
This commit is contained in:
NeoZng 2023-02-16 15:46:04 +08:00
parent b9a7d87dfd
commit a2a83f9fbf
35 changed files with 554 additions and 242 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,3 @@
# File automatically-generated by tool: [projectgenerator] version: [3.17.1] date: [Thu Oct 20 16:31:27 CST 2022]
# ------------------------------------------------
# Generic Makefile (based on gcc)
# ChangeLog :
# 2017-02-10 - Several enhancements + project update mode
# 2015-07-22 - first version
# ------------------------------------------------
###################################### ######################################
# target # target
@ -24,7 +13,7 @@ SHELL = cmd.exe
# optimization # optimization
OPT = -O0 # O0避免没有使用到的变量被优化,如果没有特殊的调试需求请修改成-Og. OPT = -O0 # O0避免没有使用到的变量被优化,如果没有特殊的调试需求请修改成-Og.
# 为了更高的性能,正式上车不需要调试时修改成-O3 # 为了更高的性能,正式上车不需要调试时修改成-O3/-Ofast
####################################### #######################################
@ -156,6 +145,7 @@ application/gimbal/gimbal.c \
application/chassis/chassis.c \ application/chassis/chassis.c \
application/shoot/shoot.c \ application/shoot/shoot.c \
application/cmd/robot_cmd.c \ application/cmd/robot_cmd.c \
application/balance_chassis/balance.c \
application/robot.c application/robot.c
@ -236,6 +226,7 @@ C_INCLUDES = \
-Iapplication/shoot \ -Iapplication/shoot \
-Iapplication/gimbal \ -Iapplication/gimbal \
-Iapplication/cmd \ -Iapplication/cmd \
-Iapplication/balance_chassis \
-Iapplication \ -Iapplication \
-Ibsp/dwt \ -Ibsp/dwt \
-Ibsp/can \ -Ibsp/can \
@ -269,7 +260,7 @@ C_INCLUDES = \
-Imodules/message_center \ -Imodules/message_center \
-Imodules/daemon \ -Imodules/daemon \
-Imodules/vofa \ -Imodules/vofa \
-Imodules/ -Imodules
# compile gcc flags # compile gcc flags
ASFLAGS = $(MCU) $(AS_DEFS) $(AS_INCLUDES) $(OPT) -Wall -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections ASFLAGS = $(MCU) $(AS_DEFS) $(AS_INCLUDES) $(OPT) -Wall -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
@ -341,7 +332,7 @@ clean:
# linux: rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR) # linux: rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
####################################### #######################################
# download without debugging # download directl without debugging
####################################### #######################################
OPENOCD_FLASH_START = 0x08000000 # 如果切换芯片可能需要修改此值 OPENOCD_FLASH_START = 0x08000000 # 如果切换芯片可能需要修改此值

View File

@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
#### controller #### controller
- [x] 增加前馈数据 - [x] 增加前馈数据
- [ ] 将PID的初始化改写为PIDRegister的形式,在controller统一分配内存.
#### user_lib #### user_lib
@ -150,11 +151,22 @@
- [ ] 增加3508和2006的开环零位校准函数 - [ ] 增加3508和2006的开环零位校准函数
- [ ] 为实例增加低通滤波系数变量,使不同电机有不同的配置 - [ ] 为实例增加低通滤波系数变量,使不同电机有不同的配置
- [ ] 正反转标志位设置,需要修改反馈量和pid计算
#### LKmotor
- [ ] 正反转标志位设置,需要修改反馈量和pid计算
#### HTmotor
- [ ] 正反转标志位设置,需要修改反馈量和pid计算
### 待添加 ### 待添加
#### unicomm
- [ ] 完成初版构建
#### step_motor #### step_motor
- [ ] 增加步进电机模块 - [ ] 增加步进电机模块

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
#include "balance.h"
#include "HT04.h"
#include "LK9025.h"
#include "bmi088.h"
#include "referee.h"
#include "super_cap.h"
#include "controller.h"
#include "can_comm.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include "robot_def.h"
#include "general_def.h"
#include "arm_math.h" // 需要用到较多三角函数
/* 底盘拥有的模块实例 */
static BMI088Instance *imu;
static SuperCapInstance *super_cap;
static referee_info_t *referee_data; // 裁判系统的数据会被不断更新
static HTMotorInstance *lf;
static HTMotorInstance *rf;
static HTMotorInstance *lb;
static HTMotorInstance *rb;
static LKMotorInstance *l_driven;
static LKMotorInstance *r_driven;
static CANCommInstance *chassis_comm; // 底盘板和云台板通信
static Chassis_Ctrl_Cmd_s chassis_cmd_recv;
static Chassis_Upload_Data_s chassis_feed_send;
// 由于采用多板架构,即使使用C板也有空余串口,可以使用串口通信以获得更高的通信速率
/* 方便函数间无开销传递参数的中间变量 */
// 若将下面的封装函数取缔,则可以将这些变量放入BalanceTask函数体内.
// static ...
static float leg_len_l, leg_len_r; // 左右腿长(虚拟)
static float leg_angle_l, leg_angle_r; // 左右腿角度(虚拟)
// 倒立摆的虚拟力和虚拟力矩
static float F_virtual_left, T_virtual_left, F_virtual_right, T_virtual_right;
// 左前,左后,右前,右后关节力矩
static float T_joint_lf, T_joint_lr, T_joint_rf, T_joint_rb;
static float T_leg_left, T_leg_right; // 左右驱动电机力矩
/* ↓↓↓分割出这些函数是为了提高可读性,使得阅读者的逻辑更加顺畅;但实际上这些函数都不长,可以以注释的形式直接加到BalanceTask里↓↓↓*/
* @brief ,LQR的反馈增益,LQR的输出
* ,使,
static void CalcLQR()
* @brief LQR的输出映射到关节和驱动电机的输出
static void VMCProject()
* @brief :
static PIDInstance swerving_pid;
static PIDInstance anti_crash_pid;
static void SynthesizeMotion()
* @brief : + roll轴补偿(),PD模拟弹簧的传递函数
static PIDInstance leg_length_pid;
static PIDInstance roll_compensate_pid;
static void LegControl()
* @brief ?
static void FlyDetect()
* @brief
static void WattLimit()
void BalanceInit()
BMI088_Init_Config_s imu_config = {
// IMU初始化
.spi_acc_config = {
.cs_pin = GPIO_PIN_4,
.spi_handle = &hspi1,
.spi_gyro_config = {
.cs_pin = GPIO_PIN_4,
.spi_handle = &hspi1,
.acc_int_config = {
.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_PIN_10,
.gyro_int_config = {
.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_PIN_11,
.heat_pid_config = {
.Kp = 0.0f,
.Kd = 0.0f,
.Ki = 0.0f,
.MaxOut = 0.0f,
.DeadBand = 0.0f,
.heat_pwm_config = {
.channel = TIM_CHANNEL_1,
.htim = &htim1,
.work_mode = BMI088_BLOCK_PERIODIC_MODE,
imu = BMI088Register(&imu_config);
SuperCap_Init_Config_s cap_conf = {
// 超级电容初始化
.can_config.can_handle = &hcan1,
.can_config.rx_id = 0x311,
.can_config.tx_id = 0x312,
super_cap = SuperCapInit(&cap_conf);
// ↓↓↓---------------关节电机初始化----------------↓↓↓
Motor_Init_Config_s joint_conf = {
// 写一个,剩下的修改方向和id即可
lf = HTMotorInit(&joint_conf);
rf = HTMotorInit(&joint_conf);
lb = HTMotorInit(&joint_conf);
rb = HTMotorInit(&joint_conf);
// ↓↓↓---------------驱动电机初始化----------------↓↓↓
Motor_Init_Config_s driven_conf = {
// 写一个,剩下的修改方向和id即可
l_driven = LKMotorInit(&driven_conf);
r_driven = LKMotorInit(&driven_conf);
CANComm_Init_Config_s chassis_comm_conf = {
// 底盘板和云台板通信
.can_config = {
.can_handle = &hcan1,
.rx_id = 0x201,
.tx_id = 0x200,
.send_data_len = sizeof(Chassis_Upload_Data_s),
.recv_data_len = sizeof(Chassis_Ctrl_Cmd_s),
chassis_comm = CANCommInit(&chassis_comm_conf);
referee_data = RefereeInit(&huart6); // 裁判系统串口
// ↓↓↓---------------综合运动控制----------------↓↓↓
PID_Init_Config_s swerving_pid_conf = {
.Kp = 0.0f,
.Kd = 0.0f,
.Ki = 0.0f,
.MaxOut = 0.0f,
.DeadBand = 0.0f,
PIDInit(&swerving_pid, &swerving_pid_conf);
PID_Init_Config_s anti_crash_pid_conf = {
.Kp = 0.0f,
.Kd = 0.0f,
.Ki = 0.0f,
.MaxOut = 0.0f,
.DeadBand = 0.0f,
PIDInit(&swerving_pid, &swerving_pid_conf);
PID_Init_Config_s leg_length_pid_conf = {
.Kp = 0.0f,
.Kd = 0.0f,
.Ki = 0.0f,
.MaxOut = 0.0f,
.DeadBand = 0.0f,
PIDInit(&leg_length_pid, &leg_length_pid_conf);
PID_Init_Config_s roll_compensate_pid_conf = {
.Kp = 0.0f,
.Kd = 0.0f,
.Ki = 0.0f,
.MaxOut = 0.0f,
.DeadBand = 0.0f,
PIDInit(&roll_compensate_pid, &roll_compensate_pid_conf);
void BalanceTask()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
* @brief
void BalanceInit();
* @brief
void BalanceTask();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# balance
## 工作流程
1. 获取控制信息
2. 根据控制模式将控制指令转化为实际的参考输入
3. 使用lqr得出的反馈增益,计算二阶倒立摆模型的控制输出;需要根据当前腿长查gain table,或预先拟合K=f(Leg)的函数
4. 计算二阶倒立摆$[L0 phi0]$和轮腿[phi1 phi4]间的雅可比,根据VMC将lqr的输出[F Tp]映射成[T1 T2] ; 驱动轮不需要映射
5. 进行综合运动补偿,即转向控制和抗劈叉
6. 进行腿长控制计算,即长度控制和roll轴水平控制
7. 进行离地检测判断是否要让腿保持垂直,后续再加入跳跃功能
8. 根据裁判系统和超级电容的功率信息进行输出限幅
9. 设置反馈信息,包括裁判系统的数据,并通过电机反馈和IMU数据计算底盘实际运动状态等
10. 推送反馈信息
另外, 选择平衡底盘有枪口冷却增益, 注意将这一部分改变反馈给cmd, 以使得shoot有更好的表现

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/* 平衡底盘lqr反馈增益和腿长的关系表,可以选择查找精度和插值 */
#pragma once
#include "stdint.h"
#include "arm_math.h"
#include "math.h"
#define GAIN_TABLE_SIZE 100 // 增益表大小
// K 2x6,6个状态变量2个输出(Tp关节电机和T驱动轮电机)
static float leglen2gain [GAIN_TABLE_SIZE][2][6] = {};
static interpolation_flag = 0; // 插值方式:1 线性插值 0 关闭插值
void EnalbeInterpolation(void)
interpolation_flag = 1;
/* 默认关闭插值,向下取整 */
float LookUpKgain(float leg_length)

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void ChassisInit()
}, },
.motor_type = M3508, .motor_type = M3508,
}; };
// @todo: 当前还没有设置电机的正反转,仍然需要手动添加reference的正负号,需要电机module的支持,待修改.
chassis_motor_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 4; chassis_motor_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 4;
chassis_motor_config.controller_setting_init_config.reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL; chassis_motor_config.controller_setting_init_config.reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL;
motor_lf = DJIMotorInit(&chassis_motor_config); motor_lf = DJIMotorInit(&chassis_motor_config);

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
工程机器人夹爪 工程机器人夹爪

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
抬升/横移机构 抬升/横移机构

View File

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
#include "master_process.h" #include "master_process.h"
#include "stdint.h" #include "stdint.h"
/* 开发板类型定义,烧录时注意不要弄错对应功能;修改定义后需要重新编译,只能存在一个定义! */ /* 开发板类型定义,烧录时注意不要弄错对应功能;修改定义后需要重新编译,只能存在一个定义! */
#define ONE_BOARD // 单板控制整车 #define ONE_BOARD // 单板控制整车
// #define CHASSIS_BOARD //底盘板 // #define CHASSIS_BOARD //底盘板
// #define GIMBAL_BOARD //云台板 // #define GIMBAL_BOARD //云台板
// #define BALANCE_BOARD //启用平衡底盘,则默认双板且当前板位底盘,目前不支持!请勿使用!
// @todo: 增加机器人类型定义,后续是否要兼容所有机器人?(只兼容步兵英雄哨兵似乎就够了) // @todo: 增加机器人类型定义,后续是否要兼容所有机器人?(只兼容步兵英雄哨兵似乎就够了)
// 通过该宏,你可以直接将所有机器人的参数保存在一处,然后每次只需要修改这个宏就可以替换所有参数 // 通过该宏,你可以直接将所有机器人的参数保存在一处,然后每次只需要修改这个宏就可以替换所有参数
@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ typedef struct
* *
*/ */
/* @todo : 对于平衡底盘,需要新增控制模式和控制数据 */
typedef struct typedef struct
{ {
@ -198,6 +199,7 @@ typedef struct
} Chassis_Upload_Data_s; } Chassis_Upload_Data_s;
/* @todo : 对于平衡底盘,需要不同的反馈数据 */
typedef struct typedef struct
{ {
attitude_t gimbal_imu_data; attitude_t gimbal_imu_data;

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ CANInstance *CANRegister(CAN_Init_Config_s *config)
uint8_t CANTransmit(CANInstance *_instance,uint8_t timeout) uint8_t CANTransmit(CANInstance *_instance,uint8_t timeout)
{ {
float dwt_start = DWT_GetTimeline_ms(); float dwt_start = DWT_GetTimeline_ms();
while (HAL_CAN_GetTxMailboxesFreeLevel(_instance->can_handle) == 0);// 等待邮箱空闲 while (HAL_CAN_GetTxMailboxesFreeLevel(_instance->can_handle) == 0) // 等待邮箱空闲
{ {
if (DWT_GetTimeline_ms() - dwt_start > timeout) // 超时 if (DWT_GetTimeline_ms() - dwt_start > timeout) // 超时
{ {

View File

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
#include "stdlib.h" #include "stdlib.h"
static uint8_t idx; static uint8_t idx;
static GPIOInstance* gpio_instance[GPIO_MX_DEVICE_NUM] = {NULL}; static GPIOInstance *gpio_instance[GPIO_MX_DEVICE_NUM] = {NULL};
/** /**
* @brief EXTI中断回调函数,GPIO_Pin找到对应的GPIOInstance,() * @brief EXTI中断回调函数,GPIO_Pin找到对应的GPIOInstance,()
* @note GPIO的引脚连接到这个EXTI中断线上? * @note GPIO的引脚连接到这个EXTI中断线上?
* EXTI中断线只能连接一个GPIO引脚,GPIO_Pin来判断,PinX对应EXTIX * EXTI中断线只能连接一个GPIO引脚,GPIO_Pin来判断,PinX对应EXTIX
* Pin号只会对应一个EXTI,gpio.md * Pin号只会对应一个EXTI,gpio.md
* @param GPIO_Pin GPIO_Pin * @param GPIO_Pin GPIO_Pin
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
static GPIOInstance *gpio; static GPIOInstance *gpio;
for (size_t i = 0; i < idx; i++) for (size_t i = 0; i < idx; i++)
{ {
gpio=gpio_instance[i]; gpio = gpio_instance[i];
if(gpio->GPIO_Pin==GPIO_Pin && gpio->gpio_model_callback!=NULL) if (gpio->GPIO_Pin == GPIO_Pin && gpio->gpio_model_callback != NULL)
{ {
gpio->gpio_model_callback(gpio); gpio->gpio_model_callback(gpio);
return; return;
@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
GPIOInstance *GPIORegister(GPIO_Init_Config_s *GPIO_config) GPIOInstance *GPIORegister(GPIO_Init_Config_s *GPIO_config)
{ {
GPIOInstance *ins=(GPIOInstance*)malloc(sizeof(GPIOInstance)); GPIOInstance *ins = (GPIOInstance *)malloc(sizeof(GPIOInstance));
memset(ins,0,sizeof(GPIOInstance)); memset(ins, 0, sizeof(GPIOInstance));
ins->GPIOx=GPIO_config->GPIOx; ins->GPIOx = GPIO_config->GPIOx;
ins->GPIO_Pin=GPIO_config->GPIO_Pin; ins->GPIO_Pin = GPIO_config->GPIO_Pin;
ins->pin_state=GPIO_config->pin_state; ins->pin_state = GPIO_config->pin_state;
ins->exti_mode=GPIO_config->exti_mode; ins->exti_mode = GPIO_config->exti_mode;
ins->id=GPIO_config->id; ins->id = GPIO_config->id;
ins->gpio_model_callback=GPIO_config->gpio_model_callback; ins->gpio_model_callback = GPIO_config->gpio_model_callback;
gpio_instance[idx++]=ins; gpio_instance[idx++] = ins;
return ins; return ins;
} }
@ -47,21 +47,20 @@ GPIOInstance *GPIORegister(GPIO_Init_Config_s *GPIO_config)
void GPIOToggel(GPIOInstance *_instance) void GPIOToggel(GPIOInstance *_instance)
{ {
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(_instance->GPIOx,_instance->GPIO_Pin); HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(_instance->GPIOx, _instance->GPIO_Pin);
} }
void GPIOSet(GPIOInstance *_instance) void GPIOSet(GPIOInstance *_instance)
{ {
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(_instance->GPIOx,_instance->GPIO_Pin,GPIO_PIN_SET); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(_instance->GPIOx, _instance->GPIO_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
} }
void GPIOReset(GPIOInstance *_instance) void GPIOReset(GPIOInstance *_instance)
{ {
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(_instance->GPIOx,_instance->GPIO_Pin,GPIO_PIN_RESET); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(_instance->GPIOx, _instance->GPIO_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
} }
GPIO_PinState GPIORead(GPIOInstance *_instance) GPIO_PinState GPIORead(GPIOInstance *_instance)
{ {
return HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(_instance->GPIOx,_instance->GPIO_Pin); return HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(_instance->GPIOx, _instance->GPIO_Pin);
} }

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ SPIInstance *SPIRegister(SPI_Init_Config_s *conf)
memset(instance, 0, sizeof(SPIInstance)); memset(instance, 0, sizeof(SPIInstance));
instance->spi_handle = conf->spi_handle; instance->spi_handle = conf->spi_handle;
instance->GPIO_cs = conf->GPIO_cs; instance->GPIOx = conf->GPIOx;
instance->cs_pin = conf->cs_pin; instance->cs_pin = conf->cs_pin;
instance->spi_work_mode = conf->spi_work_mode; instance->spi_work_mode = conf->spi_work_mode;
instance->callback = conf->callback; instance->callback = conf->callback;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ SPIInstance *SPIRegister(SPI_Init_Config_s *conf)
void SPITransmit(SPIInstance *spi_ins, uint8_t *ptr_data, uint8_t len) void SPITransmit(SPIInstance *spi_ins, uint8_t *ptr_data, uint8_t len)
{ {
// 拉低片选,开始传输(选中从机) // 拉低片选,开始传输(选中从机)
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIO_cs, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIOx, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
switch (spi_ins->spi_work_mode) switch (spi_ins->spi_work_mode)
{ {
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ void SPITransmit(SPIInstance *spi_ins, uint8_t *ptr_data, uint8_t len)
HAL_SPI_Transmit(spi_ins->spi_handle, ptr_data, len, 50); // 默认50ms超时 HAL_SPI_Transmit(spi_ins->spi_handle, ptr_data, len, 50); // 默认50ms超时
// 阻塞模式不会调用回调函数,传输完成后直接拉高片选结束 // 阻塞模式不会调用回调函数,传输完成后直接拉高片选结束
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIO_cs, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIOx, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
break; break;
default: default:
while (1) while (1)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ void SPIRecv(SPIInstance *spi_ins, uint8_t *ptr_data, uint8_t len)
spi_ins->rx_size = len; spi_ins->rx_size = len;
spi_ins->rx_buffer = ptr_data; spi_ins->rx_buffer = ptr_data;
// 拉低片选,开始传输 // 拉低片选,开始传输
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIO_cs, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIOx, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
switch (spi_ins->spi_work_mode) switch (spi_ins->spi_work_mode)
{ {
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ void SPIRecv(SPIInstance *spi_ins, uint8_t *ptr_data, uint8_t len)
HAL_SPI_Receive(spi_ins->spi_handle, ptr_data, len, 10); HAL_SPI_Receive(spi_ins->spi_handle, ptr_data, len, 10);
// 阻塞模式不会调用回调函数,传输完成后直接拉高片选结束 // 阻塞模式不会调用回调函数,传输完成后直接拉高片选结束
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIO_cs, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIOx, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
break; break;
default: default:
while (1) while (1)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void SPITransRecv(SPIInstance *spi_ins, uint8_t *ptr_data_rx, uint8_t *ptr_data_
spi_ins->rx_size = len; spi_ins->rx_size = len;
spi_ins->rx_buffer = ptr_data_rx; spi_ins->rx_buffer = ptr_data_rx;
// 拉低片选,开始传输 // 拉低片选,开始传输
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIO_cs, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIOx, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
switch (spi_ins->spi_work_mode) switch (spi_ins->spi_work_mode)
{ {
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void SPITransRecv(SPIInstance *spi_ins, uint8_t *ptr_data_rx, uint8_t *ptr_data_
HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(spi_ins->spi_handle, ptr_data_tx, ptr_data_rx, len, 50); // 默认50ms超时 HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(spi_ins->spi_handle, ptr_data_tx, ptr_data_rx, len, 50); // 默认50ms超时
// 阻塞模式不会调用回调函数,传输完成后直接拉高片选结束 // 阻塞模式不会调用回调函数,传输完成后直接拉高片选结束
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIO_cs, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_ins->GPIOx, spi_ins->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
break; break;
default: default:
while (1) while (1)
@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ void HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallback(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi)
{ {
// 如果是当前spi硬件发出的complete,且cs_pin为低电平(说明正在传输),则尝试调用回调函数 // 如果是当前spi硬件发出的complete,且cs_pin为低电平(说明正在传输),则尝试调用回调函数
if (spi_instance[i]->spi_handle == hspi && // 显然同一时间一条总线只能有一个从机在接收数据 if (spi_instance[i]->spi_handle == hspi && // 显然同一时间一条总线只能有一个从机在接收数据
HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(spi_instance[i]->GPIO_cs, spi_instance[i]->cs_pin) == GPIO_PIN_RESET) HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(spi_instance[i]->GPIOx, spi_instance[i]->cs_pin) == GPIO_PIN_RESET)
{ {
// 先拉高片选,结束传输,在判断是否有回调函数,如果有则调用回调函数 // 先拉高片选,结束传输,在判断是否有回调函数,如果有则调用回调函数
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_instance[i]->GPIO_cs, spi_instance[i]->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(spi_instance[i]->GPIOx, spi_instance[i]->cs_pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
if (spi_instance[i]->callback != NULL) // 回调函数不为空, 则调用回调函数 if (spi_instance[i]->callback != NULL) // 回调函数不为空, 则调用回调函数
{ {
spi_instance[i]->callback(spi_instance[i]); spi_instance[i]->callback(spi_instance[i]);
} }
return; return;

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ typedef enum
typedef struct spi_ins_temp typedef struct spi_ins_temp
{ {
SPI_HandleTypeDef *spi_handle; // SPI外设handle SPI_HandleTypeDef *spi_handle; // SPI外设handle
GPIO_TypeDef *GPIO_cs; // 片选信号对应的GPIO,如GPIOA,GPIOB等等 GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx; // 片选信号对应的GPIO,如GPIOA,GPIOB等等
uint16_t cs_pin; // 片选信号对应的引脚号,GPIO_PIN_1,GPIO_PIN_2等等 uint16_t cs_pin; // 片选信号对应的引脚号,GPIO_PIN_1,GPIO_PIN_2等等
SPI_TXRX_MODE_e spi_work_mode; // 传输工作模式 SPI_TXRX_MODE_e spi_work_mode; // 传输工作模式
@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ typedef struct spi_ins_temp
/* 接收回调函数定义,包含SPI的module按照此格式构建回调函数 */ /* 接收回调函数定义,包含SPI的module按照此格式构建回调函数 */
typedef void (*spi_rx_callback)(SPIInstance *); typedef void (*spi_rx_callback)(SPIInstance *);
// @todo: 这里可以将GPIO_TypeDef *GPIO_cs; uint16_t cs_pin合并为bsp_gpio以简化代码实现 // @todo: 这里可以将GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx; uint16_t cs_pin合并为bsp_gpio以简化代码实现
/* SPI初始化配置,其实基本和SPIIstance一模一样,为了代码风格统一因此再次定义 */ /* SPI初始化配置,其实基本和SPIIstance一模一样,为了代码风格统一因此再次定义 */
typedef struct typedef struct
{ {
SPI_HandleTypeDef *spi_handle; // SPI外设handle SPI_HandleTypeDef *spi_handle; // SPI外设handle
GPIO_TypeDef *GPIO_cs; // 片选信号对应的GPIO,如GPIOA,GPIOB等等 GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx; // 片选信号对应的GPIO,如GPIOA,GPIOB等等
uint16_t cs_pin; // 片选信号对应的引脚号,GPIO_PIN_1,GPIO_PIN_2等等 uint16_t cs_pin; // 片选信号对应的引脚号,GPIO_PIN_1,GPIO_PIN_2等等
SPI_TXRX_MODE_e spi_work_mode; // 传输工作模式 SPI_TXRX_MODE_e spi_work_mode; // 传输工作模式
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void SPIRecv(SPIInstance *spi_ins, uint8_t *ptr_data, uint8_t len);
/** /**
* @brief spi利用移位寄存器同时收发数据 * @brief spi利用移位寄存器同时收发数据
* @todo timeout参数 * @todo timeout参数
* *
* @param spi_ins spi实例指针 * @param spi_ins spi实例指针
* @param ptr_data_rx * @param ptr_data_rx
* @param ptr_data_tx * @param ptr_data_tx

View File

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ BMI088_Data_t BMI088Acquire(BMI088Instance *bmi088);
/** /**
* @brief .BMI088在初始化的时候会调用此函数. 便线 * @brief .BMI088在初始化的时候会调用此函数. 便线
* @attention @todo ,,INS_Task冲突., * @attention @todo ,,INS_Task冲突.,
* *
* @param _bmi088 * @param _bmi088
*/ */
void BMI088CalibrateIMU(BMI088Instance *_bmi088); void BMI088CalibrateIMU(BMI088Instance *_bmi088);

View File

@ -2,19 +2,18 @@
**注意,此模块待测试** **注意,此模块待测试**
## 示例 ## 示例
```c ```c
BMI088_Init_Config_s imu_config = { BMI088_Init_Config_s imu_config = {
.spi_acc_config={ .spi_acc_config={
.spi_handle=&hspi1, .spi_handle=&hspi1,
}, },
.spi_gyro_config={ .spi_gyro_config={
.spi_handle=&hspi1, .spi_handle=&hspi1,
}, },
.acc_int_config={ .acc_int_config={
@ -63,9 +62,11 @@ BMI088Instance* imu=BMI088Register(&imu_config);
of course,两者的数据更新实际上可以异步进行,这里为了方便起见当两者数据都准备好以后再行融合 of course,两者的数据更新实际上可以异步进行,这里为了方便起见当两者数据都准备好以后再行融合
## 数据读写规则(so called 16-bit protocol) ## 数据读写规则(so called 16-bit protocol)
加速度计读取read: 加速度计读取read:
1. bit 0 :1 bit 1-7: reg address 1. bit 0 :1 bit 1-7: reg address
2. dummy read,加速度计此时返回的数据无效 2. dummy read,加速度计此时返回的数据无效
3. 真正的数据从第三个字节开始. 3. 真正的数据从第三个字节开始.
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ byte2: 没用
byte3: 读取到的数据 byte3: 读取到的数据
write写入: write写入:
1. bit 0: 0 bit1-7: reg address 1. bit 0: 0 bit1-7: reg address
2. 要写入寄存器的数据(注意没有dummy byte) 2. 要写入寄存器的数据(注意没有dummy byte)
@ -84,6 +86,7 @@ write写入:
**注意,陀螺仪和加速度计的读取不同** **注意,陀螺仪和加速度计的读取不同**
陀螺仪gyro读取read: 陀螺仪gyro读取read:
1. bit 0 :1 bit1-7: reg address 1. bit 0 :1 bit1-7: reg address
2. 读回的数据 2. 读回的数据
@ -92,7 +95,6 @@ byte1: 1(读)+7位寄存器地址
byte2: 读取到的数据 byte2: 读取到的数据
write写入: write写入:
1. bit0 : 0 bit1-7 : reg address 1. bit0 : 0 bit1-7 : reg address
2. 写入的数据 2. 写入的数据

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
#include "LQR.h"

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
* @file LQR.h
* @author your name (you@domain.com)
* @brief arm math库实现矩阵运算功能
* @version 0.1
* @date 2023-02-14
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023
#pragma once

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* @copyrightCopyright (c) 2022 HNU YueLu EC all rights reserved * @copyrightCopyright (c) 2022 HNU YueLu EC all rights reserved
*/ */
#include "controller.h" #include "controller.h"
#include <memory.h> #include "memory.h"
/* ----------------------------下面是pid优化环节的实现---------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------下面是pid优化环节的实现---------------------------- */
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static void f_Integral_Limit(PIDInstance *pid)
static float temp_Output, temp_Iout; static float temp_Output, temp_Iout;
temp_Iout = pid->Iout + pid->ITerm; temp_Iout = pid->Iout + pid->ITerm;
temp_Output = pid->Pout + pid->Iout + pid->Dout; temp_Output = pid->Pout + pid->Iout + pid->Dout;
if (abs(temp_Output) > pid->MaxOut) if (abs(temp_Output) > pid->MaxOut)
{ {
if (pid->Err * pid->Iout > 0) // 积分却还在累积 if (pid->Err * pid->Iout > 0) // 积分却还在累积
{ {
@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ static void f_PID_ErrorHandle(PIDInstance *pid)
} }
} }
/* ---------------------------下面是PID的外部算法接口--------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------下面是PID的外部算法接口--------------------------- */
/** /**
@ -126,8 +125,8 @@ static void f_PID_ErrorHandle(PIDInstance *pid)
* @param pid PID实例 * @param pid PID实例
* @param config PID初始化设置 * @param config PID初始化设置
*/ */
void PID_Init(PIDInstance *pid, PID_Init_Config_s *config) void PIDInit(PIDInstance *pid, PID_Init_Config_s *config)
{ {
// config的数据和pid的部分数据是连续且相同的的,所以可以直接用memcpy // config的数据和pid的部分数据是连续且相同的的,所以可以直接用memcpy
// @todo: 不建议这样做,可扩展性差,不知道的开发者可能会误以为pid和config是同一个结构体 // @todo: 不建议这样做,可扩展性差,不知道的开发者可能会误以为pid和config是同一个结构体
// 后续修改为逐个赋值 // 后续修改为逐个赋值
@ -135,7 +134,6 @@ void PID_Init(PIDInstance *pid, PID_Init_Config_s *config)
// utilize the quality of struct that its memeory is continuous // utilize the quality of struct that its memeory is continuous
memcpy(pid, config, sizeof(PID_Init_Config_s)); memcpy(pid, config, sizeof(PID_Init_Config_s));
// set rest of memory to 0 // set rest of memory to 0
} }
/** /**
@ -145,13 +143,13 @@ void PID_Init(PIDInstance *pid, PID_Init_Config_s *config)
* @param[in] * @param[in]
* @retval * @retval
*/ */
float PID_Calculate(PIDInstance *pid, float measure, float ref) float PIDCalculate(PIDInstance *pid, float measure, float ref)
{ {
// 堵转检测 // 堵转检测
if (pid->Improve & ErrorHandle) if (pid->Improve & PID_ErrorHandle)
f_PID_ErrorHandle(pid); f_PID_ErrorHandle(pid);
pid->dt = DWT_GetDeltaT((void *)&pid->DWT_CNT); //获取两次pid计算的时间间隔,用于积分和微分 pid->dt = DWT_GetDeltaT((void *)&pid->DWT_CNT); // 获取两次pid计算的时间间隔,用于积分和微分
// 保存上次的测量值和误差,计算当前error // 保存上次的测量值和误差,计算当前error
pid->Measure = measure; pid->Measure = measure;
@ -160,33 +158,33 @@ float PID_Calculate(PIDInstance *pid, float measure, float ref)
// 如果在死区外,则计算PID // 如果在死区外,则计算PID
if (abs(pid->Err) > pid->DeadBand) if (abs(pid->Err) > pid->DeadBand)
{ {
// 基本的pid计算,使用位置式 // 基本的pid计算,使用位置式
pid->Pout = pid->Kp * pid->Err; pid->Pout = pid->Kp * pid->Err;
pid->ITerm = pid->Ki * pid->Err * pid->dt; pid->ITerm = pid->Ki * pid->Err * pid->dt;
pid->Dout = pid->Kd * (pid->Err - pid->Last_Err) / pid->dt; pid->Dout = pid->Kd * (pid->Err - pid->Last_Err) / pid->dt;
// 梯形积分 // 梯形积分
if (pid->Improve & Trapezoid_Intergral) if (pid->Improve & PID_Trapezoid_Intergral)
f_Trapezoid_Intergral(pid); f_Trapezoid_Intergral(pid);
// 变速积分 // 变速积分
if (pid->Improve & ChangingIntegrationRate) if (pid->Improve & PID_ChangingIntegrationRate)
f_Changing_Integration_Rate(pid); f_Changing_Integration_Rate(pid);
// 微分先行 // 微分先行
if (pid->Improve & Derivative_On_Measurement) if (pid->Improve & PID_Derivative_On_Measurement)
f_Derivative_On_Measurement(pid); f_Derivative_On_Measurement(pid);
// 微分滤波器 // 微分滤波器
if (pid->Improve & DerivativeFilter) if (pid->Improve & PID_DerivativeFilter)
f_Derivative_Filter(pid); f_Derivative_Filter(pid);
// 积分限幅 // 积分限幅
if (pid->Improve & Integral_Limit) if (pid->Improve & PID_Integral_Limit)
f_Integral_Limit(pid); f_Integral_Limit(pid);
pid->Iout += pid->ITerm; // 累加积分 pid->Iout += pid->ITerm; // 累加积分
pid->Output = pid->Pout + pid->Iout + pid->Dout; // 计算输出 pid->Output = pid->Pout + pid->Iout + pid->Dout; // 计算输出
// 输出滤波 // 输出滤波
if (pid->Improve & OutputFilter) if (pid->Improve & PID_OutputFilter)
f_Output_Filter(pid); f_Output_Filter(pid);
// 输出限幅 // 输出限幅
@ -194,10 +192,10 @@ float PID_Calculate(PIDInstance *pid, float measure, float ref)
} }
else // 进入死区, 则清空积分和输出 else // 进入死区, 则清空积分和输出
{ {
pid->Output=0; pid->Output = 0;
pid->ITerm=0; pid->ITerm = 0;
} }
// 保存当前数据,用于下次计算 // 保存当前数据,用于下次计算
pid->Last_Measure = pid->Measure; pid->Last_Measure = pid->Measure;
pid->Last_Output = pid->Output; pid->Last_Output = pid->Output;

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#include "main.h" #include "main.h"
#include "stdint.h" #include "stdint.h"
#include "string.h" #include "memory.h"
#include "stdlib.h" #include "stdlib.h"
#include "bsp_dwt.h" #include "bsp_dwt.h"
#include "arm_math.h" #include "arm_math.h"
@ -25,18 +25,18 @@
#define abs(x) ((x > 0) ? x : -x) #define abs(x) ((x > 0) ? x : -x)
#endif #endif
// PID 优化环节使能标志位 // PID 优化环节使能标志位,通过位与可以判断启用的优化环节;也可以改成位域的形式
typedef enum typedef enum
{ {
PID_IMPROVE_NONE = 0b00000000, // 0000 0000 PID_IMPROVE_NONE = 0b00000000, // 0000 0000
Integral_Limit = 0b00000001, // 0000 0001 PID_Integral_Limit = 0b00000001, // 0000 0001
Derivative_On_Measurement = 0b00000010, // 0000 0010 PID_Derivative_On_Measurement = 0b00000010, // 0000 0010
Trapezoid_Intergral = 0b00000100, // 0000 0100 PID_Trapezoid_Intergral = 0b00000100, // 0000 0100
Proportional_On_Measurement = 0b00001000, // 0000 1000 PID_Proportional_On_Measurement = 0b00001000, // 0000 1000
OutputFilter = 0b00010000, // 0001 0000 PID_OutputFilter = 0b00010000, // 0001 0000
ChangingIntegrationRate = 0b00100000, // 0010 0000 PID_ChangingIntegrationRate = 0b00100000, // 0010 0000
DerivativeFilter = 0b01000000, // 0100 0000 PID_DerivativeFilter = 0b01000000, // 0100 0000
ErrorHandle = 0b10000000, // 1000 0000 PID_ErrorHandle = 0b10000000, // 1000 0000
} PID_Improvement_e; } PID_Improvement_e;
/* PID 报错类型枚举*/ /* PID 报错类型枚举*/
@ -60,16 +60,16 @@ typedef struct
float Kp; float Kp;
float Ki; float Ki;
float Kd; float Kd;
float MaxOut; float MaxOut;
float IntegralLimit;
float DeadBand; float DeadBand;
PID_Improvement_e Improve;
float IntegralLimit;
float CoefA; // For Changing Integral float CoefA; // For Changing Integral
float CoefB; // ITerm = Err*((A-abs(err)+B)/A) when B<|err|<A+B float CoefB; // ITerm = Err*((A-abs(err)+B)/A) when B<|err|<A+B
float Output_LPF_RC; // RC = 1/omegac float Output_LPF_RC; // RC = 1/omegac
float Derivative_LPF_RC; float Derivative_LPF_RC;
PID_Improvement_e Improve;
//----------------------------------- //-----------------------------------
// for calculating // for calculating
float Measure; float Measure;
@ -96,31 +96,31 @@ typedef struct
} PIDInstance; } PIDInstance;
/* 用于PID初始化的结构体*/ /* 用于PID初始化的结构体*/
typedef struct typedef struct // config parameter
{ {
// config parameter // basic parameter
float Kp; float Kp;
float Ki; float Ki;
float Kd; float Kd;
float MaxOut; // 输出限幅
float DeadBand; // 死区
float MaxOut; // 输出限幅 // improve parameter
PID_Improvement_e Improve;
float IntegralLimit; // 积分限幅 float IntegralLimit; // 积分限幅
float DeadBand; // 死区
float CoefA; // For Changing Integral float CoefA; // For Changing Integral
float CoefB; // ITerm = Err*((A-abs(err)+B)/A) when B<|err|<A+B float CoefB; // ITerm = Err*((A-abs(err)+B)/A) when B<|err|<A+B
float Output_LPF_RC; // RC = 1/omegac float Output_LPF_RC; // RC = 1/omegac
float Derivative_LPF_RC; float Derivative_LPF_RC;
PID_Improvement_e Improve;
} PID_Init_Config_s; } PID_Init_Config_s;
/** /**
* @brief PID实例 * @brief PID实例
* * @todo PIDRegister风格
* @param pid PID实例指针 * @param pid PID实例指针
* @param config PID初始化配置 * @param config PID初始化配置
*/ */
void PID_Init(PIDInstance *pid, PID_Init_Config_s *config); void PIDInit(PIDInstance *pid, PID_Init_Config_s *config);
/** /**
* @brief PID输出 * @brief PID输出
@ -130,6 +130,6 @@ void PID_Init(PIDInstance *pid, PID_Init_Config_s *config);
* @param ref * @param ref
* @return float PID计算输出 * @return float PID计算输出
*/ */
float PID_Calculate(PIDInstance *pid, float measure, float ref); float PIDCalculate(PIDInstance *pid, float measure, float ref);
#endif #endif

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#endif #endif
#endif #endif
// 若运算速度不够,可以使用q31代替f32,但是精度会降低
#define mat arm_matrix_instance_f32 #define mat arm_matrix_instance_f32
#define Matrix_Init arm_mat_init_f32 #define Matrix_Init arm_mat_init_f32
#define Matrix_Add arm_mat_add_f32 #define Matrix_Add arm_mat_add_f32

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************
*/ */
#include "stdlib.h" #include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h" #include "memory.h"
#include "user_lib.h" #include "user_lib.h"
#include "math.h" #include "math.h"
#include "main.h" #include "main.h"
@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
uint8_t GlobalDebugMode = 7; uint8_t GlobalDebugMode = 7;
void* zero_malloc(size_t size) void *zero_malloc(size_t size)
{ {
void* ptr=malloc(size); void *ptr = malloc(size);
memset(ptr,0,size); memset(ptr, 0, size);
return ptr; return ptr;
} }
@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ float float_deadband(float Value, float minValue, float maxValue)
return Value; return Value;
} }
// 限幅函数 // 限幅函数
float float_constrain(float Value, float minValue, float maxValue) float float_constrain(float Value, float minValue, float maxValue)
{ {

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ static void IMU_Param_Correction(IMU_Param_t *param, float gyro[3], float accel[
*/ */
static void IMU_Temperature_Ctrl(void) static void IMU_Temperature_Ctrl(void)
{ {
PID_Calculate(&TempCtrl, BMI088.Temperature, RefTemp); PIDCalculate(&TempCtrl, BMI088.Temperature, RefTemp);
IMUPWMSet(float_constrain(float_rounding(TempCtrl.Output), 0, UINT32_MAX)); IMUPWMSet(float_constrain(float_rounding(TempCtrl.Output), 0, UINT32_MAX));
} }
@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ attitude_t *INS_Init(void)
IMU_QuaternionEKF_Init(10, 0.001, 10000000, 1, 0); IMU_QuaternionEKF_Init(10, 0.001, 10000000, 1, 0);
// imu heat init // imu heat init
PID_Init_Config_s config = {.MaxOut = 2000, PID_Init_Config_s config = {.MaxOut = 2000,
.IntegralLimit = 300, .IntegralLimit = 300,
.DeadBand = 0, .DeadBand = 0,
.Kp = 1000, .Kp = 1000,
.Ki = 20, .Ki = 20,
.Kd = 0, .Kd = 0,
.Improve = 0x01}; // enable integratiaon limit .Improve = 0x01}; // enable integratiaon limit
PID_Init(&TempCtrl, &config); PIDInit(&TempCtrl, &config);
// noise of accel is relatively big and of high freq,thus lpf is used // noise of accel is relatively big and of high freq,thus lpf is used
INS.AccelLPF = 0.0085; INS.AccelLPF = 0.0085;
return (attitude_t*)&INS.Gyro; // @todo: 这里偷懒了,不要这样做! 修改INT_t结构体可能会导致异常,待修复. return (attitude_t *)&INS.Gyro; // @todo: 这里偷懒了,不要这样做! 修改INT_t结构体可能会导致异常,待修复.
} }
/* 注意以1kHz的频率运行此任务 */ /* 注意以1kHz的频率运行此任务 */
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void INS_Task(void)
{ {
static uint32_t count = 0; static uint32_t count = 0;
const float gravity[3] = {0, 0, 9.81f}; const float gravity[3] = {0, 0, 9.81f};
dt = DWT_GetDeltaT(&INS_DWT_Count); dt = DWT_GetDeltaT(&INS_DWT_Count);
t += dt; t += dt;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
# ist8310
## 使用示例 ## 使用示例
```c ```c
@ -25,4 +27,4 @@ IST8310_Init_Config_s ist8310_conf = {
IST8310Instance *asdf = IST8310Init(&ist8310_conf); IST8310Instance *asdf = IST8310Init(&ist8310_conf);
// 随后数据会被放到asdf.mag[i]中 // 随后数据会被放到asdf.mag[i]中
``` ```

View File

@ -1,44 +1,39 @@
#include "led.h" #include "led.h"
#include "stdlib.h" #include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h" #include "memory.h"
#include "user_lib.h" #include "user_lib.h"
static uint8_t idx; static uint8_t idx;
static LEDInstance* bsp_led_ins[LED_MAX_NUM] = {NULL}; static LEDInstance *bsp_led_ins[LED_MAX_NUM] = {NULL};
LEDInstance *LEDRegister(LED_Init_Config_s *led_config) LEDInstance *LEDRegister(LED_Init_Config_s *led_config)
{ {
LEDInstance *led_ins = (LEDInstance *)zero_malloc(sizeof(LEDInstance)); LEDInstance *led_ins = (LEDInstance *)zero_malloc(sizeof(LEDInstance));
// 剩下的值暂时都被置零 // 剩下的值暂时都被置零
led_ins->led_pwm=GPIORegister(&led_config->pwm_config); led_ins->led_pwm = GPIORegister(&led_config->pwm_config);
led_ins->led_switch=led_config->init_swtich; led_ins->led_switch = led_config->init_swtich;
bsp_led_ins[idx++] = led_ins; bsp_led_ins[idx++] = led_ins;
return led_ins; return led_ins;
} }
void LEDSet(LEDInstance *_led,uint8_t alpha,uint8_t color_value,uint8_t brightness) void LEDSet(LEDInstance *_led, uint8_t alpha, uint8_t color_value, uint8_t brightness)
{ {
} }
void LEDSwitch(LEDInstance *_led, uint8_t led_switch)
void LEDSwitch(LEDInstance *_led,uint8_t led_switch)
{ {
if(led_switch==1) if (led_switch == 1)
{ {
_led->led_switch=1; _led->led_switch = 1;
} }
else else
{ {
_led->led_switch=0; _led->led_switch = 0;
// PWMSetPeriod(_led,0); // PWMSetPeriod(_led,0);
} }
} }
void LEDShow() void LEDShow()
{ {
} }

View File

@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ DJIMotorInstance *DJIMotorInit(Motor_Init_Config_s *config)
instance->motor_settings = config->controller_setting_init_config; // 正反转,闭环类型等 instance->motor_settings = config->controller_setting_init_config; // 正反转,闭环类型等
// motor controller init 电机控制器初始化 // motor controller init 电机控制器初始化
PID_Init(&instance->motor_controller.current_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.current_PID); PIDInit(&instance->motor_controller.current_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.current_PID);
PID_Init(&instance->motor_controller.speed_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.speed_PID); PIDInit(&instance->motor_controller.speed_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.speed_PID);
PID_Init(&instance->motor_controller.angle_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.angle_PID); PIDInit(&instance->motor_controller.angle_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.angle_PID);
instance->motor_controller.other_angle_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_angle_feedback_ptr; instance->motor_controller.other_angle_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_angle_feedback_ptr;
instance->motor_controller.other_speed_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_speed_feedback_ptr; instance->motor_controller.other_speed_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_speed_feedback_ptr;
// 后续增加电机前馈控制器(速度和电流) // 后续增加电机前馈控制器(速度和电流)
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void DJIMotorControl()
else else
pid_measure = motor_measure->total_angle; // MOTOR_FEED,对total angle闭环,防止在边界处出现突跃 pid_measure = motor_measure->total_angle; // MOTOR_FEED,对total angle闭环,防止在边界处出现突跃
// 更新pid_ref进入下一个环 // 更新pid_ref进入下一个环
pid_ref = PID_Calculate(&motor_controller->angle_PID, pid_measure, pid_ref); pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor_controller->angle_PID, pid_measure, pid_ref);
} }
// 计算速度环,(外层闭环为速度或位置)且(启用速度环)时会计算速度环 // 计算速度环,(外层闭环为速度或位置)且(启用速度环)时会计算速度环
@ -259,13 +259,13 @@ void DJIMotorControl()
else // MOTOR_FEED else // MOTOR_FEED
pid_measure = motor_measure->speed_aps; pid_measure = motor_measure->speed_aps;
// 更新pid_ref进入下一个环 // 更新pid_ref进入下一个环
pid_ref = PID_Calculate(&motor_controller->speed_PID, pid_measure, pid_ref); pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor_controller->speed_PID, pid_measure, pid_ref);
} }
// 计算电流环,目前只要启用了电流环就计算,不管外层闭环是什么,并且电流只有电机自身传感器的反馈 // 计算电流环,目前只要启用了电流环就计算,不管外层闭环是什么,并且电流只有电机自身传感器的反馈
if (motor_setting->close_loop_type & CURRENT_LOOP) if (motor_setting->close_loop_type & CURRENT_LOOP)
{ {
pid_ref = PID_Calculate(&motor_controller->current_PID, motor_measure->real_current, pid_ref); pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor_controller->current_PID, motor_measure->real_current, pid_ref);
} }
// 获取最终输出 // 获取最终输出

View File

@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ dji_motor模块对DJI智能电机包括M2006M3508以及GM6020进行了详
SPEED_LOOP | ANGLE_LOOP // 同时对速度和位置闭环 SPEED_LOOP | ANGLE_LOOP // 同时对速度和位置闭环
``` ```
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ dji_motor模块对DJI智能电机包括M2006M3508以及GM6020进行了详
float Kp; float Kp;
float Ki; float Ki;
float Kd; float Kd;
float MaxOut; // 输出限幅 float MaxOut; // 输出限幅
// 以下是优化参数 // 以下是优化参数
float IntegralLimit; // 积分限幅 float IntegralLimit; // 积分限幅
@ -98,22 +98,22 @@ dji_motor模块对DJI智能电机包括M2006M3508以及GM6020进行了详
float Derivative_LPF_RC; float Derivative_LPF_RC;
PID_Improvement_e Improve; // 优化环节,定义在下一个代码块 PID_Improvement_e Improve; // 优化环节,定义在下一个代码块
} PID_Init_config_s; } PIDInit_config_s;
// 只有当你设启用了对应的优化环节,优化参数才会生效 // 只有当你设启用了对应的优化环节,优化参数才会生效
``` ```
```c ```c
typedef enum typedef enum
{ {
NONE = 0b00000000, NONE = 0b00000000,
Integral_Limit = 0b00000001, Integral_Limit = 0b00000001,
Derivative_On_Measurement = 0b00000010, Derivative_On_Measurement = 0b00000010,
Trapezoid_Intergral = 0b00000100, Trapezoid_Intergral = 0b00000100,
Proportional_On_Measurement = 0b00001000, Proportional_On_Measurement = 0b00001000,
OutputFilter = 0b00010000, OutputFilter = 0b00010000,
ChangingIntegrationRate = 0b00100000, ChangingIntegrationRate = 0b00100000,
DerivativeFilter = 0b01000000, DerivativeFilter = 0b01000000,
ErrorHandle = 0b10000000, ErrorHandle = 0b10000000,
} PID_Improvement_e; } PID_Improvement_e;
// 若希望使用多个环节的优化这样就行Integral_Limit |Trapezoid_Intergral|...|... // 若希望使用多个环节的优化这样就行Integral_Limit |Trapezoid_Intergral|...|...
``` ```
@ -123,35 +123,31 @@ dji_motor模块对DJI智能电机包括M2006M3508以及GM6020进行了详
float *other_speed_feedback_ptr float *other_speed_feedback_ptr
``` ```
--- ---
推荐的初始化参数编写格式如下: 推荐的初始化参数编写格式如下:
```c ```c
Motor_Init_Config_s config = { Motor_Init_Config_s config = {
.motor_type = M3508, // 要注册的电机为3508电机 .motor_type = M3508, // 要注册的电机为3508电机
.can_init_config = {.can_handle = &hcan1, // 挂载在CAN1 .can_init_config = {.can_handle = &hcan1, // 挂载在CAN1
.tx_id = 1}, // C620每隔一段时间闪动1次,设置为1 .tx_id = 1}, // C620每隔一段时间闪动1次,设置为1
// 采用电机编码器角度与速度反馈,启用速度环和电流环,不反转,最外层闭环为速度环 // 采用电机编码器角度与速度反馈,启用速度环和电流环,不反转,最外层闭环为速度环
.controller_setting_init_config = {.angle_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED, .controller_setting_init_config = {.angle_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED,
.outer_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP, .outer_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP,
.close_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP | CURRENT_LOOP, .close_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP | CURRENT_LOOP,
.speed_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED, .speed_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED,
.reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL}, .reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL},
// 电流环和速度环PID参数的设置,不采用计算优化则不需要传入Improve参数 // 电流环和速度环PID参数的设置,不采用计算优化则不需要传入Improve参数
// 不使用其他数据来源(如IMU),不需要传入反馈数据变量指针 // 不使用其他数据来源(如IMU),不需要传入反馈数据变量指针
.controller_param_init_config = {.current_PID = {.Improve = 0, .controller_param_init_config = {.current_PID = {.Improve = 0,
.Kp = 1, .Kp = 1,
.Ki = 0, .Ki = 0,
.Kd = 0, .Kd = 0,
.DeadBand = 0, .DeadBand = 0,
.MaxOut = 4000}, .MaxOut = 4000},
.speed_PID = {.Improve = 0, .speed_PID = {.Improve = 0,
.Kp = 1, .Kp = 1,
.Ki = 0, .Ki = 0,
.Kd = 0, .Kd = 0,
@ -161,12 +157,8 @@ Motor_Init_Config_s config = {
dji_motor_instance *djimotor = DJIMotorInit(config); // 设置好参数后进行初始化并保留返回的指针 dji_motor_instance *djimotor = DJIMotorInit(config); // 设置好参数后进行初始化并保留返回的指针
``` ```
--- ---
要控制一个DJI电机我们提供了2个接口 要控制一个DJI电机我们提供了2个接口
```c ```c
@ -189,16 +181,10 @@ float speed=LeftForwardMotor->motor_measure->speed_rpm;
... ...
``` ```
***现在忘记PID的计算和发送、接收以及协议解析专注于模块之间的逻辑交互吧。*** ***现在忘记PID的计算和发送、接收以及协议解析专注于模块之间的逻辑交互吧。***
--- ---
## 代码结构 ## 代码结构
.h文件内包括了外部接口和类型定义,以及模块对应的宏。c文件内为私有函数和外部接口的定义。 .h文件内包括了外部接口和类型定义,以及模块对应的宏。c文件内为私有函数和外部接口的定义。
@ -236,8 +222,8 @@ typedef struct
/* sender assigment*/ /* sender assigment*/
uint8_t sender_group; uint8_t sender_group;
uint8_t message_num; uint8_t message_num;
uint8_t stop_flag; uint8_t stop_flag;
Motor_Type_e motor_type; Motor_Type_e motor_type;
} dji_motor_instance; } dji_motor_instance;
@ -372,8 +358,6 @@ void DJIMotorOuterLoop(dji_motor_instance *motor);
- `DJIMotorOuterLoop()`用于修改电机的外部闭环类型,即电机的真实闭环目标。 - `DJIMotorOuterLoop()`用于修改电机的外部闭环类型,即电机的真实闭环目标。
## 私有函数和变量 ## 私有函数和变量
在.c文件内设为static的函数和变量 在.c文件内设为static的函数和变量
@ -401,7 +385,7 @@ static dji_motor_instance *dji_motor_info[DJI_MOTOR_CNT] = {NULL};
static can_instance sender_assignment[6] = static can_instance sender_assignment[6] =
{ {
[0] = {.can_handle = &hcan1, .txconf.StdId = 0x1ff, .txconf.IDE = CAN_ID_STD, .txconf.RTR = CAN_RTR_DATA, .txconf.DLC = 0x08, .tx_buff = {0}}, [0] = {.can_handle = &hcan1, .txconf.StdId = 0x1ff, .txconf.IDE = CAN_ID_STD, .txconf.RTR = CAN_RTR_DATA, .txconf.DLC = 0x08, .tx_buff = {0}},
... ...
... ...
}; };
@ -439,19 +423,19 @@ static void DecodeDJIMotor(can_instance *_instance)
```c ```c
//初始化设置 //初始化设置
Motor_Init_Config_s config = { Motor_Init_Config_s config = {
.motor_type = GM6020, .motor_type = GM6020,
.can_init_config = { .can_init_config = {
.can_handle = &hcan1, .can_handle = &hcan1,
.tx_id = 6 .tx_id = 6
}, },
.controller_setting_init_config = { .controller_setting_init_config = {
.angle_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED, .angle_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED,
.outer_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP, .outer_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP,
.close_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP | ANGLE_LOOP, .close_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP | ANGLE_LOOP,
.speed_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED, .speed_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED,
}, },
.controller_param_init_config = { .controller_param_init_config = {
.angle_PID = { .angle_PID = {
.Improve = 0, .Improve = 0,
.Kp = 1, .Kp = 1,
@ -479,4 +463,4 @@ dji_motor_instance *djimotor = DJIMotorInit(&config);
DJIMotorSetRef(djimotor, 10); DJIMotorSetRef(djimotor, 10);
``` ```
前提是已经将`DJIMotorControl()`放入实时系统任务当中或以一定d。你也可以单独执行`DJIMotorControl()`。 前提是已经将`DJIMotorControl()`放入实时系统任务当中或以一定d。你也可以单独执行`DJIMotorControl()`。

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ HTMotorInstance *ht_motor_instance[HT_MOTOR_CNT];
* @param motor * @param motor
*/ */
static void HTMotorSetMode(HTMotor_Mode_t cmd, HTMotorInstance *motor) static void HTMotorSetMode(HTMotor_Mode_t cmd, HTMotorInstance *motor)
{ {
memset(motor->motor_can_instace->tx_buff, 0xff, 7); // 发送电机指令的时候前面7bytes都是0xff memset(motor->motor_can_instace->tx_buff, 0xff, 7); // 发送电机指令的时候前面7bytes都是0xff
motor->motor_can_instace->tx_buff[7] = (uint8_t)cmd; // 最后一位是命令id motor->motor_can_instace->tx_buff[7] = (uint8_t)cmd; // 最后一位是命令id
CANTransmit(motor->motor_can_instace, 1); CANTransmit(motor->motor_can_instace, 1);
@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ HTMotorInstance *HTMotorInit(Motor_Init_Config_s *config)
memset(motor, 0, sizeof(HTMotorInstance)); memset(motor, 0, sizeof(HTMotorInstance));
motor->motor_settings = config->controller_setting_init_config; motor->motor_settings = config->controller_setting_init_config;
PID_Init(&motor->current_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.current_PID); PIDInit(&motor->current_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.current_PID);
PID_Init(&motor->speed_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.speed_PID); PIDInit(&motor->speed_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.speed_PID);
PID_Init(&motor->angle_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.angle_PID); PIDInit(&motor->angle_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.angle_PID);
motor->other_angle_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_angle_feedback_ptr; motor->other_angle_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_angle_feedback_ptr;
motor->other_speed_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_speed_feedback_ptr; motor->other_speed_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_speed_feedback_ptr;
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ void HTMotorControl()
else else
pid_measure = measure->real_current; pid_measure = measure->real_current;
// measure单位是rad,ref是角度,统一到angle下计算,方便建模 // measure单位是rad,ref是角度,统一到angle下计算,方便建模
pid_ref = PID_Calculate(&motor->angle_PID, pid_measure*RAD_2_ANGLE, pid_ref); pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor->angle_PID, pid_measure * RAD_2_ANGLE, pid_ref);
} }
if ((setting->close_loop_type & SPEED_LOOP) && setting->outer_loop_type & (ANGLE_LOOP | SPEED_LOOP)) if ((setting->close_loop_type & SPEED_LOOP) && setting->outer_loop_type & (ANGLE_LOOP | SPEED_LOOP))
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void HTMotorControl()
else else
pid_measure = measure->speed_aps; pid_measure = measure->speed_aps;
// measure单位是rad / s ,ref是angle per sec,统一到angle下计算 // measure单位是rad / s ,ref是angle per sec,统一到angle下计算
pid_ref = PID_Calculate(&motor->speed_PID, pid_measure*RAD_2_ANGLE, pid_ref); pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor->speed_PID, pid_measure * RAD_2_ANGLE, pid_ref);
} }
if (setting->close_loop_type & CURRENT_LOOP) if (setting->close_loop_type & CURRENT_LOOP)
@ -133,15 +133,15 @@ void HTMotorControl()
if (setting->feedforward_flag & CURRENT_FEEDFORWARD) if (setting->feedforward_flag & CURRENT_FEEDFORWARD)
pid_ref += *motor->current_feedforward_ptr; pid_ref += *motor->current_feedforward_ptr;
pid_ref = PID_Calculate(&motor->current_PID, measure->real_current, pid_ref); pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor->current_PID, measure->real_current, pid_ref);
} }
set = pid_ref; set = pid_ref;
if (setting->reverse_flag == MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE) if (setting->reverse_flag == MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE)
set *= -1; set *= -1;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(set, T_MIN, T_MAX); // 限幅,实际上这似乎和pid输出限幅重复了 LIMIT_MIN_MAX(set, T_MIN, T_MAX); // 限幅,实际上这似乎和pid输出限幅重复了
tmp = float_to_uint(set, T_MIN, T_MAX, 12); // 数值最后在 -12~+12之间 tmp = float_to_uint(set, T_MIN, T_MAX, 12); // 数值最后在 -12~+12之间
motor_can->tx_buff[6] = (tmp >> 8); motor_can->tx_buff[6] = (tmp >> 8);
motor_can->tx_buff[7] = tmp & 0xff; motor_can->tx_buff[7] = tmp & 0xff;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ static LKMotorInstance *lkmotor_instance[LK_MOTOR_MX_CNT] = {NULL};
static CANInstance *sender_instance; // 多电机发送时使用的caninstance(当前保存的是注册的第一个电机的caninstance) static CANInstance *sender_instance; // 多电机发送时使用的caninstance(当前保存的是注册的第一个电机的caninstance)
// 后续考虑兼容单电机和多电机指令. // 后续考虑兼容单电机和多电机指令.
* @brief
* @param _instance caninstance
static void LKMotorDecode(CANInstance *_instance) static void LKMotorDecode(CANInstance *_instance)
{ {
static LKMotor_Measure_t *measure; static LKMotor_Measure_t *measure;
@ -34,30 +39,31 @@ static void LKMotorDecode(CANInstance *_instance)
measure->total_angle = measure->total_round * 360 + measure->angle_single_round; measure->total_angle = measure->total_round * 360 + measure->angle_single_round;
} }
LKMotorInstance *LKMotroInit(Motor_Init_Config_s *config) LKMotorInstance *LKMotorInit(Motor_Init_Config_s *config)
{ {
LKMotorInstance *motor = (LKMotorInstance *)malloc(sizeof(LKMotorInstance)); LKMotorInstance *motor = (LKMotorInstance *)malloc(sizeof(LKMotorInstance));
motor = (LKMotorInstance *)malloc(sizeof(LKMotorInstance)); motor = (LKMotorInstance *)malloc(sizeof(LKMotorInstance));
memset(motor, 0, sizeof(LKMotorInstance)); memset(motor, 0, sizeof(LKMotorInstance));
motor->motor_settings = config->controller_setting_init_config; motor->motor_settings = config->controller_setting_init_config;
PID_Init(&motor->current_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.current_PID); PIDInit(&motor->current_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.current_PID);
PID_Init(&motor->speed_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.speed_PID); PIDInit(&motor->speed_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.speed_PID);
PID_Init(&motor->angle_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.angle_PID); PIDInit(&motor->angle_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.angle_PID);
motor->other_angle_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_angle_feedback_ptr; motor->other_angle_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_angle_feedback_ptr;
motor->other_speed_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_speed_feedback_ptr; motor->other_speed_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_speed_feedback_ptr;
config->can_init_config.id = motor; config->can_init_config.id = motor;
config->can_init_config.can_module_callback = LKMotorDecode; config->can_init_config.can_module_callback = LKMotorDecode;
config->can_init_config.rx_id = 0x140 + config->can_init_config.tx_id; config->can_init_config.rx_id = 0x140 + config->can_init_config.tx_id;
config->can_init_config.tx_id = config->can_init_config.tx_id + 0x280; config->can_init_config.tx_id = config->can_init_config.tx_id + 0x280 - 1; // 这样在发送写入buffer的时候更方便,因为下标从0开始,LK多电机发送id为0x280
motor->motor_can_ins = CANRegister(&config->can_init_config); motor->motor_can_ins = CANRegister(&config->can_init_config);
if (idx == 0) if (idx == 0) // 用第一个电机的can instance发送数据
sender_instance = motor->motor_can_ins; sender_instance = motor->motor_can_ins;
LKMotorEnable(motor); LKMotorEnable(motor);
return lkmotor_instance[idx++]; lkmotor_instance[idx++] = motor;
return motor;
} }
/* 第一个电机的can instance用于发送数据,向其tx_buff填充数据 */ /* 第一个电机的can instance用于发送数据,向其tx_buff填充数据 */
@ -82,7 +88,7 @@ void LKMotorControl()
pid_measure = *motor->other_angle_feedback_ptr; pid_measure = *motor->other_angle_feedback_ptr;
else else
pid_measure = measure->real_current; pid_measure = measure->real_current;
pid_ref = PID_Calculate(&motor->angle_PID, pid_measure, pid_ref); pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor->angle_PID, pid_measure, pid_ref);
if (setting->feedforward_flag & SPEED_FEEDFORWARD) if (setting->feedforward_flag & SPEED_FEEDFORWARD)
pid_ref += *motor->speed_feedforward_ptr; pid_ref += *motor->speed_feedforward_ptr;
} }
@ -93,31 +99,31 @@ void LKMotorControl()
pid_measure = *motor->other_speed_feedback_ptr; pid_measure = *motor->other_speed_feedback_ptr;
else else
pid_measure = measure->speed_aps; pid_measure = measure->speed_aps;
pid_ref = PID_Calculate(&motor->angle_PID, pid_measure, pid_ref); pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor->angle_PID, pid_measure, pid_ref);
if (setting->feedforward_flag & CURRENT_FEEDFORWARD) if (setting->feedforward_flag & CURRENT_FEEDFORWARD)
pid_ref += *motor->current_feedforward_ptr; pid_ref += *motor->current_feedforward_ptr;
} }
if (setting->close_loop_type & CURRENT_LOOP) if (setting->close_loop_type & CURRENT_LOOP)
{ {
pid_ref = PID_Calculate(&motor->current_PID, measure->real_current, pid_ref); pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor->current_PID, measure->real_current, pid_ref);
} }
set = pid_ref; set = pid_ref;
if (setting->reverse_flag == MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE) if (setting->reverse_flag == MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE)
set *= -1; set *= -1;
// 这里随便写的,为了兼容多电机命令.后续应该将tx_id以更好的方式表达电机id,单独使用一个CANInstance,而不是用第一个电机的CANInstance // 这里随便写的,为了兼容多电机命令.后续应该将tx_id以更好的方式表达电机id,单独使用一个CANInstance,而不是用第一个电机的CANInstance
memcpy(sender_instance->tx_buff + (motor->motor_can_ins->tx_id - 0x280 - 1) * 2, &set, sizeof(uint16_t)); memcpy(sender_instance->tx_buff + (motor->motor_can_ins->tx_id - 0x280) * 2, &set, sizeof(uint16_t));
if (motor->stop_flag == MOTOR_STOP) if (motor->stop_flag == MOTOR_STOP)
{ // 若该电机处于停止状态,直接将发送buff置零 { // 若该电机处于停止状态,直接将发送buff置零
memset(sender_instance->tx_buff + (motor->motor_can_ins->tx_id - 0x280 - 1) * 2, 0, sizeof(uint16_t)); memset(sender_instance->tx_buff + (motor->motor_can_ins->tx_id - 0x280) * 2, 0, sizeof(uint16_t));
} }
} }
if (idx) // 如果有电机注册了 if (idx) // 如果有电机注册了
{ {
CANTransmit(sender_instance,1); CANTransmit(sender_instance, 1);
} }
} }

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@ -13,19 +13,19 @@
#define SPEED_SMOOTH_COEF 0.85f #define SPEED_SMOOTH_COEF 0.85f
#define ECD_ANGLE_COEF_LK (360.0f/65536.0f) #define ECD_ANGLE_COEF_LK (360.0f / 65536.0f)
typedef struct // 9025 typedef struct // 9025
{ {
uint16_t last_ecd;// 上一次读取的编码器值 uint16_t last_ecd; // 上一次读取的编码器值
uint16_t ecd; // uint16_t ecd; // 当前编码器值
float angle_single_round; // 单圈角度 float angle_single_round; // 单圈角度
float speed_aps; // speed angle per sec(degree:°) float speed_aps; // speed angle per sec(degree:°)
int16_t real_current; // 实际电流 int16_t real_current; // 实际电流
uint8_t temperate; //温度,C° uint8_t temperate; // 温度,C°
float total_angle; // 总角度 float total_angle; // 总角度
int32_t total_round; //总圈数 int32_t total_round; // 总圈数
} LKMotor_Measure_t; } LKMotor_Measure_t;
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ typedef struct
float *other_angle_feedback_ptr; // 其他反馈来源的反馈数据指针 float *other_angle_feedback_ptr; // 其他反馈来源的反馈数据指针
float *other_speed_feedback_ptr; float *other_speed_feedback_ptr;
float *speed_feedforward_ptr; float *speed_feedforward_ptr; // 速度前馈数据指针,可以通过此指针设置速度前馈值,或LQR等时作为速度状态变量的输入
float *current_feedforward_ptr; float *current_feedforward_ptr; // 电流前馈指针
PIDInstance current_PID; PIDInstance current_PID;
PIDInstance speed_PID; PIDInstance speed_PID;
PIDInstance angle_PID; PIDInstance angle_PID;
@ -46,22 +46,45 @@ typedef struct
Motor_Working_Type_e stop_flag; // 启停标志 Motor_Working_Type_e stop_flag; // 启停标志
CANInstance* motor_can_ins; CANInstance *motor_can_ins;
} LKMotorInstance;
LKMotorInstance *LKMotroInit(Motor_Init_Config_s* config); /**
* @brief LK电机
* @param config
* @return LKMotorInstance*
LKMotorInstance *LKMotorInit(Motor_Init_Config_s *config);
void LKMotorSetRef(LKMotorInstance* motor,float ref); /**
* @brief
* @attention ref是最外层闭环的输入,
* @param motor
* @param ref
void LKMotorSetRef(LKMotorInstance *motor, float ref);
* @brief LK电机计算pid//,bspcan发送电流值(CAN报文)
void LKMotorControl(); void LKMotorControl();
* @brief LK电机,
* @param motor
void LKMotorStop(LKMotorInstance *motor); void LKMotorStop(LKMotorInstance *motor);
* @brief LK电机
* @param motor
void LKMotorEnable(LKMotorInstance *motor); void LKMotorEnable(LKMotorInstance *motor);
void LKMotorSetRef(LKMotorInstance *motor,float ref);
#endif // LK9025_H #endif // LK9025_H

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@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ LK motor
这是瓴控电机的模块封装说明文档。关于LK电机的控制报文和反馈报文值详见LK电机的说明文档。 这是瓴控电机的模块封装说明文档。关于LK电机的控制报文和反馈报文值详见LK电机的说明文档。
注意LK电机在使用多电机发送的时候只支持一条总线上至多4个电机多电机模式下LK仅支持接收ID为0x280. 注意LK电机在使用多电机发送的时候只支持一条总线上至多4个电机多电机模式下LK仅支持发送id 0x280为接收ID为0x140+id.

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@ -2,4 +2,12 @@
当前oled支持不完整,api较为混乱. 需要使用bsp_iic进行实现的重构,并提供统一方便的接口 当前oled支持不完整,api较为混乱. 需要使用bsp_iic进行实现的重构,并提供统一方便的接口
请使用字库软件制作自己的图标和不同大小的ascii码. 请使用字库软件制作自己的图标和不同大小的ascii码.
> 后续尝试移植一些图形库使得功能更加丰富
> oled主要作调试和log/错误显示等使用
> 可以提供给视觉和机械的同学调试接口,方便他们通过显示屏进行简单的设置
*可以引入RoboMaster oled,或额外增加一个编码器用于控制oled界面并设定一些功能.*

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# univsersal communication
不论底层具体使用的是什么硬件接口,硬件的每一帧传输完将数据放在缓冲区里之后,就没有任何区别了。 此模块实际上就是对缓冲区的rawdata进行操作包括查找帧头计算包长度校验错误等。