::string filename; splitPathAndFilename(filenamefullpath, &path, &filename); std::ifstream infile; infile.open(filenamefullpath.c_str(), std::ifstream::in); if(!infile.is_open()){ OCTOMAP_ERROR_STR("Could not open "<< filenamefullpath << ". MapCollection not loaded."); return false; } bool ok = true; while(ok){ std::string nodeID; ok = readTagValue("MAPNODEID", infile, &nodeID); if(!ok){ //do not throw error, you could be at the end of the file break; } std::string mapNodeFilename; ok = readTagValue("MAPNODEFILENAME", infile, &mapNodeFilename); if(!ok){ OCTOMAP_ERROR_STR("Could not read MAPNODEFILENAME."); break; } std::string poseStr; ok = readTagValue("MAPNODEPOSE", infile, &poseStr); std::istringstream poseStream(poseStr); float x,y,z; poseStream >> x >> y >> z; double roll,pitch,yaw; poseStream >> roll >> pitch >> yaw; ok = ok && !poseStream.fail(); if(!ok){ OCTOMAP_ERROR_STR("Could not read MAPNODEPOSE."); break; } octomap::pose6d origin(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw); MAPNODE* node = new MAPNODE(combinePathAndFilename(path,mapNodeFilename), origin); node->setId(nodeID); if(!ok){ for(unsigned int i=0; i void MapCollection::addNode( MAPNODE* node){ nodes.push_back(node); } template MAPNODE* MapCollection::addNode(const Pointcloud& cloud, point3d sensor_origin) { // TODO... return 0; } template bool MapCollection::removeNode(const MAPNODE* n) { // TODO... return false; } template MAPNODE* MapCollection::queryNode(const point3d& p) { for (const_iterator it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); ++it) { point3d ptrans = (*it)->getOrigin().inv().transform(p); typename MAPNODE::TreeType::NodeType* n = (*it)->getMap()->search(ptrans); if (!n) continue; if ((*it)->getMap()->isNodeOccupied(n)) return (*it); } return 0; } template bool MapCollection::isOccupied(const point3d& p) const { for (const_iterator it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); ++it) { point3d ptrans = (*it)->getOrigin().inv().transform(p); typename MAPNODE::TreeType::NodeType* n = (*it)->getMap()->search(ptrans); if (!n) continue; if ((*it)->getMap()->isNodeOccupied(n)) return true; } return false; } template bool MapCollection::isOccupied(float x, float y, float z) const { point3d q(x,y,z); return this->isOccupied(q); } template double MapCollection::getOccupancy(const point3d& p) { double max_occ_val = 0; bool is_unknown = true; for (const_iterator it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); ++it) { point3d ptrans = (*it)->getOrigin().inv().transform(p); typename MAPNODE::TreeType::NodeType* n = (*it)->getMap()->search(ptrans); if (n) { double occ = n->getOccupancy(); if (occ > max_occ_val) max_occ_val = occ; is_unknown = false; } } if (is_unknown) return 0.5; return max_occ_val; } template bool MapCollection::castRay(const point3d& origin, const point3d& direction, point3d& end, bool ignoreUnknownCells, double maxRange) const { bool hit_obstacle = false; double min_dist = 1e6; // SPEEDUP: use openMP to do raycasting in parallel // SPEEDUP: use bounding boxes to determine submaps for (const_iterator it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); ++it) { point3d origin_trans = (*it)->getOrigin().inv().transform(origin); point3d direction_trans = (*it)->getOrigin().inv().rot().rotate(direction); printf("ray from %.2f,%.2f,%.2f in dir %.2f,%.2f,%.2f in node %s\n", origin_trans.x(), origin_trans.y(), origin_trans.z(), direction_trans.x(), direction_trans.y(), direction_trans.z(), (*it)->getId().c_str()); point3d temp_endpoint; if ((*it)->getMap()->castRay(origin_trans, direction_trans, temp_endpoint, ignoreUnknownCells, maxRange)) { printf("hit obstacle in node %s\n", (*it)->getId().c_str()); double current_dist = origin_trans.distance(temp_endpoint); if (current_dist < min_dist) { min_dist = current_dist; end = (*it)->getOrigin().transform(temp_endpoint); } hit_obstacle = true; } // end if hit obst } // end for return hit_obstacle; } template bool MapCollection::writePointcloud(std::string filename) { Pointcloud pc; for(typename std::vector::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it){ Pointcloud tmp = (*it)->generatePointcloud(); pc.push_back(tmp); } pc.writeVrml(filename); return true; } template bool MapCollection::write(std::string filename) { bool ok = true; std::ofstream outfile(filename.c_str()); outfile << "#This file was generated by the write-method of MapCollection\n"; for(typename std::vector::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it){ std::string id = (*it)->getId(); pose6d origin = (*it)->getOrigin(); std::string nodemapFilename = "nodemap_"; nodemapFilename.append(id); nodemapFilename.append(".bt"); outfile << "MAPNODEID " << id << "\n"; outfile << "MAPNODEFILENAME "<< nodemapFilename << "\n"; outfile << "MAPNODEPOSE " << origin.x() << " " << origin.y() << " " << origin.z() << " " << origin.roll() << " " << origin.pitch() << " " << origin.yaw() << std::endl; ok = ok && (*it)->writeMap(nodemapFilename); } outfile.close(); return ok; } // TODO template void MapCollection::insertScan(const Pointcloud& scan, const octomap::point3d& sensor_origin, double maxrange, bool pruning, bool lazy_eval) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: MapCollection::insertScan is not implemented yet.\n"); } template MAPNODE* MapCollection::queryNode(std::string id) { for (const_iterator it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->getId() == id) return *(it); } return 0; } // TODO template std::vector MapCollection::segment(const Pointcloud& scan) const { std::vector result; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: MapCollection::segment is not implemented yet.\n"); return result; } // TODO template MAPNODE* MapCollection::associate(const Pointcloud& scan) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: MapCollection::associate is not implemented yet.\n"); return 0; } template void MapCollection::splitPathAndFilename(std::string &filenamefullpath, std::string* path, std::string *filename) { #ifdef WIN32 std::string::size_type lastSlash = filenamefullpath.find_last_of('\\'); #else std::string::size_type lastSlash = filenamefullpath.find_last_of('/'); #endif if (lastSlash != std::string::npos){ *filename = filenamefullpath.substr(lastSlash + 1); *path = filenamefullpath.substr(0, lastSlash); } else { *filename = filenamefullpath; *path = ""; } } template std::string MapCollection::combinePathAndFilename(std::string path, std::string filename) { std::string result = path; if(path != ""){ #ifdef WIN32 result.append("\\"); #else result.append("/"); #endif } result.append(filename); return result; } template bool MapCollection::readTagValue(std::string /*tag*/, std::ifstream& infile, std::string* value) { std::string line; while( getline(infile, line) ){ if(line.length() != 0 && line[0] != '#') break; } *value = ""; std::string::size_type firstSpace = line.find(' '); if(firstSpace != std::string::npos && firstSpace != line.size()-1){ *value = line.substr(firstSpace + 1); return true; } else return false; } } // namespace