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2024-12-22 16:15:37 +08:00
#include "bsp_fdcan.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "bsp_dwt.h"
#include "bsp_log.h"
/* can instance ptrs storage, used for recv callback */
// 在CAN产生接收中断会遍历数组,选出hcan和rxid与发生中断的实例相同的那个,调用其回调函数
// @todo: 后续为每个CAN总线单独添加一个can_instance指针数组,提高回调查找的性能
static FDCANInstance *fdcan_instance[FDCAN_MX_REGISTER_CNT] = {NULL};
static uint8_t idx; // 全局CAN实例索引,每次有新的模块注册会自增
/* ----------------two static function called by CANRegister()-------------------- */
* @brief id的报文的接收,CANRegister()
* CAN添加过滤器后,BxCAN会根据接收到的报文的id进行消息过滤,id会被填入FIFO触发中断
* @note f407的bxCAN有28个过滤器,14CAN1使用,14CAN2使用
* ,id的模块会被分配到FIFO0,id的模块会被分配到FIFO1
* CAN1的模块使用过滤器0-13,CAN2使用过滤器14-27
* @attention ,,
* !,(reference manual)
* @param _instance can instance owned by specific module
static void FDCANAddFilter(FDCANInstance *_instance)
FDCAN_FilterTypeDef fdcan_filter_conf;
static uint8_t fdcan1_filter_idx = 0, fdcan2_filter_idx = 9 ,fdcan3_filter_idx =18; // 0-8给can1用,9-17给can2用,18到27给can3用
fdcan_filter_conf.IdType = FDCAN_STANDARD_ID;
fdcan_filter_conf.FilterType = FDCAN_FILTER_DUAL; // 使用DUAL模式,即只有将rxid添加到过滤器中才会接收到,其他报文会被过滤
fdcan_filter_conf.FilterIndex = _instance->fdcan_handle == &hfdcan1 ? (fdcan1_filter_idx++) : (_instance->fdcan_handle == &hfdcan2?(fdcan2_filter_idx++):(fdcan3_filter_idx++)); //根据can_handle判断FDCAN1or2or3 // 使用16位id模式,即只有低16位有效
fdcan_filter_conf.FilterConfig = (_instance->tx_id & 1) ? FDCAN_RX_FIFO0 : FDCAN_RX_FIFO1; // 奇数id的模块会被分配到FIFO0,偶数id的模块会被分配到FIFO1
fdcan_filter_conf.FilterID1 = _instance->rx_id << 5; // 过滤器寄存器,因为使用STDID,所以只有低11位有效,高5位要填0
HAL_FDCAN_ConfigFilter(_instance->fdcan_handle, &fdcan_filter_conf); //将上述配置到CAN1
* @brief CAN实例初始化的时候会自动调用此函数,CAN服务
* @note CAN1和CAN2,CAN1和CAN2的FIFO0 & FIFO1溢出通知
static void FDCANServiceInit()
HAL_FDCAN_ActivateNotification(&hfdcan1, FDCAN_IT_RX_FIFO0_NEW_MESSAGE,0);
HAL_FDCAN_ActivateNotification(&hfdcan1, FDCAN_IT_RX_FIFO1_NEW_MESSAGE,0);
HAL_FDCAN_ActivateNotification(&hfdcan2, FDCAN_IT_RX_FIFO0_NEW_MESSAGE,0);
HAL_FDCAN_ActivateNotification(&hfdcan2, FDCAN_IT_RX_FIFO1_NEW_MESSAGE,0);
/* ----------------------- two extern callable function -----------------------*/
FDCANInstance *FDCANRegister(FDCAN_Init_Config_s *config)
if (!idx)
FDCANServiceInit(); // 第一次注册,先进行硬件初始化
LOGINFO("[bsp_can] CAN Service Init");
if (idx >= FDCAN_MX_REGISTER_CNT) // 超过最大实例数
while (1)
LOGERROR("[bsp_fdcan] FDCAN instance exceeded MAX num, consider balance the load of FDCAN bus");
for (size_t i = 0; i < idx; i++)
{ // 重复注册 | id重复
if (fdcan_instance[i]->rx_id == config->rx_id && fdcan_instance[i]->fdcan_handle == config->fdcan_handle)
while (1)
LOGERROR("[bsp_can] FDCAN id crash ,tx [%d] or rx [%d] already registered", &config->tx_id, &config->rx_id);
FDCANInstance *instance = (FDCANInstance *)malloc(sizeof(FDCANInstance)); // 分配空间
memset(instance, 0, sizeof(FDCANInstance)); // 分配的空间未必是0,所以要先清空
// 进行发送报文的配置
instance->txconf.Identifier = config->tx_id; // 发送id
instance->txconf.IdType = FDCAN_STANDARD_ID; // 使用标准id,扩展id则使用
instance->txconf.TxFrameType = FDCAN_DATA_FRAME; // 发送数据帧
instance->txconf.DataLength = 0x08; // 默认发送长度为8
// 设置回调函数和接收发送id
instance->fdcan_handle = config->fdcan_handle;
instance->tx_id = config->tx_id; // 好像没用,可以删掉
instance->rx_id = config->rx_id;
instance->fdcan_module_callback = config->fdcan_module_callback;
instance->id = config->id;
FDCANAddFilter(instance); // 添加CAN过滤器规则
fdcan_instance[idx++] = instance; // 将实例保存到can_instance中
return instance; // 返回can实例指针
/* @todo 目前似乎封装过度,应该添加一个指向tx_buff的指针,tx_buff不应该由CAN instance保存 */
/* 如果让CANinstance保存txbuff,会增加一次复制的开销 */
uint8_t FDCANTransmit(FDCANInstance *_instance, float timeout)
static uint32_t busy_count;
static volatile float wait_time __attribute__((unused)); // for cancel warning
float dwt_start = DWT_GetTimeline_ms();
while (HAL_FDCAN_GetTxFifoFreeLevel(_instance->fdcan_handle) == 0) // 等待邮箱空闲
if (DWT_GetTimeline_ms() - dwt_start > timeout) // 超时
if(_instance->fdcan_handle == &hfdcan1)
LOGERROR("[}bsp_can] FDCAN1 Fifo full! ,tx [%d] and rx [%d] full", &_instance->tx_id, &_instance->rx_id);
//LOGWARNING("[bsp_can] CAN MAILbox full! failed to add msg to mailbox.");
if(_instance->fdcan_handle == &hfdcan2)
LOGERROR("[}bsp_can] CAN2 MAILbox full! ,tx [%d] and rx [%d] full", &_instance->tx_id, &_instance->rx_id);
return 0;
wait_time = DWT_GetTimeline_ms() - dwt_start;
// tx_mailbox会保存实际填入了这一帧消息的邮箱,但是知道是哪个邮箱发的似乎也没啥用
if (HAL_FDCAN_AddMessageToTxFifoQ(_instance->fdcan_handle, &_instance->txconf, _instance->tx_buff))
LOGWARNING("[bsp_can] FDCAN bus BUS! cnt:%d", busy_count);
return 0;
return 1; // 发送成功
void FDCANSetDLC(FDCANInstance *_instance, uint8_t length)
// 发送长度错误!检查调用参数是否出错,或出现野指针/越界访问
if (length > 8 || length == 0) // 安全检查
while (1)
LOGERROR("[bsp_fdcan] FDCAN DLC error! check your code or wild pointer");
_instance->txconf.DataLength = length;
/* -----------------------belows are callback definitions--------------------------*/
* @brief ,FIFO0和FIFO1溢出中断()
* ,can_handle和rx_id相等的实例时,
* @param _hcan
* @param fifox passed to HAL_CAN_GetRxMessage() to get mesg from a specific fifo
static void FDCANFIFOxCallback(FDCAN_HandleTypeDef *_hfdcan, uint32_t fifox)
static FDCAN_RxHeaderTypeDef rxconf; // 同上
uint8_t fdcan_rx_buff[8];
while (HAL_FDCAN_GetRxFifoFillLevel(_hfdcan, fifox)) // FIFO不为空,有可能在其他中断时有多帧数据进入
HAL_FDCAN_GetRxMessage(_hfdcan, fifox, &rxconf, fdcan_rx_buff); // 从FIFO中获取数据
for (size_t i = 0; i < idx; ++i)
{ // 两者相等说明这是要找的实例
if (_hfdcan == fdcan_instance[i]->fdcan_handle && rxconf.Identifier == fdcan_instance[i]->rx_id)
if (fdcan_instance[i]->fdcan_module_callback != NULL) // 回调函数不为空就调用
fdcan_instance[i]->rx_len = rxconf.DataLength; // 保存接收到的数据长度
memcpy(fdcan_instance[i]->rx_buff, fdcan_rx_buff, rxconf.DataLength); // 消息拷贝到对应实例
fdcan_instance[i]->fdcan_module_callback(fdcan_instance[i]); // 触发回调进行数据解析和处理
* @brief ,STM32的两个CAN设备共享两个FIFO
* HAL库中的回调函数,HAL声明为__weak,()
* FIFO0或FIFO1溢出时会调用这两个函数
// 下面的函数会调用CANFIFOxCallback()来进一步处理来自特定CAN设备的消息
* @brief rx fifo callback. Once FIFO_0 is full,this func would be called
* @param hcan CAN handle indicate which device the oddest mesg in FIFO_0 comes from
void HAL_FDCAN_RxFifo0Callback(FDCAN_HandleTypeDef *hfdcan, uint32_t RxFifo0ITs)
FDCANFIFOxCallback(hfdcan, FDCAN_RX_FIFO0); // 调用我们自己写的函数来处理消息
* @brief rx fifo callback. Once FIFO_1 is full,this func would be called
* @param hcan CAN handle indicate which device the oddest mesg in FIFO_1 comes from
void HAL_FDCAN_RxFifo1Callback(FDCAN_HandleTypeDef *hfdcan, uint32_t RxFifo0ITs)
FDCANFIFOxCallback(hfdcan, FDCAN_RX_FIFO1); // 调用我们自己写的函数来处理消息
// 人工智能会毁灭人类吗?请在补全回答