/** * dynamicEDT3D: * A library for incrementally updatable Euclidean distance transforms in 3D. * @author C. Sprunk, B. Lau, W. Burgard, University of Freiburg, Copyright (C) 2011. * @see http://octomap.sourceforge.net/ * License: New BSD License */ /* * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, C. Sprunk, B. Lau, W. Burgard, University of Freiburg * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the University of Freiburg nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ template float DynamicEDTOctomapBase::distanceValue_Error = -1.0; template int DynamicEDTOctomapBase::distanceInCellsValue_Error = -1; template DynamicEDTOctomapBase::DynamicEDTOctomapBase(float maxdist, TREE* _octree, octomap::point3d bbxMin, octomap::point3d bbxMax, bool treatUnknownAsOccupied) : DynamicEDT3D(((int) (maxdist/_octree->getResolution()+1)*((int) (maxdist/_octree->getResolution()+1)))), octree(_octree), unknownOccupied(treatUnknownAsOccupied) { treeDepth = octree->getTreeDepth(); treeResolution = octree->getResolution(); initializeOcTree(bbxMin, bbxMax); octree->enableChangeDetection(true); } template DynamicEDTOctomapBase::~DynamicEDTOctomapBase() { } template void DynamicEDTOctomapBase::update(bool updateRealDist){ for(octomap::KeyBoolMap::const_iterator it = octree->changedKeysBegin(), end=octree->changedKeysEnd(); it!=end; ++it){ //the keys in this list all go down to the lowest level! octomap::OcTreeKey key = it->first; //ignore changes outside of bounding box if(key[0] < boundingBoxMinKey[0] || key[1] < boundingBoxMinKey[1] || key[2] < boundingBoxMinKey[2]) continue; if(key[0] > boundingBoxMaxKey[0] || key[1] > boundingBoxMaxKey[1] || key[2] > boundingBoxMaxKey[2]) continue; typename TREE::NodeType* node = octree->search(key); assert(node); //"node" is not necessarily at lowest level, BUT: the occupancy value of this node //has to be the same as of the node indexed by the key *it updateMaxDepthLeaf(key, octree->isNodeOccupied(node)); } octree->resetChangeDetection(); DynamicEDT3D::update(updateRealDist); } template void DynamicEDTOctomapBase::initializeOcTree(octomap::point3d bbxMin, octomap::point3d bbxMax){ boundingBoxMinKey = octree->coordToKey(bbxMin); boundingBoxMaxKey = octree->coordToKey(bbxMax); offsetX = -boundingBoxMinKey[0]; offsetY = -boundingBoxMinKey[1]; offsetZ = -boundingBoxMinKey[2]; int _sizeX = boundingBoxMaxKey[0] - boundingBoxMinKey[0] + 1; int _sizeY = boundingBoxMaxKey[1] - boundingBoxMinKey[1] + 1; int _sizeZ = boundingBoxMaxKey[2] - boundingBoxMinKey[2] + 1; initializeEmpty(_sizeX, _sizeY, _sizeZ, false); if(unknownOccupied == false){ for(typename TREE::leaf_bbx_iterator it = octree->begin_leafs_bbx(bbxMin,bbxMax), end=octree->end_leafs_bbx(); it!= end; ++it){ if(octree->isNodeOccupied(*it)){ int nodeDepth = it.getDepth(); if( nodeDepth == treeDepth){ insertMaxDepthLeafAtInitialize(it.getKey()); } else { int cubeSize = 1 << (treeDepth - nodeDepth); octomap::OcTreeKey key=it.getIndexKey(); for(int dx = 0; dx < cubeSize; dx++) for(int dy = 0; dy < cubeSize; dy++) for(int dz = 0; dz < cubeSize; dz++){ unsigned short int tmpx = key[0]+dx; unsigned short int tmpy = key[1]+dy; unsigned short int tmpz = key[2]+dz; if(boundingBoxMinKey[0] > tmpx || boundingBoxMinKey[1] > tmpy || boundingBoxMinKey[2] > tmpz) continue; if(boundingBoxMaxKey[0] < tmpx || boundingBoxMaxKey[1] < tmpy || boundingBoxMaxKey[2] < tmpz) continue; insertMaxDepthLeafAtInitialize(octomap::OcTreeKey(tmpx, tmpy, tmpz)); } } } } } else { octomap::OcTreeKey key; for(int dx=0; dxsearch(key); if(!node || octree->isNodeOccupied(node)){ insertMaxDepthLeafAtInitialize(key); } } } } } } template void DynamicEDTOctomapBase::insertMaxDepthLeafAtInitialize(octomap::OcTreeKey key){ bool isSurrounded = true; for(int dx=-1; dx<=1; dx++) for(int dy=-1; dy<=1; dy++) for(int dz=-1; dz<=1; dz++){ if(dx==0 && dy==0 && dz==0) continue; typename TREE::NodeType* node = octree->search(octomap::OcTreeKey(key[0]+dx, key[1]+dy, key[2]+dz)); if((!unknownOccupied && node==NULL) || ((node!=NULL) && (octree->isNodeOccupied(node)==false))){ isSurrounded = false; break; } } if(isSurrounded){ //obstacles that are surrounded by obstacles do not need to be put in the queues, //hence this initialization dataCell c; int x = key[0]+offsetX; int y = key[1]+offsetY; int z = key[2]+offsetZ; c.obstX = x; c.obstY = y; c.obstZ = z; c.sqdist = 0; c.dist = 0.0; c.queueing = fwProcessed; c.needsRaise = false; data[x][y][z] = c; } else { setObstacle(key[0]+offsetX, key[1]+offsetY, key[2]+offsetZ); } } template void DynamicEDTOctomapBase::updateMaxDepthLeaf(octomap::OcTreeKey& key, bool occupied){ if(occupied) setObstacle(key[0]+offsetX, key[1]+offsetY, key[2]+offsetZ); else removeObstacle(key[0]+offsetX, key[1]+offsetY, key[2]+offsetZ); } template void DynamicEDTOctomapBase::worldToMap(const octomap::point3d &p, int &x, int &y, int &z) const { octomap::OcTreeKey key = octree->coordToKey(p); x = key[0] + offsetX; y = key[1] + offsetY; z = key[2] + offsetZ; } template void DynamicEDTOctomapBase::mapToWorld(int x, int y, int z, octomap::point3d &p) const { p = octree->keyToCoord(octomap::OcTreeKey(x-offsetX, y-offsetY, z-offsetZ)); } template void DynamicEDTOctomapBase::mapToWorld(int x, int y, int z, octomap::OcTreeKey &key) const { key = octomap::OcTreeKey(x-offsetX, y-offsetY, z-offsetZ); } template void DynamicEDTOctomapBase::getDistanceAndClosestObstacle(const octomap::point3d& p, float &distance, octomap::point3d& closestObstacle) const { int x,y,z; worldToMap(p, x, y, z); if(x>=0 && x=0 && y=0 && z void DynamicEDTOctomapBase::getDistanceAndClosestObstacle_unsafe(const octomap::point3d& p, float &distance, octomap::point3d& closestObstacle) const { int x,y,z; worldToMap(p, x, y, z); dataCell c= data[x][y][z]; distance = c.dist*treeResolution; if(c.obstX != invalidObstData){ mapToWorld(c.obstX, c.obstY, c.obstZ, closestObstacle); } else { //If we are at maxDist, it can very well be that there is no valid closest obstacle data for this cell, this is not an error. } } template float DynamicEDTOctomapBase::getDistance(const octomap::point3d& p) const { int x,y,z; worldToMap(p, x, y, z); if(x>=0 && x=0 && y=0 && z float DynamicEDTOctomapBase::getDistance_unsafe(const octomap::point3d& p) const { int x,y,z; worldToMap(p, x, y, z); return data[x][y][z].dist*treeResolution; } template float DynamicEDTOctomapBase::getDistance(const octomap::OcTreeKey& k) const { int x = k[0] + offsetX; int y = k[1] + offsetY; int z = k[2] + offsetZ; if(x>=0 && x=0 && y=0 && z float DynamicEDTOctomapBase::getDistance_unsafe(const octomap::OcTreeKey& k) const { int x = k[0] + offsetX; int y = k[1] + offsetY; int z = k[2] + offsetZ; return data[x][y][z].dist*treeResolution; } template int DynamicEDTOctomapBase::getSquaredDistanceInCells(const octomap::point3d& p) const { int x,y,z; worldToMap(p, x, y, z); if(x>=0 && x=0 && y=0 && z int DynamicEDTOctomapBase::getSquaredDistanceInCells_unsafe(const octomap::point3d& p) const { int x,y,z; worldToMap(p, x, y, z); return data[x][y][z].sqdist; } template bool DynamicEDTOctomapBase::checkConsistency() const { for(octomap::KeyBoolMap::const_iterator it = octree->changedKeysBegin(), end=octree->changedKeysEnd(); it!=end; ++it){ //std::cerr<<"Cannot check consistency, you must execute the update() method first."<search(point); bool mapOccupied = isOccupied(x,y,z); bool treeOccupied = false; if(node){ treeOccupied = octree->isNodeOccupied(node); } else { if(unknownOccupied) treeOccupied = true; } if(mapOccupied != treeOccupied){ //std::cerr<<"OCCUPANCY MISMATCH BETWEEN TREE AND MAP at "<