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33 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
zcj | 589d260cf3 | |
zcj | 89609e884a | |
zcj | 7825e6e55f | |
zcj | cbfb2990d2 | |
zcj | a3e0cb1a87 | |
shmily744 | 6ca069c064 | |
zcj | 5ef2702d27 | |
zcj | d45d68e076 | |
zcj | 713a9e1a4d | |
zcj | c17f3f6cb7 | |
zcj | 28234a395f | |
zcj | 0eaf1bd9d8 | |
zcj | b0efcd64ff | |
zcj | 4871c573fb | |
zcj | 8de2e62164 | |
zcj | b2687cafe3 | |
zcj | 2b402788d1 | |
zcj | 507cdf96cb | |
zcj | 202afc84bb | |
zcj | 7a85fdf4c2 | |
sph | 2aac4702b9 | |
userName | 2ee9f9e6d5 | |
userName | e4b8e54574 | |
userName | 03081a7075 | |
userName | fb08102e35 | |
userName | 35ad6c7055 | |
周楚杰 | 8be769bf3f | |
周楚杰 | 26e53fa916 | |
周楚杰 | 7fc13a67e6 | |
周楚杰 | c2388e74e5 | |
周楚杰 | 0bf1ba7f3e | |
周楚杰 | 29c6b56489 | |
周楚杰 | 0154d1164a |
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="OCD basic_framework" type="com.jetbrains.cidr.embedded.openocd.conf.type" factoryName="com.jetbrains.cidr.embedded.openocd.conf.factory" REDIRECT_INPUT="false" ELEVATE="false" USE_EXTERNAL_CONSOLE="false" PASS_PARENT_ENVS_2="true" PROJECT_NAME="basic_framework" TARGET_NAME="basic_framework.elf" CONFIG_NAME="Debug" version="1" RUN_TARGET_PROJECT_NAME="basic_framework" RUN_TARGET_NAME="basic_framework.elf">
<openocd version="1" gdb-port="3333" telnet-port="4444" board-config="D:\CLion\Project\basic_framework\daplink.cfg" reset-type="INIT" download-type="UPDATED_ONLY">
<configuration default="false" name="OCD basic_framework" type="com.jetbrains.cidr.embedded.openocd.conf.type" factoryName="com.jetbrains.cidr.embedded.openocd.conf.factory" REDIRECT_INPUT="false" ELEVATE="false" USE_EXTERNAL_CONSOLE="false" EMULATE_TERMINAL="false" PASS_PARENT_ENVS_2="true" PROJECT_NAME="basic_framework" TARGET_NAME="basic_framework.elf" CONFIG_NAME="Debug" version="1" RUN_TARGET_PROJECT_NAME="basic_framework" RUN_TARGET_NAME="basic_framework.elf">
<openocd version="1" gdb-port="3333" telnet-port="4444" board-config="C:\Users\24871\Desktop\RM\RM2024\basic_framework\daplink.cfg" reset-type="INIT" download-type="UPDATED_ONLY">
<debugger kind="GDB" isBundled="true" />
<method v="2">
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ endif ()
include_directories(Inc Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/include Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/CMSIS_RTOS Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F Middlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/Inc Middlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/CDC/Inc Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include Drivers/CMSIS/Include Middlewares/ST/ARM/DSP/Inc
bsp bsp/adc bsp/can bsp/dwt bsp/flash bsp/gpio bsp/iic bsp/log bsp/pwm bsp/spi bsp/usart bsp/usb
modules modules/alarm modules/algorithm modules/BMI088 modules/can_comm modules/daemon modules/encoder modules/imu modules/ist8310
modules/led modules/master_machine modules/message_center modules/motor modules/oled modules/referee modules/remote modules/standard_cmd
modules/super_cap modules/TFminiPlus modules/unicomm modules/vofa
modules/motor/DJImotor modules/motor/HTmotor modules/motor/LKmotor modules/motor/servo_motor modules/motor/step_motor
modules/led modules/master_machine modules/message_center modules/motor modules/oled modules/power_meter modules/referee modules/remote modules/standard_cmd
modules/super_cap modules/TFminiPlus modules/unicomm modules/vofa modules/auto_aim
modules/motor/DJImotor modules/motor/DMmotor modules/motor/HTmotor modules/motor/LKmotor modules/motor/servo_motor modules/motor/step_motor
application application/chassis application/cmd application/gimbal application/shoot
Middlewares/Third_Party/SEGGER/RTT Middlewares/Third_Party/SEGGER/Config)
@ -85,4 +85,4 @@ add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}.elf POST_BUILD
Building ${BIN_FILE}")
Building ${BIN_FILE}")
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
* Portions Copyright © 2016 STMicroelectronics International N.V. All rights reserved.
* Portions Copyright <EFBFBD> 2016 STMicroelectronics International N.V. All rights reserved.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2013 ARM LIMITED
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@ -103,6 +103,13 @@ void MX_GPIO_Init(void)
HAL_GPIO_Init(CS1_GYRO_GPIO_Port, &GPIO_InitStruct);
/*Configure GPIO pin : PtPin */
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_8;
GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);
/* EXTI interrupt init*/
HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI3_IRQn, 5, 0);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void MX_USART1_UART_Init(void)
huart1.Instance = USART1;
huart1.Init.BaudRate = 921600;
huart1.Init.BaudRate = 115200;
huart1.Init.WordLength = UART_WORDLENGTH_8B;
huart1.Init.StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_1;
huart1.Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE;
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include "bsp_dwt.h"
#include "referee_UI.h"
#include "arm_math.h"
#include "power_meter/power_meter.h"
#include "user_lib.h"
/* 根据robot_def.h中的macro自动计算的参数 */
#define HALF_WHEEL_BASE (WHEEL_BASE / 2.0f) // 半轴距
@ -42,11 +44,14 @@ static Subscriber_t *chassis_sub; // 用于订阅底盘的控
static Chassis_Ctrl_Cmd_s chassis_cmd_recv; // 底盘接收到的控制命令
static Chassis_Upload_Data_s chassis_feedback_data; // 底盘回传的反馈数据
static referee_info_t* referee_data; // 用于获取裁判系统的数据
static Referee_Interactive_info_t ui_data; // UI数据,将底盘中的数据传入此结构体的对应变量中,UI会自动检测是否变化,对应显示UI
static SuperCapInstance *cap; // 超级电容
static DJIMotorInstance *motor_lf, *motor_rf, *motor_lb, *motor_rb; // left right forward back
static PowerMeterInstance *power_meter;
float chassis_power = 0;
/* 用于自旋变速策略的时间变量 */
// static float t;
@ -54,24 +59,27 @@ static DJIMotorInstance *motor_lf, *motor_rf, *motor_lb, *motor_rb; // left righ
/* 私有函数计算的中介变量,设为静态避免参数传递的开销 */
static float chassis_vx, chassis_vy; // 将云台系的速度投影到底盘
static float vt_lf, vt_rf, vt_lb, vt_rb; // 底盘速度解算后的临时输出,待进行限幅
float P_cmdall = 0;
static float input=0;
void ChassisInit()
// 四个轮子的参数一样,改tx_id和反转标志位即可
Motor_Init_Config_s chassis_motor_config = {
.can_init_config.can_handle = &hcan1,
.controller_param_init_config = {
.speed_PID = {
.Kp = 10, // 4.5
.Ki = 0, // 0
.Kd = 0, // 0
.Kp = 4, // 4
.Ki = 1.2f, // 1.2
.Kd = 0.01f, // 0.01
.IntegralLimit = 3000,
.Improve = PID_Trapezoid_Intergral | PID_Integral_Limit | PID_Derivative_On_Measurement,
.MaxOut = 12000,
.current_PID = {
.Kp = 0.5, // 0.4
.Ki = 0, // 0
.Kp = 0.4f, // 0.4
.Ki = 0.1f, // 0
.Kd = 0,
.IntegralLimit = 3000,
.Improve = PID_Trapezoid_Intergral | PID_Integral_Limit | PID_Derivative_On_Measurement,
@ -82,16 +90,18 @@ void ChassisInit()
.angle_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED,
.speed_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED,
.outer_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP,
.close_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP | CURRENT_LOOP,
.close_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP,
.power_limit_flag = POWER_LIMIT_ON,
.motor_type = M3508,
// @todo: 当前还没有设置电机的正反转,仍然需要手动添加reference的正负号,需要电机module的支持,待修改.
chassis_motor_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 1;
chassis_motor_config.controller_setting_init_config.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE;
chassis_motor_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 3;
chassis_motor_config.controller_setting_init_config.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL;
motor_lf = DJIMotorInit(&chassis_motor_config);
chassis_motor_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 2;
chassis_motor_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 1;
chassis_motor_config.controller_setting_init_config.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE;
motor_rf = DJIMotorInit(&chassis_motor_config);
@ -99,19 +109,34 @@ void ChassisInit()
chassis_motor_config.controller_setting_init_config.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE;
motor_lb = DJIMotorInit(&chassis_motor_config);
chassis_motor_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 3;
chassis_motor_config.controller_setting_init_config.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE;
chassis_motor_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 2;
chassis_motor_config.controller_setting_init_config.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL;
motor_rb = DJIMotorInit(&chassis_motor_config);
referee_data = UITaskInit(&huart6,&ui_data); // 裁判系统初始化,会同时初始化UI
SuperCap_Init_Config_s cap_conf = {
.can_config = {
.can_handle = &hcan2,
.tx_id = 0x302, // 超级电容默认接收id
.rx_id = 0x301, // 超级电容默认发送id,注意tx和rx在其他人看来是反的
.can_config = {
.can_handle = &hcan1,
.tx_id = 0x210,
.rx_id = 0x211,
.buffer_pid_config = {
.Kp = 0.7f,
.Ki = 0,
.Kd = 0,
.MaxOut = 300,
cap = SuperCapInit(&cap_conf); // 超级电容初始化
SuperCapSetPower(cap,70); // 超级电容限制功率
// PowerMeter_Init_Config_s power_conf = {
// .can_config = {
// .can_handle = &hcan2,
// .rx_id = 0x211,
// }
// };
// power_meter = PowerMeterInit(&power_conf);
// 发布订阅初始化,如果为双板,则需要can comm来传递消息
@ -134,7 +159,7 @@ void ChassisInit()
chassis_pub = PubRegister("chassis_feed", sizeof(Chassis_Upload_Data_s));
#endif // ONE_BOARD
@ -145,29 +170,77 @@ void ChassisInit()
static void MecanumCalculate()
vt_lf = -chassis_vx - chassis_vy - chassis_cmd_recv.wz * LF_CENTER;
vt_rf = -chassis_vx + chassis_vy - chassis_cmd_recv.wz * RF_CENTER;
vt_lb = chassis_vx - chassis_vy - chassis_cmd_recv.wz * LB_CENTER;
vt_rb = chassis_vx + chassis_vy - chassis_cmd_recv.wz * RB_CENTER;
vt_lf = chassis_vx + chassis_vy - chassis_cmd_recv.wz * (LF_CENTER);
vt_rf = -chassis_vx + chassis_vy + chassis_cmd_recv.wz * (RF_CENTER);
vt_lb = chassis_vx - chassis_vy - chassis_cmd_recv.wz * (-LB_CENTER);
vt_rb = -chassis_vx - chassis_vy + chassis_cmd_recv.wz * (-RB_CENTER);
* @brief 根据裁判系统和电容剩余容量对输出进行限制并设置电机参考值
static void LimitChassisOutput()
// 功率限制待添加
// referee_data->PowerHeatData.chassis_power;
// referee_data->PowerHeatData.chassis_power_buffer;
static float P_max=0;
float initial_total_power[4]={motor_rf->motor_controller.motor_power_predict ,
motor_rb->motor_controller.motor_power_predict ,
motor_lb->motor_controller.motor_power_predict ,
P_cmdall = 0;
for(uint8_t i=0;i<4;i++)
P_cmdall += initial_total_power[i];
if (cap->cap_msg.cap_vol>1800)
P_max = input + chassis_cmd_recv.P_SuperCap ;
P_max = input;
float K = P_max/P_cmdall;
motor_rf->motor_controller.motor_power_scale = K;
motor_rb->motor_controller.motor_power_scale = K;
motor_lf->motor_controller.motor_power_scale = K;
motor_lb->motor_controller.motor_power_scale = K;
DJIMotorSetRef(motor_lf, vt_lf);
DJIMotorSetRef(motor_rf, vt_rf);
DJIMotorSetRef(motor_lb, vt_lb);
DJIMotorSetRef(motor_rb, vt_rb);
// 完成功率限制后进行电机参考输入设定
DJIMotorSetRef(motor_lf, vt_lf);
DJIMotorSetRef(motor_rf, vt_rf);
DJIMotorSetRef(motor_lb, vt_lb);
DJIMotorSetRef(motor_rb, vt_rb);
* @brief 每次随等级更新超电的设定功率
static void SuperCapSetUpdate()
PIDCalculate(&cap->buffer_pid, chassis_cmd_recv.chassis_power_buffer,30);
input = chassis_cmd_recv.chassis_power_limit - cap->buffer_pid.Output;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(input, 30, 130);
// if(last_chassis_power_limit != chassis_cmd_recv.chassis_power_limit)
// {
// SuperCapSetPower(cap,chassis_cmd_recv.chassis_power_limit); // 超级电容限制功率
// last_chassis_power_limit = chassis_cmd_recv.chassis_power_limit;
// }
* @brief 根据每个轮子的速度反馈,计算底盘的实际运动速度,逆运动解算
* 对于双板的情况,考虑增加来自底盘板IMU的数据
@ -191,7 +264,6 @@ void ChassisTask()
chassis_cmd_recv = *(Chassis_Ctrl_Cmd_s *)CANCommGet(chasiss_can_comm);
if (chassis_cmd_recv.chassis_mode == CHASSIS_ZERO_FORCE)
{ // 如果出现重要模块离线或遥控器设置为急停,让电机停止
@ -214,11 +286,29 @@ void ChassisTask()
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = 0;
case CHASSIS_FOLLOW_GIMBAL_YAW: // 跟随云台,不单独设置pid,以误差角度平方为速度输出
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = -1.5f * chassis_cmd_recv.offset_angle * abs(chassis_cmd_recv.offset_angle);
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = 2.0f * chassis_cmd_recv.offset_angle * abs(chassis_cmd_recv.offset_angle);
if(chassis_cmd_recv.wz > 4500)
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = 4500;
if(chassis_cmd_recv.wz < -4500)
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = -4500;
case CHASSIS_ROTATE: // 自旋,同时保持全向机动;当前wz维持定值,后续增加不规则的变速策略
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = 4000;
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = 4500;
chassis_cmd_recv.offset_angle -= 45;
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = 2.0f * chassis_cmd_recv.offset_angle * abs(chassis_cmd_recv.offset_angle);
if(chassis_cmd_recv.wz > 4500)
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = 4500;
if(chassis_cmd_recv.wz < -4500)
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = -4500;
chassis_cmd_recv.wz = 0;
@ -228,25 +318,37 @@ void ChassisTask()
static float sin_theta, cos_theta;
cos_theta = arm_cos_f32(chassis_cmd_recv.offset_angle * DEGREE_2_RAD);
sin_theta = arm_sin_f32(chassis_cmd_recv.offset_angle * DEGREE_2_RAD);
chassis_vx = chassis_cmd_recv.vx * cos_theta - chassis_cmd_recv.vy * sin_theta;
chassis_vy = chassis_cmd_recv.vx * sin_theta + chassis_cmd_recv.vy * cos_theta;
// 根据控制模式进行正运动学解算,计算底盘输出
// chassis_power = PowerMeterGet(power_meter);
// 根据裁判系统的反馈数据和电容数据对输出限幅并设定闭环参考值
// 根据电机的反馈速度和IMU(如果有)计算真实速度
// // 获取裁判系统数据 建议将裁判系统与底盘分离,所以此处数据应使用消息中心发送
// // 我方颜色id小于7是红色,大于7是蓝色,注意这里发送的是对方的颜色, 0:blue , 1:red
// chassis_feedback_data.enemy_color = referee_data->GameRobotState.robot_id > 7 ? 1 : 0;
//chassis_feedback_data.enemy_color = !referee_data->referee_id.Robot_Color;
// // 当前只做了17mm热量的数据获取,后续根据robot_def中的宏切换双枪管和英雄42mm的情况
// chassis_feedback_data.bullet_speed = referee_data->GameRobotState.shooter_id1_17mm_speed_limit;
// chassis_feedback_data.rest_heat = referee_data->PowerHeatData.shooter_heat0;
chassis_feedback_data.cap_vol = cap->cap_msg.cap_vol;
// 推送反馈消息
#ifdef ONE_BOARD
PubPushMessage(chassis_pub, (void *)&chassis_feedback_data);
@ -3,17 +3,21 @@
#include "robot_cmd.h"
// module
#include "remote_control.h"
#include "referee_task.h"
#include "ins_task.h"
#include "master_process.h"
#include "message_center.h"
#include "general_def.h"
#include "dji_motor.h"
#include "dm4310.h"
#include "auto_aim.h"
#include "vision_transfer.h"
// bsp
#include "bsp_dwt.h"
#include "bsp_log.h"
// 私有宏,自动将编码器转换成角度值
#define YAW_ALIGN_ANGLE (YAW_CHASSIS_ALIGN_ECD * RAD_2_DEGREE) // 对齐时的角度,0-360,使用达妙电机
/* cmd应用包含的模块实例指针和交互信息存储*/
@ -25,13 +29,25 @@ static CANCommInstance *cmd_can_comm; // 双板通信
static Publisher_t *chassis_cmd_pub; // 底盘控制消息发布者
static Subscriber_t *chassis_feed_sub; // 底盘反馈信息订阅者
#endif // ONE_BOARD
static float temp_yaw; //for test
static float temp_yaw_err; //for test
static int temp_index; //for test
static Chassis_Ctrl_Cmd_s chassis_cmd_send; // 发送给底盘应用的信息,包括控制信息和UI绘制相关
static Chassis_Upload_Data_s chassis_fetch_data; // 从底盘应用接收的反馈信息信息,底盘功率枪口热量与底盘运动状态等
static RC_ctrl_t *rc_data; // 遥控器数据,初始化时返回
static Vision_Recv_s *vision_recv_data; // 视觉接收数据指针,初始化时返回
static Vision_Send_s vision_send_data; // 视觉发送数据
//static Vision_Recv_s *vision_recv_data; // 视觉接收数据指针,初始化时返回
//static Vision_Send_s vision_send_data; // 视觉发送数据
static VT_ctrl_t *vt_data; // 图传链路下发的键鼠遥控数据 与遥控器数据格式保持一致
RecievePacket_t *vision_recv_data; // 视觉接收数据指针,初始化时返回
SendPacket_t vision_send_data; // 视觉发送数据
Trajectory_Type_t trajectory_cal;
Aim_Select_Type_t aim_select;
static uint32_t no_find_cnt; // 未发现目标计数
static uint8_t auto_aim_flag = 0; //辅助瞄准标志位 视野内有目标开启 目标丢失关闭
static Publisher_t *gimbal_cmd_pub; // 云台控制消息发布者
static Subscriber_t *gimbal_feed_sub; // 云台反馈信息订阅者
@ -44,12 +60,19 @@ static Shoot_Ctrl_Cmd_s shoot_cmd_send; // 传递给发射的控制信息
static Shoot_Upload_Data_s shoot_fetch_data; // 从发射获取的反馈信息
static Robot_Status_e robot_state; // 机器人整体工作状态
static referee_info_t* referee_data; // 用于获取裁判系统的数据
static referee_info_vt_t* referee_vt_data;
static uint8_t Pitch_Limit_Flag=1;
float PitchMotorAngle;
float DeltaPitchAngle;
void RobotCMDInit()
rc_data = RemoteControlInit(&huart3); // 修改为对应串口,注意如果是自研板dbus协议串口需选用添加了反相器的那个
vision_recv_data = VisionInit(&huart1); // 视觉通信串口
vision_recv_data = VisionInit(); // 视觉通信,用的是USB通讯
//vt_data = VTRefereeInit(&huart1);
gimbal_cmd_pub = PubRegister("gimbal_cmd", sizeof(Gimbal_Ctrl_Cmd_s));
gimbal_feed_sub = SubRegister("gimbal_feed", sizeof(Gimbal_Upload_Data_s));
shoot_cmd_pub = PubRegister("shoot_cmd", sizeof(Shoot_Ctrl_Cmd_s));
@ -71,7 +94,9 @@ void RobotCMDInit()
cmd_can_comm = CANCommInit(&comm_conf);
#endif // GIMBAL_BOARD
referee_data = UITaskInit(&huart6, &ui_data); // 裁判系统初始化,会同时初始化UI
gimbal_cmd_send.pitch = 0;
shoot_cmd_send.motor_speed = 5500;
robot_state = ROBOT_READY; // 启动时机器人进入工作模式,后续加入所有应用初始化完成之后再进入
@ -101,7 +126,115 @@ static void CalcOffsetAngle()
chassis_cmd_send.offset_angle = angle - YAW_ALIGN_ANGLE + 360.0f;
// if(chassis_cmd_send.offset_angle > 340.0f)
// chassis_cmd_send.offset_angle = chassis_cmd_send.offset_angle - 360.0f;
// else if(chassis_cmd_send.offset_angle < -340.0f)
// chassis_cmd_send.offset_angle = chassis_cmd_send.offset_angle + 360.0f;
// else
// chassis_cmd_send.offset_angle = chassis_cmd_send.offset_angle;
static void death_check()
if(referee_data->GameRobotState.current_HP <= 0)
rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_E] = 0;
static void update_ui_data()
ui_data.chassis_mode = chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode;
ui_data.gimbal_mode = gimbal_cmd_send.gimbal_mode;
ui_data.friction_mode = shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode;
ui_data.shoot_mode = shoot_cmd_send.shoot_mode;
ui_data.Chassis_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx = referee_data->GameRobotState.chassis_power_limit;
ui_data.Vision_fire = aim_select.suggest_fire;
ui_data.Chassis_Power_Data.cap_vol = chassis_fetch_data.cap_vol/100.0f;
ui_data.Chassis_Power_Data.motor_speed = shoot_cmd_send.motor_speed;
ui_data.Motor_Temperature = shoot_fetch_data.Motor_Temperature;
static void pitch_limit()
// if(!Pitch_Limit_Flag)
// {
// PitchMotorAngle = -0.0019f * gimbal_fetch_data.pitch_motor_total_angle - 0.4059;//电机旋转导致的云台相对底盘角度
// DeltaPitchAngle = gimbal_fetch_data.gimbal_imu_data.Pitch - PitchMotorAngle;//陀螺仪和电机角的误差
// gimbal_cmd_send.pitch = LIMIT_MIN_MAX(gimbal_cmd_send.pitch, PITCH_MIN_ANGLE-DeltaPitchAngle, PITCH_MAX_ANGLE-DeltaPitchAngle);
// }
static void auto_aim_mode()
trajectory_cal.v0 = 13.5f; //弹速30
if (vision_recv_data->x == 0 && vision_recv_data->y == 0 && vision_recv_data->z == 0
&& vision_recv_data->vx == 0 && vision_recv_data->vy == 0 && vision_recv_data->vz == 0) {
aim_select.suggest_fire = 0;
if (no_find_cnt >= 2000) {
//gimbal_scan_flag = 1;
//auto_aim_flag = 0;
//auto_aim_flag = 1;
} else {
no_find_cnt = 0;
auto_aim_flag = 1;
int target_index = -1;
target_index = auto_aim(&aim_select, &trajectory_cal, vision_recv_data);
temp_index = target_index;
float single_angle_yaw_now = gimbal_fetch_data.gimbal_imu_data.Yaw;
float diff_yaw = trajectory_cal.cmd_yaw * 180 / PI - single_angle_yaw_now;
diff_yaw -= 360;
else if(diff_yaw<-180)
diff_yaw += 360;
gimbal_cmd_send.yaw = gimbal_fetch_data.gimbal_imu_data.YawTotalAngle + diff_yaw;
gimbal_cmd_send.pitch = -trajectory_cal.cmd_pitch * 180 / PI + 0.2 * trajectory_cal.dis;
float target_yaw = atan2f(aim_select.armor_pose[target_index].y, aim_select.armor_pose[target_index].x) * 180 / PI;
//float target_yaw = aim_select.armor_pose[target_index].yaw * 180 / PI;
//float target_yaw = trajectory_cal.cmd_yaw * 180 / PI;
temp_yaw = target_yaw; //for test
float yaw_err = fabsf(target_yaw - gimbal_fetch_data.gimbal_imu_data.Yaw);
temp_yaw_err = yaw_err;
if(vision_recv_data->armors_num == 3){
if (yaw_err <= 2) //3度
aim_select.suggest_fire = 1;
aim_select.suggest_fire = 0;
if (yaw_err <= 4) //3度
aim_select.suggest_fire = 1;
aim_select.suggest_fire = 0;
// float yaw_err = fabsf(trajectory_cal.cmd_yaw - gimbal_cmd_send.yaw);
// if (yaw_err <= 3) //3度
// aim_select.suggest_fire = 1;
// else
// aim_select.suggest_fire = 0;
* @brief 控制输入为遥控器(调试时)的模式和控制量设置
@ -109,40 +242,50 @@ static void CalcOffsetAngle()
static void RemoteControlSet()
aim_select.suggest_fire = 0;
// 控制底盘和云台运行模式,云台待添加,云台是否始终使用IMU数据?
if (switch_is_down(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_right)) // 右侧开关状态[下],底盘跟随云台
if (switch_is_down(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_right)) // 右侧开关状态[下],小陀螺
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_ROTATE;
gimbal_cmd_send.gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_GYRO_MODE;
else if (switch_is_mid(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_right)) // 右侧开关状态[中],底盘和云台分离,底盘保持不转动
else if (switch_is_mid(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_right)) // 右侧开关状态[中],底盘跟随云台
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_NO_FOLLOW;
gimbal_cmd_send.gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_FREE_MODE;
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_FOLLOW_GIMBAL_YAW;
gimbal_cmd_send.gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_GYRO_MODE;
shoot_cmd_send.tele_mode = TELE_CLOSE;
// 云台参数,确定云台控制数据
if (switch_is_mid(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_left)) // 左侧开关状态为[中],视觉模式
if (switch_is_mid(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_left) ||
(vision_recv_data->x == 0 && vision_recv_data->y == 0 && vision_recv_data->z == 0
&& vision_recv_data->vx == 0 && vision_recv_data->vy == 0 &&
vision_recv_data->vz == 0)) // 左侧开关状态为[中],或视觉未识别到目标,纯遥控器拨杆控制
// 待添加,视觉会发来和目标的误差,同样将其转化为total angle的增量进行控制
// ...
gimbal_cmd_send.yaw -= 0.003f * (float)rc_data[TEMP].rc.rocker_l_;
gimbal_cmd_send.pitch += 0.0007f * (float)rc_data[TEMP].rc.rocker_l1;
// 左侧开关状态为[下],或视觉未识别到目标,纯遥控器拨杆控制
if (switch_is_down(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_left) || vision_recv_data->target_state == NO_TARGET)
{ // 按照摇杆的输出大小进行角度增量,增益系数需调整
gimbal_cmd_send.yaw += 0.005f * (float)rc_data[TEMP].rc.rocker_l_;
gimbal_cmd_send.pitch += 0.001f * (float)rc_data[TEMP].rc.rocker_l1;
// 左侧开关状态为[下],视觉模式
if (switch_is_down(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_left)) {
// 云台软件限位
// 底盘参数,目前没有加入小陀螺(调试似乎暂时没有必要),系数需要调整
chassis_cmd_send.vx = 10.0f * (float)rc_data[TEMP].rc.rocker_r_; // _水平方向
chassis_cmd_send.vy = 10.0f * (float)rc_data[TEMP].rc.rocker_r1; // 1数值方向
chassis_cmd_send.vx = 20.1f * (float)rc_data[TEMP].rc.rocker_r_; // _水平方向
chassis_cmd_send.vy = 20.1f * (float)rc_data[TEMP].rc.rocker_r1; // 1数值方向
// 发射参数
if (switch_is_up(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_right)) // 右侧开关状态[上],弹舱打开
; // 弹舱舵机控制,待添加servo_motor模块,开启
if (switch_is_up(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_right)) // 右侧开关状态[上],调整水平pitch参数
shoot_cmd_send.tele_mode = TELE_OPEN;
}// 弹舱舵机控制,待添加servo_motor模块,开启
shoot_cmd_send.tele_mode = TELE_CLOSE;
; // 弹舱舵机控制,待添加servo_motor模块,关闭
// 摩擦轮控制,拨轮向上打为负,向下为正
@ -150,13 +293,15 @@ static void RemoteControlSet()
shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode = FRICTION_ON;
shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode = FRICTION_OFF;
//shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode = FRICTION_OFF;
// 拨弹控制,遥控器固定为一种拨弹模式,可自行选择
if (rc_data[TEMP].rc.dial < -500)
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_BURSTFIRE;
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_1_BULLET;
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_STOP;
// 射频控制,固定每秒1发,后续可以根据左侧拨轮的值大小切换射频,
shoot_cmd_send.shoot_rate = 8;
shoot_cmd_send.shoot_rate = 500;
@ -165,48 +310,92 @@ static void RemoteControlSet()
static void MouseKeySet()
chassis_cmd_send.vx = rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].w * 300 - rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].s * 300; // 系数待测
chassis_cmd_send.vy = rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].s * 300 - rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].d * 300;
gimbal_cmd_send.yaw += (float)rc_data[TEMP].mouse.x / 660 * 10; // 系数待测
gimbal_cmd_send.pitch += (float)rc_data[TEMP].mouse.y / 660 * 10;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_Z] % 3) // Z键设置弹速
chassis_cmd_send.vx = rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].a * 60000 - rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].d * 60000; // 系数待测
chassis_cmd_send.vy = rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].w * 60000 - rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].s * 60000;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_Q] % 2)
case 0:
shoot_cmd_send.bullet_speed = 15;
case 1:
shoot_cmd_send.bullet_speed = 18;
shoot_cmd_send.bullet_speed = 30;
case 0:
gimbal_cmd_send.yaw -= (float)rc_data[TEMP].mouse.x / 660; // 系数待测
gimbal_cmd_send.pitch += (float)rc_data[TEMP].mouse.y / 660;
case 1 :
gimbal_cmd_send.yaw -= (float)rc_data[TEMP].mouse.x / 660 * 3; // 系数待测
gimbal_cmd_send.pitch += (float)rc_data[TEMP].mouse.y / 660 * 3;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_E] % 4) // E键设置发射模式
aim_select.suggest_fire = 0;
if (rc_data[TEMP].mouse.press_l && (!rc_data[TEMP].mouse.press_r)) // 左键发射模式
if (shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode == FRICTION_ON) {
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_1_BULLET;
} else if ((!rc_data[TEMP].mouse.press_l) && (!rc_data[TEMP].mouse.press_r))
case 0:
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_STOP;
case 1:
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_1_BULLET;
case 2:
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_3_BULLET;
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_BURSTFIRE;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_R] % 2) // R键开关弹舱
if (rc_data[TEMP].mouse.press_r) // 右键自瞄模式
if ((vision_recv_data->x == 0 && vision_recv_data->y == 0 && vision_recv_data->z == 0
&& vision_recv_data->vx == 0 && vision_recv_data->vy == 0 &&
vision_recv_data->vz == 0))
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_STOP;
else {
if (aim_select.suggest_fire == 1 && rc_data[TEMP].mouse.press_l &&
shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode == FRICTION_ON) {
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_1_BULLET;
} else {
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_STOP;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].v) // V键开启连发//
case 0:
shoot_cmd_send.lid_mode = LID_OPEN;
shoot_cmd_send.shoot_rate= 500;
case 1:
shoot_cmd_send.shoot_rate = 50;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_R] % 2) // R键手动刷新UI
case 1:
shoot_cmd_send.lid_mode = LID_CLOSE;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_B] % 2) // B键加100转速
case 1:
shoot_cmd_send.motor_speed +=100;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_C] % 2) // C键减100转速
case 1:
shoot_cmd_send.motor_speed -=100;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_F] % 2) // F键开关摩擦轮
case 0:
@ -216,32 +405,170 @@ static void MouseKeySet()
shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode = FRICTION_ON;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_C] % 4) // C键设置底盘速度
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_Q] % 2) // Q键开关倍镜
case 0:
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_speed_buff = 40;
case 1:
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_speed_buff = 60;
case 2:
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_speed_buff = 80;
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_speed_buff = 100;
case 0:
shoot_cmd_send.tele_mode = TELE_CLOSE;
case 1:
shoot_cmd_send.tele_mode = TELE_OPEN;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].shift) // 待添加 按shift允许超功率 消耗缓冲能量
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_E] % 2) // E键开关小陀螺
case 1:
case 0:
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_FOLLOW_GIMBAL_YAW;
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_ROTATE;
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].z) // Z键开关吊射模式
case 1:
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_VERTICAL_YAW;
//chassis_cmd_send.vx=chassis_cmd_send.vy=0; //吊射时底盘不动
switch (rc_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].shift) //shift开关超电//
case 0:
case 1:
* @brief 输入为(图传链路)键鼠时模式和控制量设置
static void VTMouseKeySet()
chassis_cmd_send.vx = vt_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].a * 10000 - vt_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].d * 10000; // 系数待测
chassis_cmd_send.vy = vt_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].w * 10000 - vt_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].s * 10000;
gimbal_cmd_send.yaw -= (float)vt_data[TEMP].mouse.x / 660 * 10; // 系数待测
gimbal_cmd_send.pitch += (float)vt_data[TEMP].mouse.y / 660 * 10;
aim_select.suggest_fire = 0;
if (vt_data[TEMP].mouse.press_l && (!vt_data[TEMP].mouse.press_r)) // 左键发射模式
if (shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode == FRICTION_ON) {
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_1_BULLET;
} else if ((!vt_data[TEMP].mouse.press_l) && (!vt_data[TEMP].mouse.press_r))
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_STOP;
if (vt_data[TEMP].mouse.press_r) // 右键自瞄模式
if ((vision_recv_data->x == 0 && vision_recv_data->y == 0 && vision_recv_data->z == 0
&& vision_recv_data->vx == 0 && vision_recv_data->vy == 0 &&
vision_recv_data->vz == 0))
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_STOP;
else {
if (aim_select.suggest_fire == 1 && vt_data[TEMP].mouse.press_l &&
shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode == FRICTION_ON) {
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_1_BULLET;
} else {
shoot_cmd_send.load_mode = LOAD_STOP;
switch (vt_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].v) // V键开启连发//
case 0:
shoot_cmd_send.shoot_rate= 500;
case 1:
shoot_cmd_send.shoot_rate = 50;
switch (vt_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_R] % 2) // R键手动刷新UI
case 1:
switch (vt_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_F] % 2) // F键开关摩擦轮
case 0:
shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode = FRICTION_OFF;
shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode = FRICTION_ON;
switch (vt_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_Q] % 2) // Q键开关倍镜
case 0:
shoot_cmd_send.tele_mode = TELE_CLOSE;
case 1:
shoot_cmd_send.tele_mode = TELE_OPEN;
switch (vt_data[TEMP].key_count[KEY_PRESS][Key_E] % 2) // E键开关小陀螺
case 0:
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_FOLLOW_GIMBAL_YAW;
gimbal_cmd_send.gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_GYRO_MODE;
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_VERTICAL_YAW;
gimbal_cmd_send.gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_GYRO_MODE;
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_ROTATE;
gimbal_cmd_send.gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_GYRO_MODE;
// switch (vt_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].z) // Z键侧身用于瞄准
// {
// case 0:
// chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_FOLLOW_GIMBAL_YAW;
// break;
// case 1:
// chassis_cmd_send.chassis_mode = CHASSIS_VERTICAL_YAW;
// break;
// }
switch (vt_data[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].shift) // 待添加 按shift允许超功率 消耗缓冲能量
case 1:
* @brief 紧急停止,包括遥控器左上侧拨轮打满/重要模块离线/双板通信失效等
@ -266,8 +593,13 @@ static void EmergencyHandler()
// 遥控器右侧开关为[上],恢复正常运行
if (switch_is_up(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_right))
robot_state = ROBOT_READY;
gimbal_cmd_send.gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_GYRO_MODE;
shoot_cmd_send.shoot_mode = SHOOT_ON;
shoot_cmd_send.friction_mode = FRICTION_OFF;
LOGINFO("[CMD] reinstate, robot ready");
@ -284,20 +616,27 @@ void RobotCMDTask()
#endif // GIMBAL_BOARD
SubGetMessage(shoot_feed_sub, &shoot_fetch_data);
SubGetMessage(gimbal_feed_sub, &gimbal_fetch_data);
// 根据gimbal的反馈值计算云台和底盘正方向的夹角,不需要传参,通过static私有变量完成
// 根据遥控器左侧开关,确定当前使用的控制模式为遥控器调试还是键鼠
if (switch_is_down(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_left)) // 遥控器左侧开关状态为[下],遥控器控制
if (switch_is_down(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_left) ||
switch_is_mid(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_left)) // 遥控器左侧开关状态为[下],[中],遥控器控制
else if (switch_is_up(rc_data[TEMP].rc.switch_left)) // 遥控器左侧开关状态为[上],键盘控制
EmergencyHandler(); // 处理模块离线和遥控器急停等紧急情况
// 设置视觉发送数据,还需增加加速度和角速度数据
// VisionSetFlag(chassis_fetch_data.enemy_color,,chassis_fetch_data.bullet_speed)
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_power_limit = referee_data->GameRobotState.chassis_power_limit;
chassis_cmd_send.chassis_power_buffer = referee_data->PowerHeatData.buffer_energy;
// 推送消息,双板通信,视觉通信等
// 其他应用所需的控制数据在remotecontrolsetmode和mousekeysetmode中完成设置
#ifdef ONE_BOARD
@ -308,5 +647,4 @@ void RobotCMDTask()
#endif // GIMBAL_BOARD
PubPushMessage(shoot_cmd_pub, (void *)&shoot_cmd_send);
PubPushMessage(gimbal_cmd_pub, (void *)&gimbal_cmd_send);
@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
#define ROBOT_CMD_H
* @brief 机器人核心控制任务初始化,会被RobotInit()调用
@ -6,39 +6,41 @@
#include "general_def.h"
#include "bmi088.h"
#include "dm4310.h"
static attitude_t *gimba_IMU_data; // 云台IMU数据
static DJIMotorInstance *yaw_motor, *pitch_motor;
static DJIMotorInstance *pitch_motor;
static DMMotorInstance *yaw_motor;
static Publisher_t *gimbal_pub; // 云台应用消息发布者(云台反馈给cmd)
static Subscriber_t *gimbal_sub; // cmd控制消息订阅者
static Gimbal_Upload_Data_s gimbal_feedback_data; // 回传给cmd的云台状态信息
static Gimbal_Ctrl_Cmd_s gimbal_cmd_recv; // 来自cmd的控制信息
void GimbalInit()
gimba_IMU_data = INS_Init(); // IMU先初始化,获取姿态数据指针赋给yaw电机的其他数据来源
// YAW
Motor_Init_Config_s yaw_config = {
.can_init_config = {
.can_handle = &hcan1,
.tx_id = 1,
.can_handle = &hcan2,
.tx_id = 0x01,
.rx_id = 0x43,
.controller_param_init_config = {
.angle_PID = {
.Kp = 8, // 8
.Kp = 2.0f,//0.5, // 8
.Ki = 0,
.Kd = 0,
.DeadBand = 0.1,
.Kd = 0.02f,
.Improve = PID_Trapezoid_Intergral | PID_Integral_Limit | PID_Derivative_On_Measurement,
.IntegralLimit = 100,
.MaxOut = 500,
.speed_PID = {
.Kp = 50, // 50
.Ki = 200, // 200
.Kd = 0,
.Kp = 3,//0.5f,
.Ki = 0,//0.2f,
.Kd = 0,//10
.Improve = PID_Trapezoid_Intergral | PID_Integral_Limit | PID_Derivative_On_Measurement,
.IntegralLimit = 3000,
.MaxOut = 20000,
@ -51,10 +53,11 @@ void GimbalInit()
.angle_feedback_source = OTHER_FEED,
.speed_feedback_source = OTHER_FEED,
.outer_loop_type = ANGLE_LOOP,
.close_loop_type = ANGLE_LOOP | SPEED_LOOP,
.close_loop_type = ANGLE_LOOP |SPEED_LOOP,
.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL,
.motor_type = GM6020};
.motor_type = DM4310
Motor_Init_Config_s pitch_config = {
.can_init_config = {
@ -63,17 +66,17 @@ void GimbalInit()
.controller_param_init_config = {
.angle_PID = {
.Kp = 10, // 10
.Kp = 0.35f,
.Ki = 0,
.Kd = 0,
.Kd = 0.005f,
.Improve = PID_Trapezoid_Intergral | PID_Integral_Limit | PID_Derivative_On_Measurement,
.IntegralLimit = 100,
.MaxOut = 500,
.IntegralLimit = 100,//100
.MaxOut = 500,//500
.speed_PID = {
.Kp = 50, // 50
.Ki = 350, // 350
.Kd = 0, // 0
.Kp = 6000,
.Ki = 1000, // 350
.Kd = 0,//15000, // 0
.Improve = PID_Trapezoid_Intergral | PID_Integral_Limit | PID_Derivative_On_Measurement,
.IntegralLimit = 2500,
.MaxOut = 20000,
@ -87,18 +90,27 @@ void GimbalInit()
.speed_feedback_source = OTHER_FEED,
.outer_loop_type = ANGLE_LOOP,
.close_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP | ANGLE_LOOP,
.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL,
.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE,
.feedback_reverse_flag = FEEDBACK_DIRECTION_REVERSE,
.motor_type = GM6020,
.motor_type = M3508,
// 电机对total_angle闭环,上电时为零,会保持静止,收到遥控器数据再动
yaw_motor = DJIMotorInit(&yaw_config);
yaw_motor = DMMotorInit(&yaw_config);
pitch_motor = DJIMotorInit(&pitch_config);
gimbal_pub = PubRegister("gimbal_feed", sizeof(Gimbal_Upload_Data_s));
gimbal_sub = SubRegister("gimbal_cmd", sizeof(Gimbal_Ctrl_Cmd_s));
static void YawMotorEnable(void)
if(yaw_motor->measure.state == 0)//如果电机处于失能状态
DMMotorSetMode(DM_CMD_MOTOR_MODE, yaw_motor);//发送使能命令
/* 机器人云台控制核心任务,后续考虑只保留IMU控制,不再需要电机的反馈 */
void GimbalTask()
@ -112,30 +124,29 @@ void GimbalTask()
// 停止
// 使用陀螺仪的反馈,底盘根据yaw电机的offset跟随云台或视觉模式采用
case GIMBAL_GYRO_MODE: // 后续只保留此模式
DJIMotorChangeFeed(yaw_motor, ANGLE_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
DJIMotorChangeFeed(yaw_motor, SPEED_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
DJIMotorChangeFeed(pitch_motor, ANGLE_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
DJIMotorChangeFeed(pitch_motor, SPEED_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
DJIMotorSetRef(yaw_motor, gimbal_cmd_recv.yaw); // yaw和pitch会在robot_cmd中处理好多圈和单圈
DMMotorSetRef(yaw_motor, gimbal_cmd_recv.yaw); // yaw和pitch会在robot_cmd中处理好多圈和单圈
DJIMotorSetRef(pitch_motor, gimbal_cmd_recv.pitch);
// 云台自由模式,使用编码器反馈,底盘和云台分离,仅云台旋转,一般用于调整云台姿态(英雄吊射等)/能量机关
case GIMBAL_FREE_MODE: // 后续删除,或加入云台追地盘的跟随模式(响应速度更快)
DJIMotorChangeFeed(yaw_motor, ANGLE_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
DJIMotorChangeFeed(yaw_motor, SPEED_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
DJIMotorChangeFeed(pitch_motor, ANGLE_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
DJIMotorChangeFeed(pitch_motor, SPEED_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
DJIMotorSetRef(yaw_motor, gimbal_cmd_recv.yaw); // yaw和pitch会在robot_cmd中处理好多圈和单圈
DJIMotorSetRef(pitch_motor, gimbal_cmd_recv.pitch);
// DJIMotorEnable(yaw_motor);
// DJIMotorEnable(pitch_motor);
// DJIMotorChangeFeed(yaw_motor, ANGLE_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
// DJIMotorChangeFeed(yaw_motor, SPEED_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
// DJIMotorChangeFeed(pitch_motor, ANGLE_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
// DJIMotorChangeFeed(pitch_motor, SPEED_LOOP, OTHER_FEED);
// DJIMotorSetRef(yaw_motor, gimbal_cmd_recv.yaw); // yaw和pitch会在robot_cmd中处理好多圈和单圈
// DJIMotorSetRef(pitch_motor, gimbal_cmd_recv.pitch);
@ -148,7 +159,8 @@ void GimbalTask()
// 设置反馈数据,主要是imu和yaw的ecd
gimbal_feedback_data.gimbal_imu_data = *gimba_IMU_data;
gimbal_feedback_data.yaw_motor_single_round_angle = yaw_motor->measure.angle_single_round;
gimbal_feedback_data.pitch_motor_total_angle = pitch_motor->measure.total_angle;
// 推送消息
PubPushMessage(gimbal_pub, (void *)&gimbal_feedback_data);
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ void RobotInit()
#if defined(ONE_BOARD) || defined(GIMBAL_BOARD)
@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ void RobotInit()
OSTaskInit(); // 创建基础任务
// 初始化完成,开启中断
@ -26,21 +26,21 @@
/* 机器人重要参数定义,注意根据不同机器人进行修改,浮点数需要以.0或f结尾,无符号以u结尾 */
// 云台参数
#define YAW_CHASSIS_ALIGN_ECD 2711 // 云台和底盘对齐指向相同方向时的电机编码器值,若对云台有机械改动需要修改
#define YAW_CHASSIS_ALIGN_ECD 5.482276 // 云台和底盘对齐指向相同方向时的电机position值,需要加上PI,因为单圈角度计算里增加了PI若对云台有机械改动需要修改
#define YAW_ECD_GREATER_THAN_4096 0 // ALIGN_ECD值是否大于4096,是为1,否为0;用于计算云台偏转角度
#define PITCH_HORIZON_ECD 3412 // 云台处于水平位置时编码器值,若对云台有机械改动需要修改
#define PITCH_MAX_ANGLE 0 // 云台竖直方向最大角度 (注意反馈如果是陀螺仪,则填写陀螺仪的角度)
#define PITCH_MIN_ANGLE 0 // 云台竖直方向最小角度 (注意反馈如果是陀螺仪,则填写陀螺仪的角度)
#define PITCH_MAX_ANGLE 15 // 云台竖直方向最大角度 (注意反馈如果是陀螺仪,则填写陀螺仪的角度)
#define PITCH_MIN_ANGLE -35 // 云台竖直方向最小角度 (注意反馈如果是陀螺仪,则填写陀螺仪的角度)
// 发射参数
#define ONE_BULLET_DELTA_ANGLE 36 // 发射一发弹丸拨盘转动的距离,由机械设计图纸给出
#define REDUCTION_RATIO_LOADER 49.0f // 拨盘电机的减速比,英雄需要修改为3508的19.0f
#define NUM_PER_CIRCLE 10 // 拨盘一圈的装载量
#define ONE_BULLET_DELTA_ANGLE 1933.272 // 发射一发弹丸拨盘转动的距离,由机械设计图纸给出
#define REDUCTION_RATIO_LOADER 27.0f // 拨盘电机的减速比,英雄需要修改为3508的19.0f//初始是49,增加为27
#define NUM_PER_CIRCLE 5 // 拨盘一圈的装载量
// 机器人底盘修改的参数,单位为mm(毫米)
#define WHEEL_BASE 350 // 纵向轴距(前进后退方向)
#define TRACK_WIDTH 300 // 横向轮距(左右平移方向)
#define WHEEL_BASE 433.86 // 纵向轴距(前进后退方向)
#define TRACK_WIDTH 463.92 // 横向轮距(左右平移方向)
#define CENTER_GIMBAL_OFFSET_X 0 // 云台旋转中心距底盘几何中心的距离,前后方向,云台位于正中心时默认设为0
#define CENTER_GIMBAL_OFFSET_Y 0 // 云台旋转中心距底盘几何中心的距离,左右方向,云台位于正中心时默认设为0
#define RADIUS_WHEEL 60 // 轮子半径
#define RADIUS_WHEEL 75 // 轮子半径
#define REDUCTION_RATIO_WHEEL 19.0f // 电机减速比,因为编码器量测的是转子的速度而不是输出轴的速度故需进行转换
#define GYRO2GIMBAL_DIR_YAW 1 // 陀螺仪数据相较于云台的yaw的方向,1为相同,-1为相反
@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ typedef enum
CHASSIS_NO_FOLLOW, // 不跟随,允许全向平移
CHASSIS_FOLLOW_GIMBAL_YAW, // 跟随模式,底盘叠加角度环控制
} chassis_mode_e;
// 云台模式设置
@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ typedef enum
GIMBAL_ZERO_FORCE = 0, // 电流零输入
GIMBAL_FREE_MODE, // 云台自由运动模式,即与底盘分离(底盘此时应为NO_FOLLOW)反馈值为电机total_angle;似乎可以改为全部用IMU数据?
GIMBAL_GYRO_MODE, // 云台陀螺仪反馈模式,反馈值为陀螺仪pitch,total_yaw_angle,底盘可以为小陀螺和跟随模式
ADJUST_PITCH_MODE, //找pitch的限位
} gimbal_mode_e;
// 发射模式设置
@ -110,9 +113,9 @@ typedef enum
typedef enum
LID_OPEN = 0, // 弹舱盖打开
LID_CLOSE, // 弹舱盖关闭
} lid_mode_e;
TELE_CLOSE = 0, // 倍镜打开
TELE_OPEN, // 倍镜关闭
} tele_mode_e;
typedef enum
@ -126,7 +129,9 @@ typedef enum
// 功率限制,从裁判系统获取,是否有必要保留?
typedef struct
{ // 功率控制
float chassis_power_mx;
uint16_t chassis_power_mx;
float cap_vol;
uint16_t motor_speed;
} Chassis_Power_Data_s;
/* ----------------CMD应用发布的控制数据,应当由gimbal/chassis/shoot订阅---------------- */
@ -143,7 +148,9 @@ typedef struct
float wz; // 旋转速度
float offset_angle; // 底盘和归中位置的夹角
chassis_mode_e chassis_mode;
int chassis_speed_buff;
int chassis_power_buffer;
uint16_t chassis_power_limit;
uint8_t P_SuperCap;
// UI部分
// ...
@ -155,6 +162,8 @@ typedef struct
float yaw;
float pitch;
float chassis_rotate_wz;
uint8_t YawMotorEnableFlag;
gimbal_mode_e gimbal_mode;
} Gimbal_Ctrl_Cmd_s;
@ -164,11 +173,13 @@ typedef struct
shoot_mode_e shoot_mode;
loader_mode_e load_mode;
lid_mode_e lid_mode;
tele_mode_e tele_mode;
friction_mode_e friction_mode;
Bullet_Speed_e bullet_speed; // 弹速枚举
float bullet_speed; // 发射周期
uint8_t rest_heat;
float shoot_rate; // 连续发射的射频,unit per s,发/秒
uint16_t motor_speed;
} Shoot_Ctrl_Cmd_s;
/* ----------------gimbal/shoot/chassis发布的反馈数据----------------*/
@ -186,9 +197,8 @@ typedef struct
// float real_vx;
// float real_vy;
// float real_wz;
float cap_vol;
uint8_t rest_heat; // 剩余枪口热量
Bullet_Speed_e bullet_speed; // 弹速限制
Enemy_Color_e enemy_color; // 0 for blue, 1 for red
} Chassis_Upload_Data_s;
@ -197,13 +207,16 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
attitude_t gimbal_imu_data;
uint16_t yaw_motor_single_round_angle;
float yaw_motor_single_round_angle;
float pitch_motor_total_angle;
} Gimbal_Upload_Data_s;
typedef struct
// code to go here
// ...
uint8_t stalled_flag; //堵转标志
uint8_t Motor_Temperature;
} Shoot_Upload_Data_s;
#pragma pack() // 开启字节对齐,结束前面的#pragma pack(1)
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "buzzer.h"
#include "bsp_log.h"
#include "dm4310.h"
osThreadId insTaskHandle;
osThreadId robotTaskHandle;
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ void OSTaskInit()
osThreadDef(uitask, StartUITASK, osPriorityNormal, 0, 512);
uiTaskHandle = osThreadCreate(osThread(uitask), NULL);
HTMotorControlInit(); // 没有注册HT电机则不会执行
DMMotorControlInit(); // 没有注册DM电机则不会执行
__attribute__((noreturn)) void StartINSTASK(void const *argument)
@ -4,35 +4,44 @@
#include "dji_motor.h"
#include "message_center.h"
#include "bsp_dwt.h"
#include "referee_task.h"
#include "general_def.h"
#include "servo_motor.h"
/* 对于双发射机构的机器人,将下面的数据封装成结构体即可,生成两份shoot应用实例 */
static DJIMotorInstance *friction_l, *friction_r, *loader; // 拨盘电机
// static servo_instance *lid; 需要增加弹舱盖
static DJIMotorInstance *friction_l, *friction_r,*friction_z, *loader; // 拨盘电机
static ServoInstance *telescope; //需要增加弹舱盖
static Publisher_t *shoot_pub;
static Shoot_Ctrl_Cmd_s shoot_cmd_recv; // 来自cmd的发射控制信息
static Subscriber_t *shoot_sub;
static Shoot_Upload_Data_s shoot_feedback_data; // 来自cmd的发射控制信息
float Kp=2;
float Ki=1;
float Kd=0;
static float stop_location;
// dwt定时,计算冷却用
static float hibernate_time = 0, dead_time = 0;
uint16_t angle=2;
static uint16_t locked_time;
void ShootInit()
// 左摩擦轮
// 摩擦轮
Motor_Init_Config_s friction_config = {
.can_init_config = {
.can_handle = &hcan2,
.controller_param_init_config = {
.speed_PID = {
.Kp = 0, // 20
.Kp = 6, // 20
.Ki = 0, // 1
.Kd = 0,
.Improve = PID_Integral_Limit,
.IntegralLimit = 10000,
.MaxOut = 15000,
.MaxOut = 28000,
.current_PID = {
.Kp = 0, // 0.7
@ -48,38 +57,43 @@ void ShootInit()
.speed_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED,
.outer_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP,
.close_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP | CURRENT_LOOP,
.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL,
.close_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP ,
.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE,
.motor_type = M3508};
friction_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 1,
friction_l = DJIMotorInit(&friction_config);
// friction_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 3,
// friction_l = DJIMotorInit(&friction_config);
friction_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 2; // 右摩擦轮,改txid和方向就行
friction_config.controller_setting_init_config.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE;
friction_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 4; // 右摩擦轮,改txid和方向就行
friction_config.controller_setting_init_config.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL;
friction_r = DJIMotorInit(&friction_config);
friction_config.can_init_config.tx_id = 6; // 上摩擦轮,改txid和方向就行
friction_config.controller_setting_init_config.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE;
friction_z = DJIMotorInit(&friction_config);
// 拨盘电机
Motor_Init_Config_s loader_config = {
.can_init_config = {
.can_handle = &hcan2,
.tx_id = 3,
.can_handle = &hcan1,
.tx_id = 5,
.controller_param_init_config = {
.angle_PID = {
// 如果启用位置环来控制发弹,需要较大的I值保证输出力矩的线性度否则出现接近拨出的力矩大幅下降
.Kp = 0, // 10
.Kp = 70, // 10
.Ki = 0,
.Kd = 0,
.MaxOut = 200,
.Kd = 0.01f,
.MaxOut = 15000,
.speed_PID = {
.Kp = 0, // 10
.Kp = 3.8f, // 10
.Ki = 0, // 1
.Kd = 0,
.Improve = PID_Integral_Limit,
.IntegralLimit = 5000,
.MaxOut = 5000,
.MaxOut = 30000,
.current_PID = {
.Kp = 0, // 0.7
@ -87,47 +101,70 @@ void ShootInit()
.Kd = 0,
.Improve = PID_Integral_Limit,
.IntegralLimit = 5000,
.MaxOut = 5000,
.MaxOut = 15000,
.controller_setting_init_config = {
.angle_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED, .speed_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED,
.angle_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED,
.speed_feedback_source = MOTOR_FEED,
.outer_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP, // 初始化成SPEED_LOOP,让拨盘停在原地,防止拨盘上电时乱转
.close_loop_type = CURRENT_LOOP | SPEED_LOOP,
.close_loop_type = SPEED_LOOP | ANGLE_LOOP,
.motor_reverse_flag = MOTOR_DIRECTION_NORMAL, // 注意方向设置为拨盘的拨出的击发方向
.motor_type = M2006 // 英雄使用m3508
.motor_type = M3508 // 英雄使用m3508
loader = DJIMotorInit(&loader_config);
// 倍镜舵机
Servo_Init_Config_s tele_config = {
.htim = &htim1,
.Channel = TIM_CHANNEL_1,
.Servo_type = Servo270,
.Servo_Angle_Type = Free_Angle_mode,
telescope = ServoInit(&tele_config);
shoot_pub = PubRegister("shoot_feed", sizeof(Shoot_Upload_Data_s));
shoot_sub = SubRegister("shoot_cmd", sizeof(Shoot_Ctrl_Cmd_s));
static void Stop_Check()
if(loader->measure.total_angle < stop_location*0.9)
DJIMotorOuterLoop(loader, ANGLE_LOOP);
hibernate_time = DWT_GetTimeline_ms(); // 记录触发指令的时间
dead_time = 1000;
/* 机器人发射机构控制核心任务 */
void ShootTask()
// 从cmd获取控制数据
SubGetMessage(shoot_sub, &shoot_cmd_recv);
friction_z->motor_controller.speed_PID.Kp=friction_r->motor_controller.speed_PID.Kp = Kp;
friction_z->motor_controller.speed_PID.Ki=friction_r->motor_controller.speed_PID.Ki = Ki;
friction_z->motor_controller.speed_PID.Kd=friction_r->motor_controller.speed_PID.Kd = Kd;
// 对shoot mode等于SHOOT_STOP的情况特殊处理,直接停止所有电机(紧急停止)
if (shoot_cmd_recv.shoot_mode == SHOOT_OFF)
// DJIMotorStop(friction_l);
else // 恢复运行
// DJIMotorEnable(friction_l);
// 如果上一次触发单发或3发指令的时间加上不应期仍然大于当前时间(尚未休眠完毕),直接返回即可
// 单发模式主要提供给能量机关激活使用(以及英雄的射击大部分处于单发)
// if (hibernate_time + dead_time > DWT_GetTimeline_ms())
// return;
if (hibernate_time + dead_time > DWT_GetTimeline_ms())
// 若不在休眠状态,根据robotCMD传来的控制模式进行拨盘电机参考值设定和模式切换
switch (shoot_cmd_recv.load_mode)
@ -139,12 +176,12 @@ void ShootTask()
// 单发模式,根据鼠标按下的时间,触发一次之后需要进入不响应输入的状态(否则按下的时间内可能多次进入,导致多次发射)
case LOAD_1_BULLET: // 激活能量机关/干扰对方用,英雄用.
DJIMotorOuterLoop(loader, ANGLE_LOOP); // 切换到角度环
DJIMotorOuterLoop(loader, ANGLE_LOOP); // 切换到角度环v
DJIMotorSetRef(loader, loader->measure.total_angle + ONE_BULLET_DELTA_ANGLE); // 控制量增加一发弹丸的角度
hibernate_time = DWT_GetTimeline_ms(); // 记录触发指令的时间
dead_time = 150; // 完成1发弹丸发射的时间
hibernate_time = DWT_GetTimeline_ms(); // 记录触发指令的时间
dead_time = shoot_cmd_recv.shoot_rate; // 完成1发弹丸发射的时间
// 三连发,如果不需要后续可能删除
// 自爆连发
DJIMotorOuterLoop(loader, ANGLE_LOOP); // 切换到速度环
DJIMotorSetRef(loader, loader->measure.total_angle + 3 * ONE_BULLET_DELTA_ANGLE); // 增加3发
@ -154,60 +191,53 @@ void ShootTask()
// 连发模式,对速度闭环,射频后续修改为可变,目前固定为1Hz
DJIMotorOuterLoop(loader, SPEED_LOOP);
DJIMotorSetRef(loader, shoot_cmd_recv.shoot_rate * 360 * REDUCTION_RATIO_LOADER / 8);
// x颗/秒换算成速度: 已知一圈的载弹量,由此计算出1s需要转的角度,注意换算角速度(DJIMotor的速度单位是angle per second)
DJIMotorSetRef(loader, shoot_cmd_recv.shoot_rate * 360 * REDUCTION_RATIO_LOADER);
// x颗/秒换算成速度: 已知一圈的载弹量,由此计算出1s需要转的角度,注意换算角速度(DJIMotor的速度单位是)
// 拨盘反转,对速度闭环,后续增加卡弹检测(通过裁判系统剩余热量反馈和电机电流)
// 也有可能需要从switch-case中独立出来
DJIMotorOuterLoop(loader, SPEED_LOOP);
// ...
DJIMotorOuterLoop(loader, ANGLE_LOOP); // 切换到角度环
DJIMotorSetRef(loader, loader->measure.total_angle - ONE_BULLET_DELTA_ANGLE); // 控制量增加一发弹丸的角度
hibernate_time = DWT_GetTimeline_ms(); // 记录触发指令的时间
dead_time = 300; // 完成1发弹丸发射的时间
while (1)
; // 未知模式,停止运行,检查指针越界,内存溢出等问题
// 确定是否开启摩擦轮,后续可能修改为键鼠模式下始终开启摩擦轮(上场时建议一直开启)
if (shoot_cmd_recv.friction_mode == FRICTION_ON)
// 根据收到的弹速设置设定摩擦轮电机参考值,需实测后填入
switch (shoot_cmd_recv.bullet_speed)
case SMALL_AMU_15:
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_l, 0);
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_r, 0);
case SMALL_AMU_18:
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_l, 0);
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_r, 0);
case SMALL_AMU_30:
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_l, 0);
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_r, 0);
default: // 当前为了调试设定的默认值4000,因为还没有加入裁判系统无法读取弹速.
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_l, 30000);
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_r, 30000);
shoot_cmd_recv.motor_speed = LIMIT_MIN_MAX(shoot_cmd_recv.motor_speed,4000,8500);
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_r, (float)(6*shoot_cmd_recv.motor_speed));
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_z, (float)(6*shoot_cmd_recv.motor_speed));
// DJIMotorSetRef(friction_l, (float)(6*shoot_cmd_recv.motor_speed));
else // 关闭摩擦轮
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_l, 0);
// DJIMotorSetRef(friction_l, 0);
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_r, 0);
DJIMotorSetRef(friction_z, 0);
// 开关弹舱盖
if (shoot_cmd_recv.lid_mode == LID_CLOSE)
if (shoot_cmd_recv.tele_mode == TELE_CLOSE)
else if (shoot_cmd_recv.lid_mode == LID_OPEN)
else if (shoot_cmd_recv.tele_mode == TELE_OPEN)
// 反馈数据,目前暂时没有要设定的反馈数据,后续可能增加应用离线监测以及卡弹反馈
shoot_feedback_data.Motor_Temperature = friction_r->measure.temperature;
PubPushMessage(shoot_pub, (void *)&shoot_feedback_data);
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#ifndef SHOOT_H
#define SHOOT_H
* @brief 发射初始化,会被RobotInit()调用
@ -1,18 +1,34 @@
# choose st-link/j-link/dap-link etc.
# choose CMSIS-DAP Debugger
adapter driver cmsis-dap
##adapter driver dap-link
# select SWD port
transport select swd
##transport select swd
# 0x10000 = 64K Flash Size
# 1MB on robomaster-C
set FLASH_SIZE 0x100000
##set FLASH_SIZE 0x100000
source [find target/stm32f4x.cfg]
##source [find target/stm32f4x.cfg]
# download speed = 10MHz
# 10MHz on FireDebugger
adapter speed 10000
##adapter speed 10000
# connect under reset
# reset_config srst_only
# reset_config srst_only
source [find interface/cmsis-dap.cfg]
transport select swd
# increase working area to 64KB
set WORKAREASIZE 0x10000
source [find target/stm32f4x.cfg]
reset_config none
@ -1,7 +1,29 @@
#include "crc16.h"
static uint8_t crc_tab16_init = 0;
static uint16_t crc_tab16[256];
static uint16_t crc_tab16[256] = {
0x0000, 0x1189, 0x2312, 0x329b, 0x4624, 0x57ad, 0x6536, 0x74bf, 0x8c48, 0x9dc1, 0xaf5a, 0xbed3,
0xca6c, 0xdbe5, 0xe97e, 0xf8f7, 0x1081, 0x0108, 0x3393, 0x221a, 0x56a5, 0x472c, 0x75b7, 0x643e,
0x9cc9, 0x8d40, 0xbfdb, 0xae52, 0xdaed, 0xcb64, 0xf9ff, 0xe876, 0x2102, 0x308b, 0x0210, 0x1399,
0x6726, 0x76af, 0x4434, 0x55bd, 0xad4a, 0xbcc3, 0x8e58, 0x9fd1, 0xeb6e, 0xfae7, 0xc87c, 0xd9f5,
0x3183, 0x200a, 0x1291, 0x0318, 0x77a7, 0x662e, 0x54b5, 0x453c, 0xbdcb, 0xac42, 0x9ed9, 0x8f50,
0xfbef, 0xea66, 0xd8fd, 0xc974, 0x4204, 0x538d, 0x6116, 0x709f, 0x0420, 0x15a9, 0x2732, 0x36bb,
0xce4c, 0xdfc5, 0xed5e, 0xfcd7, 0x8868, 0x99e1, 0xab7a, 0xbaf3, 0x5285, 0x430c, 0x7197, 0x601e,
0x14a1, 0x0528, 0x37b3, 0x263a, 0xdecd, 0xcf44, 0xfddf, 0xec56, 0x98e9, 0x8960, 0xbbfb, 0xaa72,
0x6306, 0x728f, 0x4014, 0x519d, 0x2522, 0x34ab, 0x0630, 0x17b9, 0xef4e, 0xfec7, 0xcc5c, 0xddd5,
0xa96a, 0xb8e3, 0x8a78, 0x9bf1, 0x7387, 0x620e, 0x5095, 0x411c, 0x35a3, 0x242a, 0x16b1, 0x0738,
0xffcf, 0xee46, 0xdcdd, 0xcd54, 0xb9eb, 0xa862, 0x9af9, 0x8b70, 0x8408, 0x9581, 0xa71a, 0xb693,
0xc22c, 0xd3a5, 0xe13e, 0xf0b7, 0x0840, 0x19c9, 0x2b52, 0x3adb, 0x4e64, 0x5fed, 0x6d76, 0x7cff,
0x9489, 0x8500, 0xb79b, 0xa612, 0xd2ad, 0xc324, 0xf1bf, 0xe036, 0x18c1, 0x0948, 0x3bd3, 0x2a5a,
0x5ee5, 0x4f6c, 0x7df7, 0x6c7e, 0xa50a, 0xb483, 0x8618, 0x9791, 0xe32e, 0xf2a7, 0xc03c, 0xd1b5,
0x2942, 0x38cb, 0x0a50, 0x1bd9, 0x6f66, 0x7eef, 0x4c74, 0x5dfd, 0xb58b, 0xa402, 0x9699, 0x8710,
0xf3af, 0xe226, 0xd0bd, 0xc134, 0x39c3, 0x284a, 0x1ad1, 0x0b58, 0x7fe7, 0x6e6e, 0x5cf5, 0x4d7c,
0xc60c, 0xd785, 0xe51e, 0xf497, 0x8028, 0x91a1, 0xa33a, 0xb2b3, 0x4a44, 0x5bcd, 0x6956, 0x78df,
0x0c60, 0x1de9, 0x2f72, 0x3efb, 0xd68d, 0xc704, 0xf59f, 0xe416, 0x90a9, 0x8120, 0xb3bb, 0xa232,
0x5ac5, 0x4b4c, 0x79d7, 0x685e, 0x1ce1, 0x0d68, 0x3ff3, 0x2e7a, 0xe70e, 0xf687, 0xc41c, 0xd595,
0xa12a, 0xb0a3, 0x8238, 0x93b1, 0x6b46, 0x7acf, 0x4854, 0x59dd, 0x2d62, 0x3ceb, 0x0e70, 0x1ff9,
0xf78f, 0xe606, 0xd49d, 0xc514, 0xb1ab, 0xa022, 0x92b9, 0x8330, 0x7bc7, 0x6a4e, 0x58d5, 0x495c,
0x3de3, 0x2c6a, 0x1ef1, 0x0f78};
* uint16_t crc_16( const unsigned char *input_str, size_t num_bytes );
@ -13,19 +35,28 @@ static uint16_t crc_tab16[256];
uint16_t crc_16(const uint8_t *input_str, uint16_t num_bytes)
uint16_t crc;
const uint8_t *ptr;
uint16_t a;
if (!crc_tab16_init)
crc = CRC_START_16;
ptr = input_str;
if (ptr != NULL)
for (a = 0; a < num_bytes; a++)
crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_tab16[(crc ^ (uint16_t)*ptr++) & 0x00FF];
return crc;
// uint16_t crc;
// const uint8_t *ptr;
// uint16_t a;
//// if (!crc_tab16_init)
//// init_crc16_tab();
// crc = CRC_START_16;
// ptr = input_str;
// if (ptr != NULL)
// for (a = 0; a < num_bytes; a++) {
// crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_tab16[(crc ^ (uint16_t) *ptr++) & 0x00FF];
// }
// return crc;
uint8_t ch_data;
uint16_t wCRC = 0xFFFF;
if (input_str == NULL) return 0xFFFF;
while (num_bytes--) {
ch_data = *input_str++;
(wCRC) =
((uint16_t)(wCRC) >> 8) ^ crc_tab16[((uint16_t)(wCRC) ^ (uint16_t)(ch_data)) & 0x00ff];
return wCRC;
@ -99,3 +130,13 @@ void init_crc16_tab(void)
crc_tab16_init = 1;
uint32_t VerifyCRC16CheckSum(uint8_t *pchMessage, uint32_t dwLength)
uint16_t wExpected = 0;
if ((pchMessage == NULL) || (dwLength <= 2))
return 0;
wExpected = crc_16(pchMessage, dwLength - 2);
return ((wExpected & 0xff) == pchMessage[dwLength - 2] && ((wExpected >> 8) & 0xff) == pchMessage[dwLength - 1]);
@ -10,5 +10,6 @@ uint16_t crc_16(const uint8_t *input_str, uint16_t num_bytes);
uint16_t crc_modbus(const uint8_t *input_str, uint16_t num_bytes);
uint16_t update_crc_16(uint16_t crc, uint8_t c);
void init_crc16_tab(void);
uint32_t VerifyCRC16CheckSum(uint8_t *pchMessage, uint32_t dwLength);
@ -212,3 +212,32 @@ void MatInit(mat *m, uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
m->numRows = row;
m->pData = (float *)zmalloc(row * col * sizeof(float));
* @brief 一阶低通滤波初始化
* @author RM
* @param[in] 一阶低通滤波结构体
* @param[in] 间隔的时间,单位 s
* @param[in] 滤波参数
* @retval 返回空
void first_order_filter_init(first_order_filter_type_t *first_order_filter_type, float32_t frame_period, const float32_t num[1])
first_order_filter_type->frame_period = frame_period;
first_order_filter_type->num[0] = num[0];
first_order_filter_type->input = 0.0f;
first_order_filter_type->out = 0.0f;
* @brief 一阶低通滤波计算
* @author RM
* @param[in] 一阶低通滤波结构体
* @param[in] 间隔的时间,单位 s
* @retval 返回空
void first_order_filter_cali(first_order_filter_type_t *first_order_filter_type, float32_t input)
first_order_filter_type->input = input;
first_order_filter_type->out =
first_order_filter_type->num[0] / (first_order_filter_type->num[0] + first_order_filter_type->frame_period) * first_order_filter_type->out + first_order_filter_type->frame_period / (first_order_filter_type->num[0] + first_order_filter_type->frame_period) * first_order_filter_type->input;
@ -32,6 +32,13 @@
#define mcos(x) (arm_cos_f32(x))
typedef arm_matrix_instance_f32 mat;
typedef __packed struct
float32_t input; //输入数据
float32_t out; //滤波输出的数据
float32_t num[1]; //滤波参数
float32_t frame_period; //滤波的时间间隔 单位 s
} first_order_filter_type_t;
// 若运算速度不够,可以使用q31代替f32,但是精度会降低
#define MatAdd arm_mat_add_f32
#define MatSubtract arm_mat_sub_f32
@ -120,7 +127,8 @@ void Cross3d(float *v1, float *v2, float *res);
float Dot3d(float *v1, float *v2);
float AverageFilter(float new_data, float *buf, uint8_t len);
void first_order_filter_cali(first_order_filter_type_t *first_order_filter_type, float32_t input);
void first_order_filter_init(first_order_filter_type_t *first_order_filter_type, float32_t frame_period, const float32_t num[1]);
#define rad_format(Ang) loop_float_constrain((Ang), -PI, PI)
@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
// Created by sph on 2024/1/21.
#include "auto_aim.h"
#include "arm_math.h"
* @brief 选择目标装甲板(瞄装甲板)
* @author SJQ
* @param[in] trajectory_cal:弹道解算结构体
* @retval 返回空
int aim_armor_select(Aim_Select_Type_t *aim_sel, Trajectory_Type_t *trajectory_cal) {
aim_sel->delay_time = trajectory_cal->fly_time + trajectory_cal->extra_delay_time;
aim_sel->target_state.yaw += aim_sel->target_state.v_yaw * aim_sel->delay_time;
int use_1 = 1;
int i = 0;
int idx = -1; // 选择的装甲板
// 为平衡步兵
if (aim_sel->target_state.armor_num == 2) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
float tmp_yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw + i * PI;
float r = aim_sel->target_state.r1;
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].x = aim_sel->target_state.x - r * arm_cos_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].y = aim_sel->target_state.y - r * arm_sin_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].z = aim_sel->target_state.z;
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw + i * PI;
// 平衡步兵选择两块装甲板中较近的装甲板
float distance_min = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[0].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[0].y, 2);
float distance_temp = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[1].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[1].y, 2);
if (distance_temp < distance_min) {
distance_min = distance_temp;
idx = 1;
idx = 0;
} else if (aim_sel->target_state.armor_num == 3)//前哨站
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
float tmp_yaw;
if (aim_sel->target_state.v_yaw <= 0){
tmp_yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw + i * (2.0f * PI / 3.0f);
tmp_yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw - i * (2.0f * PI / 3.0f);
float r = use_1 ? aim_sel->target_state.r1 : aim_sel->target_state.r2;
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].x = aim_sel->target_state.x - r * arm_cos_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].y = aim_sel->target_state.y - r * arm_sin_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].z = use_1 ? aim_sel->target_state.z : aim_sel->target_state.z +
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw + i * (2.0f * PI / 3.0f);
use_1 = !use_1;
// 选择较近的装甲板
float distance[3];
int label = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
distance[i] = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[i].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[i].y, 2);
label = i;
idx = label;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
float tmp_yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw + i * PI / 2.0f;
float r = use_1 ? aim_sel->target_state.r1 : aim_sel->target_state.r2;
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].x = aim_sel->target_state.x - r * arm_cos_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].y = aim_sel->target_state.y - r * arm_sin_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].z = use_1 ? aim_sel->target_state.z : aim_sel->target_state.z +
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].yaw = tmp_yaw;
use_1 = !use_1;
// //计算枪管到目标装甲板yaw最小的那个装甲板
// float yaw_diff_min = fabsf(trajectory_cal->cmd_yaw - aim_sel->armor_pose[0].yaw);
// for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
// float temp_yaw_diff = fabsf(trajectory_cal->cmd_yaw - aim_sel->armor_pose[i].yaw);
// if (temp_yaw_diff < yaw_diff_min) {
// yaw_diff_min = temp_yaw_diff;
// idx = i;
// }
// }
// 选择两块较近的装甲板
float distance[3];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
distance[i] = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[i].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[i].y, 2);
int label_first = 0;
int label_second = 1;
if(distance[label_first] > distance[label_second])
label_first = 1;
label_second = 0;
label_second = 2;
float center_length = sqrtf(powf(aim_sel->target_state.x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->target_state.y, 2));
float cos_theta_first = (aim_sel->armor_pose[label_first].x * aim_sel->target_state.x +
aim_sel->armor_pose[label_first].y * aim_sel->target_state.y) /
(sqrtf(powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[label_first].x, 2) +
powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[label_first].y, 2)) * center_length);
float cos_theta_second = (aim_sel->armor_pose[label_second].x * aim_sel->target_state.x +
aim_sel->armor_pose[label_second].y * aim_sel->target_state.y) /
(sqrtf(powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[label_second].x, 2) +
powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[label_second].y, 2)) * center_length);
if (cos_theta_first > cos_theta_second)
idx = label_first;
idx = label_second;
aim_sel->aim_point[0] = aim_sel->armor_pose[idx].x + aim_sel->target_state.vx * aim_sel->delay_time;
aim_sel->aim_point[1] = aim_sel->armor_pose[idx].y + aim_sel->target_state.vy * aim_sel->delay_time;
aim_sel->aim_point[2] = aim_sel->armor_pose[idx].z + aim_sel->target_state.vz * aim_sel->delay_time;
return idx;
* @brief 选择目标装甲板
* @author SJQ
* @param[in] trajectory_cal:弹道解算结构体
* @retval 返回空
int aim_center_select(Aim_Select_Type_t *aim_sel, Trajectory_Type_t *trajectory_cal) {
aim_sel->delay_time = trajectory_cal->fly_time + trajectory_cal->extra_delay_time;
aim_sel->target_state.yaw += aim_sel->target_state.v_yaw * aim_sel->delay_time;
int use_1 = 1;
int i = 0;
int idx = 0; // 选择的装甲板
float center_length = sqrtf(powf(aim_sel->target_state.x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->target_state.y, 2));
// 为平衡步兵
if (aim_sel->target_state.armor_num == 2) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
float tmp_yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw + i * PI;
float r = aim_sel->target_state.r1;
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].x = aim_sel->target_state.x - r * arm_cos_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].y = aim_sel->target_state.y - r * arm_sin_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].z = aim_sel->target_state.z;
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw + i * PI;
// float yaw_diff_min = fabsf(trajectory_cal->cmd_yaw - aim_sel->armor_pose[0].yaw);
// //因为是平衡步兵 只需判断两块装甲板即可
// float temp_yaw_diff = fabsf(trajectory_cal->cmd_yaw - aim_sel->armor_pose[1].yaw);
// if (temp_yaw_diff < yaw_diff_min) {
// yaw_diff_min = temp_yaw_diff;
// idx = 1;
// }
// 平衡步兵选择两块装甲板中较近的装甲板
float distance_min = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[0].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[0].y, 2);
float distance_temp = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[1].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[1].y, 2);
if (distance_temp < distance_min) {
distance_min = distance_temp;
idx = 1;
} else if (aim_sel->target_state.armor_num == 3)//前哨站
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
float tmp_yaw;
if (aim_sel->target_state.v_yaw <= 0){
tmp_yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw + i * (2.0f * PI / 3.0f);
tmp_yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw - i * (2.0f * PI / 3.0f);
float r = use_1 ? aim_sel->target_state.r1 : aim_sel->target_state.r2;
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].x = aim_sel->target_state.x - r * arm_cos_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].y = aim_sel->target_state.y - r * arm_sin_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].z = use_1 ? aim_sel->target_state.z : aim_sel->target_state.z +
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw + i * (2.0f * PI / 3.0f);
use_1 = !use_1;
// //计算枪管到目标装甲板yaw最小的那个装甲板
// float yaw_diff_min = fabsf(trajectory_cal->cmd_yaw - aim_sel->armor_pose[0].yaw);
// for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
// float temp_yaw_diff = fabsf(trajectory_cal->cmd_yaw - aim_sel->armor_pose[i].yaw);
// if (temp_yaw_diff < yaw_diff_min) {
// yaw_diff_min = temp_yaw_diff;
// idx = i;
// }
// }
// 选择两块较近的装甲板,再选择两块装甲板与自身位置连线,同旋转中心自身位置连线,夹角较小的为目标装甲板
// float distance_temp0 = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[0].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[0].y, 2);
// float distance_temp1 = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[1].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[1].y, 2);
// float distance_temp2 = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[2].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[2].y, 2);
// int label_first = 0;
// int label_second = 1;
// if (distance_temp0 > distance_temp1) {
// label_first = 1;
// if (distance_temp0 > distance_temp2) {
// label_second = 2;
// } else label_second = 0;
// } else {
// label_first = 0;
// if (distance_temp1 > distance_temp2) {
// label_second = 2;
// } else label_second = 1;
// }
// 选择较近的装甲板
float distance[3];
int label = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
distance[i] = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[i].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[i].y, 2);
label = i;
idx = label;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
float tmp_yaw = aim_sel->target_state.yaw + i * PI / 2.0f;
float r = use_1 ? aim_sel->target_state.r1 : aim_sel->target_state.r2;
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].x = aim_sel->target_state.x - r * arm_cos_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].y = aim_sel->target_state.y - r * arm_sin_f32(tmp_yaw);
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].z = use_1 ? aim_sel->target_state.z : aim_sel->target_state.z +
aim_sel->armor_pose[i].yaw = tmp_yaw;
use_1 = !use_1;
// //计算枪管到目标装甲板yaw最小的那个装甲板
// float yaw_diff_min = fabsf(trajectory_cal->cmd_yaw - aim_sel->armor_pose[0].yaw);
// for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
// float temp_yaw_diff = fabsf(trajectory_cal->cmd_yaw - aim_sel->armor_pose[i].yaw);
// if (temp_yaw_diff < yaw_diff_min) {
// yaw_diff_min = temp_yaw_diff;
// idx = i;
// }
// }
// 选择两块较近de装甲板
// 选择两块较近的装甲板
float distance[3];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
distance[i] = powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[i].x, 2) + powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[i].y, 2);
int label_first = 0;
int label_second = 1;
if(distance[label_first] > distance[label_second])
label_first = 1;
label_second = 0;
label_second = 2;
float cos_theta_first = (aim_sel->armor_pose[label_first].x * aim_sel->target_state.x +
aim_sel->armor_pose[label_first].y * aim_sel->target_state.y) /
(sqrtf(powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[label_first].x, 2) +
powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[label_first].y, 2)) * center_length);
float cos_theta_second = (aim_sel->armor_pose[label_second].x * aim_sel->target_state.x +
aim_sel->armor_pose[label_second].y * aim_sel->target_state.y) /
(sqrtf(powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[label_second].x, 2) +
powf(aim_sel->armor_pose[label_second].y, 2)) * center_length);
if (cos_theta_first > cos_theta_second)
idx = label_first;
idx = label_second;
float r = use_1 ? aim_sel->target_state.r2 : aim_sel->target_state.r1;
aim_sel->aim_point[0] = aim_sel->target_state.x * ((center_length - r) / center_length);
aim_sel->aim_point[1] = aim_sel->target_state.y * ((center_length - r) / center_length);
aim_sel->aim_point[2] = aim_sel->target_state.z * ((center_length - r) / center_length);
return idx;
* @brief 子弹飞行时间解算
* @author SJQ
* @param[in] x:瞄准时shooter_link下目标x坐标
* @param[in] vx:瞄准时shooter_link下目标x速度
* @param[in] v_x0:弹速水平分量
* @retval 返回空
const float k1 = 0.015f; //标准大气压25度下空气阻力系数
float get_fly_time(float x, float vx, float v_x0) {
float t = 0;
float f_ti = 0, df_ti = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
f_ti = logf(k1 * v_x0 * t + 1) / k1 - x - vx * t;
df_ti = v_x0 / (k1 * v_x0 * t + 1) - vx;
t = t - f_ti / df_ti;
return t;
* @brief 解算期望云台角度(考虑子弹飞行时间)
* @author SJQ
* @param[in] trajectory_cal:弹道解算结构体
* @retval 返回空
void get_cmd_angle(Trajectory_Type_t *trajectory_cal) {
arm_power_f32(trajectory_cal->position_xy, 2, &trajectory_cal->dis2);
arm_sqrt_f32(trajectory_cal->dis2, &trajectory_cal->dis);
// trajectory_cal->dis = trajectory_cal->dis - 0.20;
trajectory_cal->theta_0 = atan2f(trajectory_cal->z, trajectory_cal->dis);
trajectory_cal->alpha = atan2f(trajectory_cal->position_xy[1], trajectory_cal->position_xy[0]);
trajectory_cal->vx = trajectory_cal->velocity[0] * arm_cos_f32(trajectory_cal->alpha)
+ trajectory_cal->velocity[1] * arm_sin_f32(trajectory_cal->alpha);
trajectory_cal->vy = -trajectory_cal->velocity[0] * arm_sin_f32(trajectory_cal->alpha)
+ trajectory_cal->velocity[1] * arm_cos_f32(trajectory_cal->alpha);
float v_x0 = trajectory_cal->v0 * arm_cos_f32(trajectory_cal->theta_0);//水平方向弹速
float v_y0 = trajectory_cal->v0 * arm_sin_f32(trajectory_cal->theta_0);//竖直方向弹速
trajectory_cal->fly_time = get_fly_time(trajectory_cal->dis, trajectory_cal->vx, v_x0);
arm_power_f32(&trajectory_cal->fly_time, 1, &trajectory_cal->fly_time2);
trajectory_cal->h_r = trajectory_cal->z + trajectory_cal->velocity[2] * trajectory_cal->fly_time;
trajectory_cal->theta_k = trajectory_cal->theta_0;
trajectory_cal->k = 0;
while (trajectory_cal->k < 10) {
v_y0 = trajectory_cal->v0 * arm_sin_f32(trajectory_cal->theta_k);//竖直方向弹速
trajectory_cal->h_k = v_y0 * trajectory_cal->fly_time - 0.5 * 9.8 * trajectory_cal->fly_time2;
trajectory_cal->err_k = trajectory_cal->h_r - trajectory_cal->h_k;
trajectory_cal->theta_k += 0.1 * trajectory_cal->err_k;
if (trajectory_cal->err_k < 0.005) break;
trajectory_cal->cmd_yaw = atan2f(trajectory_cal->position_xy[1],
trajectory_cal->cmd_pitch = trajectory_cal->theta_k;
int auto_aim(Aim_Select_Type_t *aim_sel, Trajectory_Type_t *trajectory_cal, RecievePacket_t *receive_packet) {
trajectory_cal->extra_delay_time = 0.035f;//0.025
aim_sel->target_state.armor_type = receive_packet->id;
aim_sel->target_state.armor_num = receive_packet->armors_num;
aim_sel->target_state.x = receive_packet->x;
aim_sel->target_state.y = receive_packet->y;
aim_sel->target_state.z = receive_packet->z;
aim_sel->target_state.vx = receive_packet->vx;
aim_sel->target_state.vy = receive_packet->vy;
aim_sel->target_state.vz = receive_packet->vz;
aim_sel->target_state.yaw = receive_packet->yaw;
aim_sel->target_state.v_yaw = receive_packet->v_yaw;
aim_sel->target_state.r1 = receive_packet->r1;
aim_sel->target_state.r2 = receive_packet->r2;
aim_sel-> = receive_packet->dz;
int idx = -1;
if(aim_sel->target_state.armor_num == 3){
if (aim_sel->target_state.v_yaw < -0.9){
aim_sel->target_state.v_yaw = -2.512;
else if(aim_sel->target_state.v_yaw > 0.9){
aim_sel->target_state.v_yaw = 2.512;
if(fabsf(aim_sel->target_state.v_yaw) >= 0.7* PI)
idx = aim_center_select(aim_sel, trajectory_cal);
idx = aim_armor_select(aim_sel, trajectory_cal);
trajectory_cal->position_xy[0] = aim_sel->aim_point[0];
trajectory_cal->position_xy[1] = aim_sel->aim_point[1];
trajectory_cal->z = aim_sel->aim_point[2];
trajectory_cal->velocity[0] = aim_sel->target_state.vx;
trajectory_cal->velocity[1] = aim_sel->target_state.vy;
trajectory_cal->velocity[2] = aim_sel->target_state.vz;
return idx;
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// Created by sph on 2024/1/21.
#include "master_process.h"
typedef struct
float v0; //子弹射速
float velocity[3];//目标xyz速度
float vx; //目标相对枪口方向的速度
float vy;
float alpha; //目标初始航向角
float position_xy[2];//目标xy坐标
float z; //目标z坐标
float fly_time; //子弹飞行时间
float fly_time2; //子弹飞行时间平方
float extra_delay_time ;
float theta_0; //初始目标角度
float theta_k; //迭代目标角度
float dis; //目标距离
float dis2; //目标距离平方
float err_k; //迭代误差
uint8_t k; //迭代次数
float h_k; //迭代高度
float h_r; //目标真实高度
float cmd_yaw;
float cmd_pitch;
} Trajectory_Type_t;
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
float z;
float yaw;
float vx;
float vy;
float vz;
float v_yaw;
float r1;
float r2;
float dz;
uint8_t armor_type;
uint8_t armor_num;
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
float z;
float yaw;
typedef struct
Target_State_Type_t target_state; //整车状态
Armor_Pose_Type_t armor_pose[4]; //四个装甲板状态
float aim_point[3]; //预瞄点
float delay_time; //预瞄时间差
int suggest_fire;
int aim_armor_select(Aim_Select_Type_t *aim_sel, Trajectory_Type_t *trajectory_cal);
float get_fly_time(float x, float vx, float v_x0);
void get_cmd_angle(Trajectory_Type_t *trajectory_cal);
int auto_aim(Aim_Select_Type_t *aim_sel,Trajectory_Type_t *trajectory_cal,RecievePacket_t *receive_packet);
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "user_lib.h"
#include "general_def.h"
#include "master_process.h"
#include "crc16.h"
static INS_t INS;
static IMU_Param_t IMU_Param;
@ -158,8 +159,8 @@ void INS_Task(void)
EarthFrameToBodyFrame(gravity, gravity_b, INS.q);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) // 同样过一个低通滤波
INS.MotionAccel_b[i] = (INS.Accel[i] - gravity_b[i]) * dt / (INS.AccelLPF + dt) + INS.MotionAccel_b[i] * INS.AccelLPF / (INS.AccelLPF + dt);
INS.MotionAccel_b[i] = (INS.Accel[i] - gravity_b[i]) * dt / (INS.AccelLPF + dt) +
INS.MotionAccel_b[i] * INS.AccelLPF / (INS.AccelLPF + dt); }
BodyFrameToEarthFrame(INS.MotionAccel_b, INS.MotionAccel_n, INS.q); // 转换回导航系n
@ -167,7 +168,8 @@ void INS_Task(void)
INS.Roll = QEKF_INS.Roll;
INS.YawTotalAngle = QEKF_INS.YawTotalAngle;
VisionSetAltitude(INS.Yaw, INS.Pitch, INS.Roll);
//VisionSetAltitude(INS.Yaw, INS.Pitch, INS.Roll);
VisionSetAltitude(INS.Yaw * PI / 180, INS.Pitch * PI / 180);
// temperature control
@ -13,25 +13,36 @@
#include "daemon.h"
#include "bsp_log.h"
#include "robot_def.h"
#include "crc16.h"
static Vision_Recv_s recv_data;
static Vision_Send_s send_data;
static RecievePacket_t recv_data;
static SendPacket_t send_data;
static DaemonInstance *vision_daemon_instance;
void VisionSetFlag(Enemy_Color_e enemy_color, Work_Mode_e work_mode, Bullet_Speed_e bullet_speed)
//void VisionSetFlag(Enemy_Color_e enemy_color, Work_Mode_e work_mode, Bullet_Speed_e bullet_speed)
// send_data.enemy_color = enemy_color;
// send_data.work_mode = work_mode;
// send_data.bullet_speed = bullet_speed;
void VisionSetFlag(Enemy_Color_e enemy_color)
send_data.enemy_color = enemy_color;
send_data.work_mode = work_mode;
send_data.bullet_speed = bullet_speed;
send_data.detect_color = enemy_color;
send_data.reserved = 0;
void VisionSetAltitude(float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
void VisionSetAltitude(float yaw, float pitch)
send_data.yaw = yaw;
send_data.pitch = pitch;
send_data.roll = roll;
void VisionSetAim(float aim_x, float aim_y, float aim_z)
send_data.aim_x = aim_x;
send_data.aim_y = aim_y;
send_data.aim_z = aim_z;
* @brief 离线回调函数,将在daemon.c中被daemon task调用
* @attention 由于HAL库的设计问题,串口开启DMA接收之后同时发送有概率出现__HAL_LOCK()导致的死锁,使得无法
@ -113,19 +124,26 @@ void VisionSend()
#include "bsp_usb.h"
static uint8_t *vis_recv_buff;
static uint8_t *vis_recv_buff; //接收到的原始数据
static void DecodeVision(uint16_t recv_len)
uint16_t flag_register;
get_protocol_info(vis_recv_buff, &flag_register, (uint8_t *)&recv_data.pitch);
// TODO: code to resolve flag_register;
// uint16_t flag_register;
// get_protocol_info(vis_recv_buff, &flag_register, (uint8_t *)&recv_data.pitch);
// // TODO: code to resolve flag_register;
/* 视觉通信初始化 */
Vision_Recv_s *VisionInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *_handle)
RecievePacket_t *VisionInit(void)
UNUSED(_handle); // 仅为了消除警告
// UNUSED(_handle); // 仅为了消除警告
USB_Init_Config_s conf = {.rx_cbk = DecodeVision};
vis_recv_buff = USBInit(conf);
@ -142,14 +160,23 @@ Vision_Recv_s *VisionInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *_handle)
void VisionSend()
static uint16_t flag_register;
static uint8_t send_buff[VISION_SEND_SIZE];
static uint16_t tx_len;
// TODO: code to set flag_register
flag_register = 30 << 8 | 0b00000001;
// 将数据转化为seasky协议的数据包
get_protocol_send_data(0x02, flag_register, &send_data.yaw, 3, send_buff, &tx_len);
USBTransmit(send_buff, tx_len);
// static uint16_t flag_register;
// static uint8_t send_buff[VISION_SEND_SIZE];
// static uint16_t tx_len;
// // TODO: code to set flag_register
// flag_register = 30 << 8 | 0b00000001;
// // 将数据转化为seasky协议的数据包
// get_protocol_send_data(0x02, flag_register, &send_data.yaw, 3, send_buff, &tx_len);
// USBTransmit(send_buff, tx_len);
static uint8_t send_buffer[24]={0};
send_data.header = 0x5A;
// VisionSetFlag(1);
send_data.checksum = crc_16(&send_data.header,sizeof(send_data)-2);
USBTransmit(send_buffer, sizeof(send_data));
#endif // VISION_USE_VCP
@ -47,9 +47,11 @@ typedef struct
typedef enum
// COLOR_NONE = 0,
// COLOR_BLUE = 1,
// COLOR_RED = 2,
} Enemy_Color_e;
typedef enum
@ -59,26 +61,51 @@ typedef enum
} Work_Mode_e;
typedef enum
BIG_AMU_10 = 10,
SMALL_AMU_15 = 15,
BIG_AMU_16 = 16,
SMALL_AMU_18 = 18,
SMALL_AMU_30 = 30,
} Bullet_Speed_e;
typedef struct
Enemy_Color_e enemy_color;
Work_Mode_e work_mode;
Bullet_Speed_e bullet_speed;
float yaw;
float pitch;
float roll;
} Vision_Send_s;
typedef __packed struct {
uint8_t header;//0x5A
uint8_t detect_color: 1;
uint8_t reserved: 7;
float pitch;
float yaw;
float aim_x;
float aim_y;
float aim_z;
uint16_t checksum;
} SendPacket_t;
typedef __packed struct
uint8_t header; //= 0xA5;
uint8_t tracking: 1;
uint8_t id: 3; // 0-outpost 6-guard 7-base
uint8_t armors_num: 3; // 2-balance 3-outpost 4-normal
uint8_t reserved: 1;
float x;
float y;
float z;
float yaw;
float vx;
float vy;
float vz;
float v_yaw;
float r1;
float r2;
float dz;
uint16_t checksum;
} RecievePacket_t;
#pragma pack()
@ -86,7 +113,8 @@ typedef struct
* @param handle 用于和视觉通信的串口handle(C板上一般为USART1,丝印为USART2,4pin)
Vision_Recv_s *VisionInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *_handle);
//Vision_Recv_s *VisionInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *_handle);
RecievePacket_t *VisionInit(void);
* @brief 发送视觉数据
@ -101,14 +129,16 @@ void VisionSend();
* @param work_mode
* @param bullet_speed
void VisionSetFlag(Enemy_Color_e enemy_color, Work_Mode_e work_mode, Bullet_Speed_e bullet_speed);
//void VisionSetFlag(Enemy_Color_e enemy_color, Work_Mode_e work_mode, Bullet_Speed_e bullet_speed);
void VisionSetFlag(Enemy_Color_e enemy_color);
* @brief 设置发送数据的姿态部分
* @param yaw
* @param pitch
void VisionSetAltitude(float yaw, float pitch, float roll);
//void VisionSetAltitude(float yaw, float pitch, float roll);
void VisionSetAltitude(float yaw, float pitch);
void VisionSetAim(float aim_x, float aim_y,float aim_z);
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
#include "general_def.h"
#include "bsp_dwt.h"
#include "bsp_log.h"
#include "power_meter/power_meter.h"
static uint8_t idx = 0; // register idx,是该文件的全局电机索引,在注册时使用
/* DJI电机的实例,此处仅保存指针,内存的分配将通过电机实例初始化时通过malloc()进行 */
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ static CANInstance sender_assignment[6] = {
* @brief 6个用于确认是否有电机注册到sender_assignment中的标志位,防止发送空帧,此变量将在DJIMotorControl()使用
* @brief 10个用于确认是否有电机注册到sender_assignment中的标志位,防止发送空帧,此变量将在DJIMotorControl()使用
* flag的初始化在 MotorSenderGrouping()中进行
static uint8_t sender_enable_flag[6] = {0};
@ -166,7 +168,6 @@ DJIMotorInstance *DJIMotorInit(Motor_Init_Config_s *config)
instance->motor_settings = config->controller_setting_init_config; // 正反转,闭环类型等
// motor controller init 电机控制器初始化
PIDInit(&instance->motor_controller.current_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.current_PID);
PIDInit(&instance->motor_controller.speed_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.speed_PID);
PIDInit(&instance->motor_controller.angle_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.angle_PID);
instance->motor_controller.other_angle_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_angle_feedback_ptr;
@ -228,7 +229,17 @@ void DJIMotorSetRef(DJIMotorInstance *motor, float ref)
motor->motor_controller.pid_ref = ref;
static const float motor_power_K[3] = {1.6301e-6f,5.7501e-7f,2.5863e-7f};
static float EstimatePower(DJIMotorInstance* chassis_motor,float output)
float I_cmd = chassis_motor->motor_controller.current_PID.Output;
float w = chassis_motor->measure.speed_aps /6 ;//aps to rpm
float power = motor_power_K[0] * I_cmd * w + motor_power_K[1]*w*w + motor_power_K[2]*I_cmd*I_cmd;
return power;
// 为所有电机实例计算三环PID,发送控制报文
void DJIMotorControl()
@ -265,11 +276,12 @@ void DJIMotorControl()
// 计算速度环,(外层闭环为速度或位置)且(启用速度环)时会计算速度环
if ((motor_setting->close_loop_type & SPEED_LOOP) && (motor_setting->outer_loop_type & (ANGLE_LOOP | SPEED_LOOP)))
if (motor_setting->feedforward_flag & SPEED_FEEDFORWARD)
pid_ref += *motor_controller->speed_feedforward_ptr;
if (motor_setting->speed_feedback_source == OTHER_FEED)
pid_measure = *motor_controller->other_speed_feedback_ptr;
else // MOTOR_FEED
@ -289,6 +301,39 @@ void DJIMotorControl()
if (motor_setting->feedback_reverse_flag == FEEDBACK_DIRECTION_REVERSE)
pid_ref *= -1;
if(motor_setting->power_limit_flag == POWER_LIMIT_ON)
float I_cmd = pid_ref;
float w = measure->speed_aps /6 ;//aps to rpm
motor_controller->motor_power_predict = motor_power_K[0] * I_cmd *w + motor_power_K[1]*w*w + motor_power_K[2]*I_cmd*I_cmd+1.021f;
float K = motor_controller->motor_power_scale;
if(K>=1 || motor_controller->motor_power_predict < 0)//未超过最大功率时 或做负功的电机 不做限制
else if(K<1)
float P_cmd = K * motor_controller->motor_power_predict; //对输出功率进行缩放
float a = motor_power_K[2] ;
float b = motor_power_K[0] * w;
float c = motor_power_K[1] * w * w - P_cmd +1.021f;
if(pid_ref < 0)
float temp = (-b - sqrtf(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a);
if(temp < -28000) pid_ref = -28000;
else pid_ref = temp;
float temp = (-b + sqrtf(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a);
if(temp > 28000) pid_ref = 28000;
else pid_ref = temp;
// 获取最终输出
set = (int16_t)pid_ref;
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
#include "dm4310.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "general_def.h"
#include "user_lib.h"
#include "cmsis_os.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "daemon.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "bsp_log.h"
static uint8_t idx;
static DMMotorInstance *dm_motor_instance[DM_MOTOR_CNT];
static osThreadId dm_task_handle[DM_MOTOR_CNT];
/* 两个用于将uint值和float值进行映射的函数,在设定发送值和解析反馈值时使用 */
static uint16_t float_to_uint(float x, float x_min, float x_max, uint8_t bits)
float span = x_max - x_min;
float offset = x_min;
return (uint16_t)((x - offset) * ((float)((1 << bits) - 1)) / span);
static float uint_to_float(int x_int, float x_min, float x_max, int bits)
float span = x_max - x_min;
float offset = x_min;
return ((float)x_int) * span / ((float)((1 << bits) - 1)) + offset;
void DMMotorSetMode(DMMotor_Mode_e cmd, DMMotorInstance *motor)
memset(motor->motor_can_instance->tx_buff, 0xff, 7); // 发送电机指令的时候前面7bytes都是0xff
motor->motor_can_instance->tx_buff[7] = (uint8_t)cmd; // 最后一位是命令id
CANTransmit(motor->motor_can_instance, 1);
static void DMMotorDecode(CANInstance *motor_can)
uint16_t tmp; // 用于暂存解析值,稍后转换成float数据,避免多次创建临时变量
uint8_t *rxbuff = motor_can->rx_buff;
DMMotorInstance *motor = (DMMotorInstance *)motor_can->id;
DM_Motor_Measure_s *measure = &(motor->measure); // 将can实例中保存的id转换成电机实例的指针
measure->last_position = measure->position;
measure->state = (uint8_t)(rxbuff[0]>>4);
tmp = (uint16_t)((rxbuff[1] << 8) | rxbuff[2]);
measure->position = uint_to_float(tmp, DM_P_MIN, DM_P_MAX, 16);
measure->angle_single_round = RAD_2_DEGREE * (measure->position+3.141593);
tmp = (uint16_t)((rxbuff[3] << 4) | rxbuff[4] >> 4);
measure->velocity = uint_to_float(tmp, DM_V_MIN, DM_V_MAX, 12);
tmp = (uint16_t)(((rxbuff[4] & 0x0f) << 8) | rxbuff[5]);
measure->torque = uint_to_float(tmp, DM_T_MIN, DM_T_MAX, 12);
measure->T_Mos = (float)rxbuff[6];
measure->T_Rotor = (float)rxbuff[7];
// 多圈角度计算,前提是假设两次采样间电机转过的角度小于180°,自己画个图就清楚计算过程了
if (measure->position - measure->last_position > 3.1425926)
else if (measure->position - measure->last_position < -3.1415926)
measure->total_angle = measure->total_round * 360 + measure->angle_single_round;
static void DMMotorLostCallback(void *motor_ptr)
DMMotorInstance *motor = (DMMotorInstance *)motor_ptr;
uint16_t can_bus = motor->motor_can_instance->can_handle == &hcan1 ? 1 : 2;
LOGWARNING("[dm_motor] Motor lost, can bus [%d] , id [%d]", can_bus, motor->motor_can_instance->tx_id);
void DMMotorCaliEncoder(DMMotorInstance *motor)
DMMotorSetMode(DM_CMD_ZERO_POSITION, motor);
DMMotorInstance *DMMotorInit(Motor_Init_Config_s *config)
DMMotorInstance *motor = (DMMotorInstance *)malloc(sizeof(DMMotorInstance));
memset(motor, 0, sizeof(DMMotorInstance));
config->can_init_config.rx_id = config->can_init_config.rx_id;
config->can_init_config.tx_id = config->can_init_config.tx_id;
motor->motor_settings = config->controller_setting_init_config;
PIDInit(&motor->motor_controller.current_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.current_PID);
PIDInit(&motor->motor_controller.speed_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.speed_PID);
PIDInit(&motor->motor_controller.angle_PID, &config->controller_param_init_config.angle_PID);
motor->motor_controller.other_angle_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_angle_feedback_ptr;
motor->motor_controller.other_speed_feedback_ptr = config->controller_param_init_config.other_speed_feedback_ptr;
config->can_init_config.can_module_callback = DMMotorDecode;
config-> = motor;
motor->motor_can_instance = CANRegister(&config->can_init_config);
Daemon_Init_Config_s conf = {
.callback = DMMotorLostCallback,
.owner_id = motor,
.reload_count = 10,
motor->motor_daemon = DaemonRegister(&conf);
DMMotorSetMode(DM_CMD_MOTOR_MODE, motor);
dm_motor_instance[idx++] = motor;
return motor;
void DMMotorSetRef(DMMotorInstance *motor, float ref)
motor->motor_controller.pid_ref = ref;
void DMMotorEnable(DMMotorInstance *motor)
motor->stop_flag = MOTOR_ENALBED;
void DMMotorStop(DMMotorInstance *motor)//不使用使能模式是因为需要收到反馈
motor->stop_flag = MOTOR_STOP;
void DMMotorOuterLoop(DMMotorInstance *motor, Closeloop_Type_e type)
motor->motor_settings.outer_loop_type = type;
void DMMotorTask(void const *argument)
float pid_ref, set, pid_measure;
DMMotorInstance *motor = (DMMotorInstance *)argument;
Motor_Controller_s *motor_controller; // 电机控制器
DM_Motor_Measure_s *measure = &motor->measure;
motor_controller = &motor->motor_controller;
Motor_Control_Setting_s *setting = &motor->motor_settings;
//CANInstance *motor_can = motor->motor_can_instance;
//uint16_t tmp;
DMMotor_Send_s motor_send_mailbox;
while (1)
pid_ref = motor->motor_controller.pid_ref;//保存设定值
if (setting->motor_reverse_flag == MOTOR_DIRECTION_REVERSE)
pid_ref *= -1;
// pid_ref会顺次通过被启用的闭环充当数据的载体
// 计算位置环,只有启用位置环且外层闭环为位置时会计算速度环输出
if ((setting->close_loop_type & ANGLE_LOOP) && setting->outer_loop_type == ANGLE_LOOP)
if (setting->angle_feedback_source == OTHER_FEED)
pid_measure = *motor_controller->other_angle_feedback_ptr;
pid_measure = measure->total_angle; // MOTOR_FEED,对total angle闭环,防止在边界处出现突跃
// 更新pid_ref进入下一个环
pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor_controller->angle_PID, pid_measure, pid_ref);
// 计算速度环,(外层闭环为速度或位置)且(启用速度环)时会计算速度环
if ((setting->close_loop_type & SPEED_LOOP) && (setting->outer_loop_type & (ANGLE_LOOP | SPEED_LOOP)))
if (setting->feedforward_flag & SPEED_FEEDFORWARD)
pid_ref += *motor_controller->speed_feedforward_ptr;
if (setting->speed_feedback_source == OTHER_FEED)
pid_measure = *motor_controller->other_speed_feedback_ptr;
else // MOTOR_FEED
pid_measure = measure->velocity;
// 更新pid_ref进入下一个环
pid_ref = PIDCalculate(&motor_controller->speed_PID, pid_measure, pid_ref);
if (setting->feedback_reverse_flag == FEEDBACK_DIRECTION_REVERSE)
pid_ref *= -1;
set = pid_ref;
if (motor->stop_flag == MOTOR_STOP)
set = 0;
motor_send_mailbox.position_des = float_to_uint(0, DM_P_MIN, DM_P_MAX, 16);
motor_send_mailbox.velocity_des = float_to_uint(0, DM_V_MIN, DM_V_MAX, 12);
motor_send_mailbox.torque_des = float_to_uint(set, DM_T_MIN, DM_T_MAX, 12);
motor_send_mailbox.Kp = 0;//只使用力矩控制无需kpkd参数
motor_send_mailbox.Kd = 0;//只使用力矩控制无需kpkd参数
motor->motor_can_instance->tx_buff[0] = (uint8_t)(motor_send_mailbox.position_des >> 8);
motor->motor_can_instance->tx_buff[1] = (uint8_t)(motor_send_mailbox.position_des);
motor->motor_can_instance->tx_buff[2] = (uint8_t)(motor_send_mailbox.velocity_des >> 4);
motor->motor_can_instance->tx_buff[3] = (uint8_t)(((motor_send_mailbox.velocity_des & 0xF) << 4) | (motor_send_mailbox.Kp >> 8));
motor->motor_can_instance->tx_buff[4] = (uint8_t)(motor_send_mailbox.Kp);
motor->motor_can_instance->tx_buff[5] = (uint8_t)(motor_send_mailbox.Kd >> 4);
motor->motor_can_instance->tx_buff[6] = (uint8_t)(((motor_send_mailbox.Kd & 0xF) << 4) | (motor_send_mailbox.torque_des >> 8));
motor->motor_can_instance->tx_buff[7] = (uint8_t)(motor_send_mailbox.torque_des);
CANTransmit(motor->motor_can_instance, 1);
void DMMotorControlInit()
char dm_task_name[5] = "dm";
// 遍历所有电机实例,创建任务
if (!idx)
for (size_t i = 0; i < idx; i++)
char dm_id_buff[2] = {0};
__itoa(i, dm_id_buff, 10);
strcat(dm_task_name, dm_id_buff);
osThreadDef(dm_task_name, DMMotorTask, osPriorityNormal, 0, 128);
dm_task_handle[i] = osThreadCreate(osThread(dm_task_name), dm_motor_instance[i]);
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#ifndef DM4310_H
#define DM4310_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "bsp_can.h"
#include "controller.h"
#include "motor_def.h"
#include "daemon.h"
#define DM_MOTOR_CNT 1
#define DM_P_MIN (-3.1415926f)
#define DM_P_MAX 3.1415926f
#define DM_V_MIN (-45.0f)
#define DM_V_MAX 45.0f
#define DM_T_MIN (-18.0f)
#define DM_T_MAX 18.0f
typedef struct
uint8_t id;
uint8_t state;
float velocity; //速度
float last_position; //上次位置
float position; //位置
float torque; //力矩
float T_Mos; //mos温度
float T_Rotor; //电机温度
float angle_single_round; //单圈角度
int32_t total_round; //总圈数
float total_angle; //总角度
typedef struct
uint16_t position_des;
uint16_t velocity_des;
uint16_t torque_des;
uint16_t Kp;
uint16_t Kd;
typedef struct
DM_Motor_Measure_s measure;
Motor_Control_Setting_s motor_settings;
Motor_Controller_s motor_controller;//电机控制器
CANInstance *motor_can_instance;//电机can实例
Motor_Type_e motor_type;//电机类型
Motor_Working_Type_e stop_flag;
DaemonInstance* motor_daemon;
uint32_t lost_cnt;
typedef enum
DM_CMD_MOTOR_MODE = 0xfc, // 使能,会响应指令
DM_CMD_RESET_MODE = 0xfd, // 停止
DM_CMD_ZERO_POSITION = 0xfe, // 将当前的位置设置为编码器零位
DM_CMD_CLEAR_ERROR = 0xfb // 清除电机过热错误
DMMotorInstance *DMMotorInit(Motor_Init_Config_s *config);
void DMMotorSetRef(DMMotorInstance *motor, float ref);
void DMMotorOuterLoop(DMMotorInstance *motor,Closeloop_Type_e closeloop_type);
void DMMotorEnable(DMMotorInstance *motor);
void DMMotorSetMode(DMMotor_Mode_e cmd, DMMotorInstance *motor);
void DMMotorStop(DMMotorInstance *motor);
void DMMotorCaliEncoder(DMMotorInstance *motor);
void DMMotorControlInit();
#endif // !DMMOTOR
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ HTMotorInstance *HTMotorInit(Motor_Init_Config_s *config)
config->can_init_config.can_module_callback = HTMotorDecode;
config-> = motor;
config->can_init_config.rx_id = config->can_init_config.tx_id;
motor->motor_can_instace = CANRegister(&config->can_init_config);
Daemon_Init_Config_s conf = {
@ -67,7 +67,11 @@ typedef enum
} Motor_Working_Type_e;
typedef enum
} Power_Limit_Type_e;
/* 电机控制设置,包括闭环类型,反转标志和反馈来源 */
typedef struct
@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ typedef struct
Feedback_Source_e angle_feedback_source; // 角度反馈类型
Feedback_Source_e speed_feedback_source; // 速度反馈类型
Feedfoward_Type_e feedforward_flag; // 前馈标志
Power_Limit_Type_e power_limit_flag; //功率限制标志
} Motor_Control_Setting_s;
/* 电机控制器,包括其他来源的反馈数据指针,3环控制器和电机的参考输入*/
@ -95,12 +99,17 @@ typedef struct
PIDInstance angle_PID;
float pid_ref; // 将会作为每个环的输入和输出顺次通过串级闭环
float motor_power_max; //每个电机分配的功率上限
float motor_power_predict; //根据模型预测的电机功率
float motor_power_scale; //电机功率缩放比例
} Motor_Controller_s;
/* 电机类型枚举 */
typedef enum
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void MotorControlTask()
/* 如果有对应的电机则取消注释,可以加入条件编译或者register对应的idx判断是否注册了电机 */
// LKMotorControl();
// legacy support
// 由于ht04电机的反馈方式为接收到一帧消息后立刻回传,以此方式连续发送可能导致总线拥塞
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// Created by SJQ on 2023/12/19.
#include "power_meter.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
static PowerMeterInstance *power_meter_instance = NULL; // 可以由app保存此指针
static void PowerMeterRxCallback(CANInstance *_instance)
uint8_t *rxbuff;
PowerMeter_Msg_s *Msg;
rxbuff = _instance->rx_buff;
Msg = &power_meter_instance->power_msg;
Msg->vol = (uint16_t)(rxbuff[1] << 8 | rxbuff[0]);
Msg->current = (uint16_t)(rxbuff[3] << 8 | rxbuff[2]);
PowerMeterInstance *PowerMeterInit(PowerMeter_Init_Config_s *PowerMeter_config)
power_meter_instance = (PowerMeterInstance *)malloc(sizeof(PowerMeterInstance));
memset(power_meter_instance, 0, sizeof(PowerMeterInstance));
PowerMeter_config->can_config.can_module_callback = PowerMeterRxCallback;
power_meter_instance->can_ins = CANRegister(&PowerMeter_config->can_config);
return power_meter_instance;
float PowerMeterGet(PowerMeterInstance *instance)
float power = instance->power_msg.current*instance->power_msg.vol/1e4;
return power;
#include "power_meter.h"
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Created by SJQ on 2023/12/19.
#include "bsp_can.h"
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct
uint16_t vol; // 电压
uint16_t current; // 电流
} PowerMeter_Msg_s;
#pragma pack()
/* 超级电容实例 */
typedef struct
CANInstance *can_ins; // CAN实例
PowerMeter_Msg_s power_msg; // 功率计反馈信息
} PowerMeterInstance;
/* 超级电容初始化配置 */
typedef struct
CAN_Init_Config_s can_config;
} PowerMeter_Init_Config_s;
* @brief 初始化功率计
* @param PowerMeter_config 功率计初始化配置
* @return PowerMeterInstance* 功率计实例指针
PowerMeterInstance *PowerMeterInit(PowerMeter_Init_Config_s *PowerMeter_config);
float PowerMeterGet(PowerMeterInstance *instance);
@ -83,24 +83,28 @@ typedef enum
ID_robot_hurt = 0x0206, // 伤害状态数据
ID_shoot_data = 0x0207, // 实时射击数据
ID_student_interactive = 0x0301, // 机器人间交互数据
ID_custom_robot = 0x302, // 自定义控制器数据(图传链路)
ID_remote_control = 0x304, // 键鼠遥控数据(图传链路)
} CmdID_e;
/* 命令码数据段长,根据官方协议来定义长度,还有自定义数据长度 */
typedef enum
LEN_game_state = 3, // 0x0001
LEN_game_state = 11, // 0x0001
LEN_game_result = 1, // 0x0002
LEN_game_robot_HP = 2, // 0x0003
LEN_game_robot_HP = 32, // 0x0003
LEN_event_data = 4, // 0x0101
LEN_supply_projectile_action = 4, // 0x0102
LEN_game_robot_state = 27, // 0x0201
LEN_power_heat_data = 14, // 0x0202
LEN_game_robot_state = 13, // 0x0201
LEN_power_heat_data = 16, // 0x0202
LEN_game_robot_pos = 16, // 0x0203
LEN_buff_musk = 1, // 0x0204
LEN_aerial_robot_energy = 1, // 0x0205
LEN_buff_musk = 6, // 0x0204
LEN_aerial_robot_energy = 2, // 0x0205
LEN_robot_hurt = 1, // 0x0206
LEN_shoot_data = 7, // 0x0207
LEN_receive_data = 6 + Communicate_Data_LEN, // 0x0301
LEN_self_control = 15, // 0x0303
LEN_remote_control = 12, // 0x0304
} JudgeDataLength_e;
@ -157,37 +161,32 @@ typedef struct
uint8_t supply_projectile_num;
} ext_supply_projectile_action_t;
/* ID: 0X0201 Byte: 27 机器人状态数据 */
/* ID: 0X0201 Byte: 27 V1.6.1 机器人状态数据 */
typedef struct
uint8_t robot_id;
uint8_t robot_level;
uint16_t remain_HP;
uint16_t max_HP;
uint16_t shooter_id1_17mm_cooling_rate;
uint16_t shooter_id1_17mm_cooling_limit;
uint16_t shooter_id1_17mm_speed_limit;
uint16_t shooter_id2_17mm_cooling_rate;
uint16_t shooter_id2_17mm_cooling_limit;
uint16_t shooter_id2_17mm_speed_limit;
uint16_t shooter_id1_42mm_cooling_rate;
uint16_t shooter_id1_42mm_cooling_limit;
uint16_t shooter_id1_42mm_speed_limit;
uint16_t current_HP;
uint16_t maximum_HP;
uint16_t shooter_barrel_cooling_value;
uint16_t shooter_barrel_heat_limit;
uint16_t chassis_power_limit;
uint8_t mains_power_gimbal_output : 1;
uint8_t mains_power_chassis_output : 1;
uint8_t mains_power_shooter_output : 1;
} ext_game_robot_state_t;
/* ID: 0X0202 Byte: 14 实时功率热量数据 */
/* ID: 0X0202 Byte: 14 V1.6.1实时功率热量数据 */
typedef struct
uint16_t chassis_volt;
uint16_t chassis_voltage;
uint16_t chassis_current;
float chassis_power; // 瞬时功率
uint16_t chassis_power_buffer; // 60焦耳缓冲能量
uint16_t shooter_heat0; // 17mm
uint16_t shooter_heat1;
uint16_t buffer_energy; // 60焦耳缓冲能量
uint16_t shooter_17mm_1_barrel_heat;
uint16_t shooter_17mm_2_barrel_heat;
uint16_t shooter_42mm_barrel_heat;
} ext_power_heat_data_t;
/* ID: 0x0203 Byte: 16 机器人位置数据 */
@ -227,6 +226,20 @@ typedef struct
float bullet_speed;
} ext_shoot_data_t;
/* ID: 0x0304 Byte: 7 图传链路键鼠遥控数据 */
typedef struct
int16_t mouse_x;
int16_t mouse_y;
int16_t mouse_z;
int8_t left_button_down;
int8_t right_button_down;
uint16_t keyboard_value;
uint16_t reserved;
/* 发送的内容数据段最大为 113 检测是否超出大小限制?实际上图形段不会超,数据段最多30个,也不会超*/
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "referee_UI.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "cmsis_os.h"
Referee_Interactive_info_t ui_data;
static Referee_Interactive_info_t *Interactive_data; // UI绘制需要的机器人状态数据
static referee_info_t *referee_recv_info; // 接收到的裁判系统数据
uint8_t UI_Seq; // 包序号,供整个referee文件使用
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ uint8_t UI_Seq; // 包序号,供整个ref
static void DeterminRobotID()
// id小于7是红色,大于7是蓝色,0为红色,1为蓝色 #define Robot_Red 0 #define Robot_Blue 1
// id小于7是红色,大于7是蓝色 #define Robot_Red 0 #define Robot_Blue 1
referee_recv_info->referee_id.Robot_Color = referee_recv_info->GameRobotState.robot_id > 7 ? Robot_Blue : Robot_Red;
referee_recv_info->referee_id.Robot_ID = referee_recv_info->GameRobotState.robot_id;
referee_recv_info->referee_id.Cilent_ID = 0x0100 + referee_recv_info->referee_id.Robot_ID; // 计算客户端ID
@ -49,33 +49,44 @@ referee_info_t *UITaskInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *referee_usart_handle, Referee_Int
void UITask()
RobotModeTest(Interactive_data); // 测试用函数,实现模式自动变化,用于检查该任务和裁判系统是否连接正常
// RobotModeTest(Interactive_data); // 测试用函数,实现模式自动变化,用于检查该任务和裁判系统是否连接正常
MyUIRefresh(referee_recv_info, Interactive_data);
static Graph_Data_t UI_shoot_line[10]; // 射击准线
static Graph_Data_t UI_shoot_line[11]; // 射击准线
static Graph_Data_t UI_shoot_circle[1]; //自瞄标识
static Graph_Data_t UI_Energy[3]; // 电容能量条
static String_Data_t UI_State_sta[6]; // 机器人状态,静态只需画一次
static String_Data_t UI_State_dyn[6]; // 机器人状态,动态先add才能change
static uint32_t shoot_line_location[10] = {540, 960, 490, 515, 565};
static uint32_t shoot_line_location[10] = {540, 960, 490, 515, 565,940,1110,465,440};
void MyUIInit()
if (!referee_recv_info->init_flag)
vTaskDelete(NULL); // 如果没有初始化裁判系统则直接删除ui任务
// if (!referee_recv_info->init_flag)
// vTaskDelete(NULL); // 如果没有初始化裁判系统则直接删除ui任务
while (referee_recv_info->GameRobotState.robot_id == 0)
osDelay(100); // 若还未收到裁判系统数据,等待一段时间后再检查
DeterminRobotID(); // 确定ui要发送到的目标客户端
UIDelete(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_Data_Del_ALL, 0); // 清空UI
// 绘制发射基准线
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[0], "sl0", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_White, 3, 710, shoot_line_location[0], 1210, shoot_line_location[0]);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[1], "sl1", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_White, 3, shoot_line_location[1], 340, shoot_line_location[1], 740);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[2], "sl2", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Yellow, 2, 810, shoot_line_location[2], 1110, shoot_line_location[2]);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[3], "sl3", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Yellow, 2, 810, shoot_line_location[3], 1110, shoot_line_location[3]);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[4], "sl4", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Yellow, 2, 810, shoot_line_location[4], 1110, shoot_line_location[4]);
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 5, UI_shoot_line[0], UI_shoot_line[1], UI_shoot_line[2], UI_shoot_line[3], UI_shoot_line[4]);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[0], "sl0", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_White, 1, 710, shoot_line_location[0], 1210, shoot_line_location[0]);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[1], "sl1", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_White, 1, 740, shoot_line_location[1], 340, shoot_line_location[1]);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[2], "sl2", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_White, 1, 810, shoot_line_location[2], 1110, shoot_line_location[2]);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[3], "sl3", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Yellow, 1, 810, shoot_line_location[3], 1110, shoot_line_location[3]);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[4], "sl4", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Yellow, 1, 810, shoot_line_location[4], 1110, shoot_line_location[4]);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[5], "sl5", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Yellow, 1, shoot_line_location[5], 200, shoot_line_location[5], 800);
UIFloatDraw(&UI_shoot_line[6], "sl6", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Green, 18, 2, 2, 650, 400, 5500000);
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 7, UI_shoot_line[0], UI_shoot_line[1], UI_shoot_line[2], UI_shoot_line[3], UI_shoot_line[4], UI_shoot_line[5],UI_shoot_line[6]);
UIFloatDraw(&UI_shoot_line[7], "sl7", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Green, 18, 2, 2, 850, 400, 26000);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[8], "sl8", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Yellow, 1, shoot_line_location[6], 200, shoot_line_location[6], 800);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[9], "sl9", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Yellow, 1, 810, shoot_line_location[7], 1110, shoot_line_location[7]);
UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[10], "sl10", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_White, 1, 810, shoot_line_location[8], 1110, shoot_line_location[8]);
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id,5, UI_shoot_line[7],UI_shoot_line[8],UI_shoot_line[9],UI_shoot_line[10]);
// 绘制车辆状态标志指示
UICharDraw(&UI_State_sta[0], "ss0", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Main, 15, 2, 150, 750, "chassis:");
@ -85,34 +96,36 @@ void MyUIInit()
UICharDraw(&UI_State_sta[2], "ss2", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Orange, 15, 2, 150, 650, "shoot:");
UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_sta[2]);
UICharDraw(&UI_State_sta[3], "ss3", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Pink, 15, 2, 150, 600, "frict:");
UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_sta[3]);
UICharDraw(&UI_State_sta[4], "ss4", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Pink, 15, 2, 150, 550, "lid:");
UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_sta[4]);
// 绘制车辆状态标志,动态
// 由于初始化时xxx_last_mode默认为0,所以此处对应UI也应该设为0时对应的UI,防止模式不变的情况下无法置位flag,导致UI无法刷新
UICharDraw(&UI_State_dyn[0], "sd0", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Main, 15, 2, 270, 750, "zeroforce");
UICharDraw(&UI_State_dyn[0], "sd0", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Main, 15, 2, 270, 750, "follow");
UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_dyn[0]);
UICharDraw(&UI_State_dyn[1], "sd1", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Yellow, 15, 2, 270, 700, "zeroforce");
UICharDraw(&UI_State_dyn[1], "sd1", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Yellow, 15, 2, 270, 700, "free");
UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_dyn[1]);
UICharDraw(&UI_State_dyn[2], "sd2", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Orange, 15, 2, 270, 650, "off");
UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_dyn[2]);
UICharDraw(&UI_State_dyn[3], "sd3", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Pink, 15, 2, 270, 600, "off");
UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_dyn[3]);
UICharDraw(&UI_State_dyn[4], "sd4", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Pink, 15, 2, 270, 550, "open ");
UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_dyn[4]);
// UICharDraw(&UI_State_dyn[4], "sd4", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Pink, 15, 2, 270, 550, "open ");
// UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_dyn[4]);
// 底盘功率显示,静态
UICharDraw(&UI_State_sta[5], "ss5", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Green, 18, 2, 620, 230, "Power:");
UICharDraw(&UI_State_sta[5], "ss5", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Green, 18, 2, 620, 230, "Power_MAX:");
UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_sta[5]);
// 能量条框
UIRectangleDraw(&UI_Energy[0], "ss6", UI_Graph_ADD, 7, UI_Color_Green, 2, 720, 140, 1220, 180);
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 1, UI_Energy[0]);
// 底盘功率显示,动态
UIFloatDraw(&UI_Energy[1], "sd5", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Green, 18, 2, 2, 750, 230, 24000);
UIFloatDraw(&UI_Energy[1], "sd5", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Green, 18, 2, 2, 850, 230, referee_recv_info->GameRobotState.chassis_power_limit*1000);
// 能量条初始状态
UILineDraw(&UI_Energy[2], "sd6", UI_Graph_ADD, 8, UI_Color_Pink, 30, 720, 160, 1020, 160);
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 2, UI_Energy[1], UI_Energy[2]);
@ -135,7 +148,7 @@ static void RobotModeTest(Referee_Interactive_info_t *_Interactive_data) // 测
_Interactive_data->gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_ZERO_FORCE;
_Interactive_data->shoot_mode = SHOOT_ON;
_Interactive_data->friction_mode = FRICTION_ON;
_Interactive_data->lid_mode = LID_OPEN;
_Interactive_data->tele_mode = TELE_OPEN;
_Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx += 3.5;
if (_Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx >= 18)
_Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx = 0;
@ -147,7 +160,7 @@ static void RobotModeTest(Referee_Interactive_info_t *_Interactive_data) // 测
_Interactive_data->gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_FREE_MODE;
_Interactive_data->shoot_mode = SHOOT_OFF;
_Interactive_data->friction_mode = FRICTION_OFF;
_Interactive_data->lid_mode = LID_CLOSE;
_Interactive_data->tele_mode = TELE_CLOSE;
case 2:
@ -156,7 +169,7 @@ static void RobotModeTest(Referee_Interactive_info_t *_Interactive_data) // 测
_Interactive_data->gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_GYRO_MODE;
_Interactive_data->shoot_mode = SHOOT_ON;
_Interactive_data->friction_mode = FRICTION_ON;
_Interactive_data->lid_mode = LID_OPEN;
_Interactive_data->tele_mode = TELE_OPEN;
case 3:
@ -165,7 +178,7 @@ static void RobotModeTest(Referee_Interactive_info_t *_Interactive_data) // 测
_Interactive_data->gimbal_mode = GIMBAL_ZERO_FORCE;
_Interactive_data->shoot_mode = SHOOT_OFF;
_Interactive_data->friction_mode = FRICTION_OFF;
_Interactive_data->lid_mode = LID_CLOSE;
_Interactive_data->tele_mode = TELE_CLOSE;
@ -237,20 +250,60 @@ static void MyUIRefresh(referee_info_t *referee_recv_info, Referee_Interactive_i
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.friction_flag = 0;
// lid
if (_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.lid_flag == 1)
UICharDraw(&UI_State_dyn[4], "sd4", UI_Graph_Change, 8, UI_Color_Pink, 15, 2, 270, 550, _Interactive_data->lid_mode == LID_OPEN ? "open " : "close");
UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_dyn[4]);
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.lid_flag = 0;
// if (_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.lid_flag == 1)
// {
// UICharDraw(&UI_State_dyn[4], "sd4", UI_Graph_Change, 8, UI_Color_Pink, 15, 2, 270, 550, _Interactive_data->lid_mode == LID_OPEN ? "open " : "close");
// UICharRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, UI_State_dyn[4]);
// _Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.lid_flag = 0;
// }
// power
if (_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Power_flag == 1)
UIFloatDraw(&UI_Energy[1], "sd5", UI_Graph_Change, 8, UI_Color_Green, 18, 2, 2, 750, 230, _Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx * 1000);
UILineDraw(&UI_Energy[2], "sd6", UI_Graph_Change, 8, UI_Color_Pink, 30, 720, 160, (uint32_t)750 + _Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx * 30, 160);
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 2, UI_Energy[1], UI_Energy[2]);
UIFloatDraw(&UI_Energy[1], "sd5", UI_Graph_Change, 8, UI_Color_Green, 18, 2, 2, 850, 230, _Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx * 1000);
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 1, UI_Energy[1]);
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Power_flag = 0;
if (_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Cap_flag == 1)
UILineDraw(&UI_Energy[2], "sd6", UI_Graph_Change, 8, UI_Color_Pink, 30, 720, 160, 720 + (_Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.cap_vol-12) * 42, 160);
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 1, UI_Energy[2]);
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Cap_flag = 0;
if (_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.MotorSpeed_flag == 1)
UIFloatDraw(&UI_shoot_line[6], "sl6", UI_Graph_Change, 7, UI_Color_Green, 18, 2, 2, 650, 400, _Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.motor_speed * 1000);
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 1, UI_shoot_line[6]);
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.MotorSpeed_flag = 0;
if (_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Temperature_flag == 1)
UIFloatDraw(&UI_shoot_line[7], "sl7", UI_Graph_Change, 7, UI_Color_Green, 18, 2, 2, 850, 440, _Interactive_data->Motor_Temperature*1000);
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id,1, UI_shoot_line[7]);
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Temperature_flag = 0;
if (_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Vision_flag == 1)
switch (_Interactive_data->Vision_fire) {
case 0 :
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 1, UI_shoot_circle[0]);
case 1 :
UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 1, UI_shoot_circle[0]);
// UILineDraw(&UI_shoot_line[4], "sl4", UI_Graph_Change, 7, _Interactive_data->Vision_fire == 0 ? UI_Color_Yellow : UI_Color_Purplish_red, 2, 810, shoot_line_location[4], 1110, shoot_line_location[4]);
// UIGraphRefresh(&referee_recv_info->referee_id, 1, UI_shoot_line[4]);
// _Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Vision_flag = 0;
@ -285,10 +338,10 @@ static void UIChangeCheck(Referee_Interactive_info_t *_Interactive_data)
_Interactive_data->friction_last_mode = _Interactive_data->friction_mode;
if (_Interactive_data->lid_mode != _Interactive_data->lid_last_mode)
if (_Interactive_data->tele_mode != _Interactive_data->tele_last_mode)
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.lid_flag = 1;
_Interactive_data->lid_last_mode = _Interactive_data->lid_mode;
_Interactive_data->tele_last_mode = _Interactive_data->tele_mode;
if (_Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx != _Interactive_data->Chassis_last_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx)
@ -296,4 +349,24 @@ static void UIChangeCheck(Referee_Interactive_info_t *_Interactive_data)
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Power_flag = 1;
_Interactive_data->Chassis_last_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx = _Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.chassis_power_mx;
if (_Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.cap_vol != _Interactive_data->Chassis_last_Power_Data.cap_vol)
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Cap_flag = 1;
_Interactive_data->Chassis_last_Power_Data.cap_vol = _Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.cap_vol;
if (_Interactive_data->Vision_fire != _Interactive_data->last_Vision_fire)
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Vision_flag = 1;
_Interactive_data->last_Vision_fire = _Interactive_data->Vision_fire;
if (_Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.motor_speed != _Interactive_data->Chassis_last_Power_Data.motor_speed)
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.MotorSpeed_flag = 1;
_Interactive_data->Chassis_last_Power_Data.motor_speed = _Interactive_data->Chassis_Power_Data.motor_speed;
if (_Interactive_data->Motor_Temperature != _Interactive_data->Last_Motor_Temperature)
_Interactive_data->Referee_Interactive_Flag.Temperature_flag = 1;
_Interactive_data->Last_Motor_Temperature = _Interactive_data->Motor_Temperature;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
* @brief 初始化裁判系统交互任务(UI和多机通信)
extern Referee_Interactive_info_t ui_data; // UI数据,将底盘中的数据传入此结构体的对应变量中,UI会自动检测是否变化,对应显示UI
referee_info_t *UITaskInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *referee_usart_handle, Referee_Interactive_info_t *UI_data);
@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ typedef struct
ext_robot_hurt_t RobotHurt; // 0x0206
ext_shoot_data_t ShootData; // 0x0207
// 自定义交互数据的接收
vision_transfer_t VisionTransfer;
// 自定义交互数据的接收
Communicate_ReceiveData_t ReceiveData;
uint8_t init_flag;
@ -54,6 +55,10 @@ typedef struct
uint32_t lid_flag : 1;
uint32_t friction_flag : 1;
uint32_t Power_flag : 1;
uint32_t Cap_flag : 1;
uint32_t Vision_flag :1;
uint32_t MotorSpeed_flag:1;
uint32_t Temperature_flag:1;
} Referee_Interactive_Flag_t;
// 此结构体包含UI绘制与机器人车间通信的需要的其他非裁判系统数据
@ -65,16 +70,21 @@ typedef struct
gimbal_mode_e gimbal_mode; // 云台模式
shoot_mode_e shoot_mode; // 发射模式设置
friction_mode_e friction_mode; // 摩擦轮关闭
lid_mode_e lid_mode; // 弹舱盖打开
tele_mode_e tele_mode; // 倍镜打开关闭
Chassis_Power_Data_s Chassis_Power_Data; // 功率控制
uint8_t Vision_fire;
uint8_t Motor_Temperature;
// 上一次的模式,用于flag判断
chassis_mode_e chassis_last_mode;
gimbal_mode_e gimbal_last_mode;
shoot_mode_e shoot_last_mode;
friction_mode_e friction_last_mode;
lid_mode_e lid_last_mode;
tele_mode_e tele_last_mode;
Chassis_Power_Data_s Chassis_last_Power_Data;
uint8_t last_Vision_fire;
uint8_t Last_Motor_Temperature;
} Referee_Interactive_info_t;
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
* @file rm_referee.C
* @author kidneygood (
* @brief
* @version 0.1
* @date 2022-11-18
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2022
#include "vision_transfer.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "crc_ref.h"
#include "bsp_usart.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "daemon.h"
#include "bsp_log.h"
#include "cmsis_os.h"
#include "remote_control.h"
#define RE_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 128u // 裁判系统接收缓冲区大小
static USARTInstance *vt_usart_instance; // 裁判系统串口实例
static DaemonInstance *vision_transfer_daemon; // 裁判系统守护进程
static referee_info_vt_t referee_info_vt; // 裁判系统数据
static VT_ctrl_t vt_ctrl[2]; //[0]:当前数据TEMP,[1]:上一次的数据LAST.用于按键持续按下和切换的判断
* @brief 读取裁判数据,中断中读取保证速度
* @param buff: 读取到的裁判系统原始数据
* @retval 是否对正误判断做处理
* @attention 在此判断帧头和CRC校验,无误再写入数据,不重复判断帧头
static void JudgeReadVTData(uint8_t *buff)
uint16_t judge_length; // 统计一帧数据长度
if (buff == NULL) // 空数据包,则不作任何处理
// 写入帧头数据(5-byte),用于判断是否开始存储裁判数据
memcpy(&referee_info_vt.FrameHeader, buff, LEN_HEADER);
// 判断帧头数据(0)是否为0xA5
if (buff[SOF] == REFEREE_SOF)
// 帧头CRC8校验
if (Verify_CRC8_Check_Sum(buff, LEN_HEADER) == TRUE)
// 统计一帧数据长度(byte),用于CR16校验
judge_length = buff[DATA_LENGTH] + LEN_HEADER + LEN_CMDID + LEN_TAIL;
// 帧尾CRC16校验
if (Verify_CRC16_Check_Sum(buff, judge_length) == TRUE)
// 2个8位拼成16位int
referee_info_vt.CmdID = (buff[6] << 8 | buff[5]);
// 解析数据命令码,将数据拷贝到相应结构体中(注意拷贝数据的长度)
// 第8个字节开始才是数据 data=7
switch (referee_info_vt.CmdID)
case ID_custom_robot: //0x0302
memcpy(&referee_info_vt.ReceiveData, (buff + DATA_Offset), LEN_self_control);
case ID_remote_control: //0x0304
memcpy(&referee_info_vt.VisionTransfer, (buff + DATA_Offset), LEN_remote_control);
// 首地址加帧长度,指向CRC16下一字节,用来判断是否为0xA5,从而判断一个数据包是否有多帧数据
if (*(buff + sizeof(xFrameHeader) + LEN_CMDID + referee_info_vt.FrameHeader.DataLength + LEN_TAIL) == 0xA5)
{ // 如果一个数据包出现了多帧数据,则再次调用解析函数,直到所有数据包解析完毕
JudgeReadVTData(buff + sizeof(xFrameHeader) + LEN_CMDID + referee_info_vt.FrameHeader.DataLength + LEN_TAIL);
static void vt_to_rc(void)
// 鼠标解析
vt_ctrl[TEMP].mouse.x = referee_info_vt.VisionTransfer.mouse_x; //!< Mouse X axis
vt_ctrl[TEMP].mouse.y = referee_info_vt.VisionTransfer.mouse_y; //!< Mouse Y axis
vt_ctrl[TEMP].mouse.press_l = referee_info_vt.VisionTransfer.left_button_down; //!< Mouse Left Is Press ?
vt_ctrl[TEMP].mouse.press_r = referee_info_vt.VisionTransfer.right_button_down; //!< Mouse Right Is Press ?
// 位域的按键值解算,直接memcpy即可,注意小端低字节在前,即lsb在第一位,msb在最后
*(uint16_t *)&vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS] = referee_info_vt.VisionTransfer.keyboard_value;
if (vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].ctrl) // ctrl键按下
vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS_WITH_CTRL] = vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS];
memset(&vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS_WITH_CTRL], 0, sizeof(Key_t));
if (vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].shift) // shift键按下
vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS_WITH_SHIFT] = vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS];
memset(&vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS_WITH_SHIFT], 0, sizeof(Key_t));
uint16_t key_now = vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS].keys, // 当前按键是否按下
key_last = vt_ctrl[LAST].key[KEY_PRESS].keys, // 上一次按键是否按下
key_with_ctrl = vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS_WITH_CTRL].keys, // 当前ctrl组合键是否按下
key_with_shift = vt_ctrl[TEMP].key[KEY_PRESS_WITH_SHIFT].keys, // 当前shift组合键是否按下
key_last_with_ctrl = vt_ctrl[LAST].key[KEY_PRESS_WITH_CTRL].keys, // 上一次ctrl组合键是否按下
key_last_with_shift = vt_ctrl[LAST].key[KEY_PRESS_WITH_SHIFT].keys; // 上一次shift组合键是否按下
for (uint16_t i = 0, j = 0x1; i < 16; j <<= 1, i++)
if (i == 4 || i == 5) // 4,5位为ctrl和shift,直接跳过
// 如果当前按键按下,上一次按键没有按下,且ctrl和shift组合键没有按下,则按键按下计数加1(检测到上升沿)
if ((key_now & j) && !(key_last & j) && !(key_with_ctrl & j) && !(key_with_shift & j))
// 当前ctrl组合键按下,上一次ctrl组合键没有按下,则ctrl组合键按下计数加1(检测到上升沿)
if ((key_with_ctrl & j) && !(key_last_with_ctrl & j))
// 当前shift组合键按下,上一次shift组合键没有按下,则shift组合键按下计数加1(检测到上升沿)
if ((key_with_shift & j) && !(key_last_with_shift & j))
memcpy(&vt_ctrl[LAST], &vt_ctrl[TEMP], sizeof(VT_ctrl_t)); // 保存上一次的数据,用于按键持续按下和切换的判断
/*裁判系统串口接收回调函数,解析数据 */
static void VTRefereeRxCallback()
// 裁判系统丢失回调函数,重新初始化裁判系统串口
static void VTRefereeLostCallback(void *arg)
LOGWARNING("[rm_ref] lost referee vision data ");
/* 裁判系统通信初始化 */
VT_ctrl_t *VTRefereeInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *vt_usart_handle)
USART_Init_Config_s conf;
conf.module_callback = VTRefereeRxCallback;
conf.usart_handle = vt_usart_handle;
conf.recv_buff_size = RE_RX_BUFFER_SIZE; // mx 255(u8)
vt_usart_instance = USARTRegister(&conf);
Daemon_Init_Config_s daemon_conf = {
.callback = VTRefereeLostCallback,
.owner_id = vt_usart_instance,
.reload_count = 30, // 0.3s没有收到数据,则认为丢失,重启串口接收
vision_transfer_daemon = DaemonRegister(&daemon_conf);
return &vt_ctrl;
* @brief 裁判系统数据发送函数
* @param
void VTRefereeSend(uint8_t *send, uint16_t tx_len)
USARTSend(vt_usart_instance, send, tx_len, USART_TRANSFER_DMA);
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#include "usart.h"
#include "referee_protocol.h"
#include "robot_def.h"
#include "bsp_usart.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "remote_control.h"
#pragma pack(1)
// 此结构体包含裁判系统接收数据以及UI绘制与机器人车间通信的相关信息
typedef struct
xFrameHeader FrameHeader; // 接收到的帧头信息
uint16_t CmdID;
vision_transfer_t VisionTransfer;
Communicate_ReceiveData_t ReceiveData;
uint8_t init_flag;
} referee_info_vt_t;
#pragma pack()
* @brief 裁判系统通信初始化,该函数会初始化裁判系统串口,开启中断
* @param vt_usart_handle 串口handle,C板一般用串口6
* @return referee_info_t* 返回裁判系统反馈的数据,包括热量/血量/状态等
VT_ctrl_t *VTRefereeInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *referee_usart_handle);
* @brief UI绘制和交互数的发送接口,由UI绘制任务和多机通信函数调用
* @note 内部包含了一个实时系统的延时函数,这是因为裁判系统接收CMD数据至高位10Hz
* @param send 发送数据首地址
* @param tx_len 发送长度
void VTRefereeSend(uint8_t *send, uint16_t tx_len);
#endif // !REFEREE_H
@ -5,15 +5,21 @@
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "daemon.h"
#include "bsp_log.h"
#include "referee_protocol.h"
#include "rm_referee.h"
#define REMOTE_CONTROL_FRAME_SIZE 18u // 遥控器接收的buffer大小
// 遥控器数据
static RC_ctrl_t rc_ctrl[2]; //[0]:当前数据TEMP,[1]:上一次的数据LAST.用于按键持续按下和切换的判断
static uint8_t rc_init_flag = 0; // 遥控器初始化标志位
// 遥控器拥有的串口实例,因为遥控器是单例,所以这里只有一个,就不封装了
// 第二个串口实例,有可能出现问题
static USARTInstance *rc_usart_instance;
static DaemonInstance *rc_daemon_instance;
@ -103,6 +109,7 @@ static void RemoteControlRxCallback()
static void RCLostCallback(void *id)
DaemonReload(rc_daemon_instance); // 遥控器没数据也可以喂狗
memset(rc_ctrl, 0, sizeof(rc_ctrl)); // 清空遥控器数据
USARTServiceInit(rc_usart_instance); // 尝试重新启动接收
LOGWARNING("[rc] remote control lost");
@ -133,4 +140,4 @@ uint8_t RemoteControlIsOnline()
if (rc_init_flag)
return DaemonIsOnline(rc_daemon_instance);
return 0;
@ -113,6 +113,20 @@ typedef struct
uint8_t key_count[3][16];
} RC_ctrl_t;
typedef struct
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
uint8_t press_l;
uint8_t press_r;
} mouse;
Key_t key[3];
uint8_t key_count[3][16];
}VT_ctrl_t; //图传链路下发的遥控数据
/* ------------------------- Internal Data ----------------------------------- */
@ -123,6 +137,7 @@ typedef struct
RC_ctrl_t *RemoteControlInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *rc_usart_handle);
* @brief 检查遥控器是否在线,若尚未初始化也视为离线
@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
* @Descripttion:
* @version:
* @Author: Chenfu
* @Date: 2022-12-02 21:32:47
* @LastEditTime: 2022-12-05 15:29:49
#include "super_cap.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
static SuperCapInstance *super_cap_instance = NULL; // 可以由app保存此指针
static void SuperCapRxCallback(CANInstance *_instance)
@ -17,18 +11,20 @@ static void SuperCapRxCallback(CANInstance *_instance)
SuperCap_Msg_s *Msg;
rxbuff = _instance->rx_buff;
Msg = &super_cap_instance->cap_msg;
Msg->vol = (uint16_t)(rxbuff[0] << 8 | rxbuff[1]);
Msg->current = (uint16_t)(rxbuff[2] << 8 | rxbuff[3]);
Msg->power = (uint16_t)(rxbuff[4] << 8 | rxbuff[5]);
Msg->input_vol = (int16_t)(rxbuff[1] << 8 | rxbuff[0]);
Msg->cap_vol = (int16_t)(rxbuff[3] << 8 | rxbuff[2]);
Msg->input_cur = (int16_t)(rxbuff[5] << 8 | rxbuff[4]);
Msg->power_set = (int16_t)(rxbuff[7] << 8 | rxbuff[6]);
SuperCapInstance *SuperCapInit(SuperCap_Init_Config_s *supercap_config)
super_cap_instance = (SuperCapInstance *)malloc(sizeof(SuperCapInstance));
memset(super_cap_instance, 0, sizeof(SuperCapInstance));
supercap_config->can_config.can_module_callback = SuperCapRxCallback;
super_cap_instance->can_ins = CANRegister(&supercap_config->can_config);
PIDInit(&super_cap_instance->buffer_pid, &supercap_config->buffer_pid_config);
return super_cap_instance;
@ -38,6 +34,15 @@ void SuperCapSend(SuperCapInstance *instance, uint8_t *data)
void SuperCapSetPower(SuperCapInstance *instance, float power_set)
uint16_t tmpPower = (uint16_t)(power_set * 100);
uint8_t data[8] = {0};
data[0] = tmpPower >> 8;
data[1] = tmpPower;
SuperCap_Msg_s SuperCapGet(SuperCapInstance *instance)
return instance->cap_msg;
@ -1,21 +1,16 @@
* @Descripttion:
* @version:
* @Author: Chenfu
* @Date: 2022-12-02 21:32:47
* @LastEditTime: 2022-12-05 15:25:46
#ifndef SUPER_CAP_H
#define SUPER_CAP_H
#include "bsp_can.h"
#include "controller.h"
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct
uint16_t vol; // 电压
uint16_t current; // 电流
uint16_t power; // 功率
int16_t input_vol; // 输入电压
int16_t cap_vol; // 电容电压
int16_t input_cur; // 输入电流
int16_t power_set; // 设定功率
} SuperCap_Msg_s;
#pragma pack()
@ -24,17 +19,19 @@ typedef struct
CANInstance *can_ins; // CAN实例
SuperCap_Msg_s cap_msg; // 超级电容信息
PIDInstance buffer_pid; //缓冲功率闭环控制参数
} SuperCapInstance;
/* 超级电容初始化配置 */
typedef struct
CAN_Init_Config_s can_config;
PID_Init_Config_s buffer_pid_config;
} SuperCap_Init_Config_s;
* @brief 初始化超级电容
* @param supercap_config 超级电容初始化配置
* @return SuperCapInstance* 超级电容实例指针
@ -42,10 +39,18 @@ SuperCapInstance *SuperCapInit(SuperCap_Init_Config_s *supercap_config);
* @brief 发送超级电容控制信息
* @param instance 超级电容实例
* @param data 超级电容控制信息
void SuperCapSend(SuperCapInstance *instance, uint8_t *data);
* @brief 发送超级电容目标功率
* @param instance 超级电容实例
* @param power_set 超级电容目标功率
void SuperCapSetPower(SuperCapInstance *instance, float power_set);
#endif // !SUPER_CAP_Hd
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