/** * @file master_process.c * @author neozng * @brief module for recv&send vision data * @version beta * @date 2022-11-03 * @todo 增加对串口调试助手协议的支持,包括vofa和serial debug * @copyright Copyright (c) 2022 * */ #include "master_process.h" #include "seasky_protocol.h" #include "daemon.h" #include "bsp_log.h" #include "robot_def.h" #include "crc16.h" static RecievePacket_t recv_data; static SendPacket_t send_data; static DaemonInstance *vision_daemon_instance; //void VisionSetFlag(Enemy_Color_e enemy_color, Work_Mode_e work_mode, Bullet_Speed_e bullet_speed) //{ // send_data.enemy_color = enemy_color; // send_data.work_mode = work_mode; // send_data.bullet_speed = bullet_speed; //} void VisionSetFlag(Enemy_Color_e enemy_color,uint8_t game_progress,uint16_t outpost_hp) { send_data.detect_color = enemy_color; send_data.game_progress = game_progress; send_data.outpost_hp = outpost_hp; send_data.reserved = 0; } //void VisionSetAltitude(float yaw, float pitch) //{ // send_data.yaw = yaw; // send_data.pitch = pitch; //} void VisionSetAltitude(float yaw, float pitch) { send_data.yaw = yaw; send_data.pitch = pitch; } void VisionSetAim(float aim_x, float aim_y, float aim_z) { send_data.aim_x = aim_x; send_data.aim_y = aim_y; send_data.aim_z = aim_z; } #ifdef VISION_USE_UART #include "bsp_usart.h" static USARTInstance *vision_usart_instance; /** * @brief 接收解包回调函数,将在bsp_usart.c中被usart rx callback调用 * @todo 1.提高可读性,将get_protocol_info的第四个参数增加一个float类型buffer * 2.添加标志位解码 */ static void DecodeVision() { uint16_t flag_register; DaemonReload(vision_daemon_instance); // 喂狗 get_protocol_info(vision_usart_instance->recv_buff, &flag_register, (uint8_t *)&recv_data.pitch); // TODO: code to resolve flag_register; } Vision_Recv_s *VisionInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *_handle) { USART_Init_Config_s conf; conf.module_callback = DecodeVision; conf.recv_buff_size = VISION_RECV_SIZE; conf.usart_handle = _handle; vision_usart_instance = USARTRegister(&conf); // 为master process注册daemon,用于判断视觉通信是否离线 Daemon_Init_Config_s daemon_conf = { .callback = VisionOfflineCallback, // 离线时调用的回调函数,会重启串口接收 .owner_id = vision_usart_instance, .reload_count = 10, }; vision_daemon_instance = DaemonRegister(&daemon_conf); return &recv_data; } /** * @brief 发送函数 * * @param send 待发送数据 * */ void VisionSend() { // buff和txlen必须为static,才能保证在函数退出后不被释放,使得DMA正确完成发送 // 析构后的陷阱需要特别注意! static uint16_t flag_register; static uint8_t send_buff[VISION_SEND_SIZE]; static uint16_t tx_len; // TODO: code to set flag_register flag_register = 30 << 8 | 0b00000001; // 将数据转化为seasky协议的数据包 get_protocol_send_data(0x02, flag_register, &send_data.yaw, 3, send_buff, &tx_len); USARTSend(vision_usart_instance, send_buff, tx_len, USART_TRANSFER_DMA); // 和视觉通信使用IT,防止和接收使用的DMA冲突 // 此处为HAL设计的缺陷,DMASTOP会停止发送和接收,导致再也无法进入接收中断. // 也可在发送完成中断中重新启动DMA接收,但较为复杂.因此,此处使用IT发送. // 若使用了daemon,则也可以使用DMA发送. } #endif // VISION_USE_UART #ifdef VISION_USE_VCP #include "bsp_usb.h" static uint8_t *vis_recv_buff; //接收到的原始数据 static void DecodeVision(uint16_t recv_len) { // uint16_t flag_register; // get_protocol_info(vis_recv_buff, &flag_register, (uint8_t *)&recv_data.pitch); // // TODO: code to resolve flag_register; if(vis_recv_buff[0]==0xA5) { if(VerifyCRC16CheckSum(vis_recv_buff,sizeof(recv_data))) { DaemonReload(vision_daemon_instance); memcpy(&recv_data,vis_recv_buff,sizeof(recv_data)); } } } /** * @brief 离线回调函数,将在daemon.c中被daemon task调用 * @attention 由于HAL库的设计问题,串口开启DMA接收之后同时发送有概率出现__HAL_LOCK()导致的死锁,使得无法 * 进入接收中断.通过daemon判断数据更新,重新调用服务启动函数以解决此问题. * * @param id vision_usart_instance的地址,此处没用. */ static void VisionOfflineCallback(void *id) { #ifdef VISION_USE_UART USARTServiceInit(vision_usart_instance); #endif // !VISION_USE_UART //USB_Init_Config_s conf = {.rx_cbk = DecodeVision}; //vis_recv_buff = USBInit(conf); LOGWARNING("[vision] vision offline, restart communication."); } /* 视觉通信初始化 */ RecievePacket_t *VisionInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *_handle) { UNUSED(_handle); // 仅为了消除警告 USB_Init_Config_s conf = {.rx_cbk = DecodeVision}; vis_recv_buff = USBInit(conf); // 为master process注册daemon,用于判断视觉通信是否离线 Daemon_Init_Config_s daemon_conf = { .callback = VisionOfflineCallback, // 离线时调用的回调函数,会重启串口接收 .owner_id = NULL, .reload_count = 5, // 50ms }; vision_daemon_instance = DaemonRegister(&daemon_conf); return &recv_data; } void VisionSend() { // static uint16_t flag_register; // static uint8_t send_buff[VISION_SEND_SIZE]; // static uint16_t tx_len; // // TODO: code to set flag_register // flag_register = 30 << 8 | 0b00000001; // // 将数据转化为seasky协议的数据包 // get_protocol_send_data(0x02, flag_register, &send_data.yaw, 3, send_buff, &tx_len); // USBTransmit(send_buff, tx_len); static uint8_t send_buffer[64]={0}; send_data.header = 0x5A; //VisionSetFlag(COLOR_BLUE); //VisionSetAim(recv_data.x,recv_data.y,recv_data.z); //VisionSetAim(0,0,0); send_data.checksum = crc_16(&send_data.header,sizeof(send_data)-2); memcpy(send_buffer,&send_data,sizeof(send_data)); USBTransmit(send_buffer, sizeof(send_data)); } #endif // VISION_USE_VCP